photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
How’s by you?
Weather is still cold or at least to me. LOL I am doing well just getting busier as the holiday season kicks into high gear. I actually plan to avoid most of the events I have been invited to. LOL
I meant to ask how are thing with you also. LOL
things with me are fine, other than I wouldn’t mind a few more degrees on the thermometer.
Morning all. I hope your goes as uneventfully as mine did. Unless of course, you want it to be eventfull.
that should read “your Tuesday.”
LOL I am hoping my is uneventful as well. We will see. I have to get ready and head out for work. Everyone have a great day!!!!
I’ve got the vet comming first thing Wednesday morning (about 10 hours from now) to neuter Inti and possibly do a surgical repair on Pacha’s herniated umbilisis. And all four alpacas need their shots. I love coralling and wrestling with alpacas that are stronger than I am. It’s the best way to start the day that I can think of.
Good thing I have a massage scheduled later in the day to work out the kinks.
Hi keres!
I’ll take an uneventful day like yours. There’s been too much excitement at Chez Cabin lately. 🙂
I hear you. I’ll take boring most any day. Boredom is completely under-rated.
I think living where you do and having that eclectic menagerie disqualifies you from claiming a boring life.
what Andi said.
Really, except for the critters, I do lead a most boring existence.
Of course, on the critter front, I do get lots of entertainment.
For example, last evening there was a momma paddymelon in the back yard with a joey who was just barely big enough to leave her pouch racing around the rushes. Think of a baby rabbit with really long legs hopping about and you’ll have an idea of what the joey looked like.
And earlier today Inti and Sandy broke out of their pasture and Luna and I had to put them back. Good thing they really like alfalfa, or I’d still be out there trying to get them back in the paddock.
Hi keres.
I think you lead an exciting life. First with the animals, but just the stuff ya’ll do daily is much more than most people.
I talk a good story is all. If you didn’t have to go to a job everyday, you might be stuck at home putting up gutters on the sheds or syphoning the bath to water the garden, etc. as well. 😉
That said, I do try to present some of the positives of “opting out” of the western life-style that takes all the underpinnings of life for granted.
Water, and all other material things in our lives are precious, and should be treated as such. I’m lucky enough to be able to give them just a portion of the time and energy that they truly deserve.
And on that note, I’m off to bed – to rest up for my morning of alpaca wrestling.
Night all.
That’s what I was talking about. Just with the water and stuff, your daily existence to me is far from boring. Most people here will talk about how bored they are, but they never get out from in front of the TV.
How is everyone this morning? Andi, I think your cold weather from yesterday has arrived in my neighborhood.
I have been up since 4 AM (yawn)…I need to meet multiple work deadlines by the end of the day so I can go to Drinking Liberally tonight. 🙂
Too bad it’s just spreading, instead of vacating.
Hope you’ve got time for a nap — getting up a 4 a.m. is not, in my experience, a great combination with going out drinking (unless you like to nap over your drinks).
The potential nap is my reward for working quickly. Need to be done my outline by nine, then 2 abstracts need re-writing and I can snooze.
Good morning everyone. It’s cold down here. 19 F right now.
I am impressed. Is everyone in a state of shock?
I have to admit we’re finally putting on coats down here.
Gotta take George out. See ya’ll later.
Morning from the north coast. We got about 2.5 inches of snow overnight. Just enough to coat everything and make it look very pretty. I’ll have to remember how to scrape the windshield of the rental car. I imagine it’s a skill that comes right back to you! 🙂
Hi SN.
Lucky you and snow. Other than snow how is everything going?
Pretty good. I’m sad to go. It’s always really hard leaving my son. 🙁
I’ll bring you some snow. 🙂
I’ll be looking forward to the snow, but you’d better bring an ice chest along.
I didn’t know you’d be leaving you son. How long will it be?
Got to run downtown. See ya later.
Bundle up your overcoat
When you’re on a spree
Take good care of yourself
you belong to me
Well, it’s a leetle possesive but the sentiment is heartfelt.
Nearly over this cold/flu thing that has been slowing me down-I’d tried with a bit of success to think of it as just another altered state.
Ran another poetry/spoken word open mic at our local anarchist cafe last night-it went better than last time (my first hosting, didn’t have any trouble with the sound equipment) with more people reading but only lasted about an hour-I need to advertise more.
Stay warm, froggies!
Do people take turns at the mike an anarchist cafe? If so, how do you decide the order?
Morning all.
I’ve got an hour to get ready for the vet and it’s drizzly cold outside, just to add to the fun of outside surgical proceedures.
Luna is still snoring away on the couch. Albert is on his morning rounds, looking for what trouble (or bedroom) he can get into.
Apparently there’s a large brush fire not to far from us (about 10k away), but I haven’t seen any signs of it yet. That would explain why the neighbors were all stocking up on water yesterday.
With any luck the cooler weather will allow the firefighters to put it out today.
was the kind that makes me a little sorry I live in the woods and can’t get a clear shot of the sky.
Andi that’s a great picture, but it reminds me of one of those deep in the woods horror movies. Haven’t seen any bigfoots or Freddy lately have you?
I live with him (size 15).
That’s gorgeous. A clear view would be good but the bare branches do add something … impressionistic to it.
Lovely Andi.
The drizzle has cleared up here, and the day promises to be at least partially sunny.
The vet came and went without too much drama (Sandy threatened to spit at both the vet and I for pinning Inti down – but decided in the end that we were not really hurting him). Everyone has had their shots and Inti is a little less of a boy than he was this morning.
Pacha, as I suspected, has an umbilical hernia. The vet wants to give it two more weeks to see if it will start to close up on it’s own. If it doesn’t, then we’ll have to take her in for a bit of surgery.
hasn’t been boring at all.
Yesterday was boring. Today, not so much.
I was just glad that I was able to get Nina and Pacha confined, and Inti with a lead rope on, all by myself. Imogen left for the north part of the state yesterday, and won’t be home until this evening.
The vet was certainly good with alpacas, which helped tremendously.
Inti is still a bit woozie from the sedative.
I hadn’t really thought about vets being with specific kinds of animals — is the way one would deal with alpacas significantly different than other herd animals?
Most vets are better with some species than with others species – and it pays to get one who is particularly good with the one you want worked on. This is even more true with “exotics.”
I’ve had goats, sheep, horses, alpacas, and even a donkey. And while they are all herd animals they all behave somewhat differently. Even dairy goats are different from Angora goats, in that the latter tend to be more “fatalistic” and stop struggling once you’ve got a good grip on them – which is similar to sheep. Horses tend to want to please and are easily intimidated. Donkeys deserve their reputation for stubborness, but (unlike most horses) will put up with a lot if they think you are trying to help them.
Alpacas are not mutual groomers and don’t like to be handled at all, which is very different from most other herd animal that like a good scratch or a pat. My donkey looooved to have her mane scratched, and it was mostly that that allowed me to tame her so quickly (she was a wild caught burro I adopted from the BLM).
what’s going on with the ducks?
Not much, which is the way we like it. About six months ago we got down to three girls and a boy – Molly, Boogie, Snert and Heckle. Day before last I found a nest under a pine tree that Snert was just starting to sit, but the ducklings hadn’t started developing yet, so Luna and I ate the eggs (scrambled with homefries).
Since I can’t really seem to keep enough water in the pond for them to bathe in, I’m thinking I’ll look for a kiddie pool, or a similarly shaped container, at the tip shop when I’m in town later today.
The chickens are fine as well. A few weeks ago I found out that my photo of them that I sent into Earth Garden Magazine got me a free one year subscription. 😀 Since I don’t really make money, I work hard at saving it, including taking advantage of my photographic skills to win freebies whenever possible.
For once, I can match an experience of yours — we got a free renewal of our subscription to Geotimes (geology magazine) for a picture of an obsidian flow in oregon.
The obsidian flows in Oregon are amazing. I’ll have to look for my photos of them sometime.
Now, it’s time for me to head to town. Say “Hi” to Sasquach and the other fur-persons for me.
for Inti’s sacrifice.
Thank you.
It’s no sacrifice.
In fact, if we’d left him intact he would have had a very lonely life separated out from the rest of the herd. Now he gets to be put back in the same paddock with moma and little sis, and he couldn’t be happier – if still a little bit straddle legged.
Social life with Mom & Sis vs. the lone wolf life of a vigorous, young alpaca on the make.
It’s hardly “on the make” when you are securely fensed in. It’s not like he’s got his own car.
it looks like someone finally put a match to the pilot light in the sky.
Is Bud still clean? Or have you let him out to play?
clean, but the foot odor has slowly/surely returned. It’s the only drawback to bassets – I think it might be the ears. They just smell. But I still love him.
How goes it? Have you thawed out yet?
his nose smells, his ears stink. 🙂
Got up into the 40’s today so a lot of ice melted. But there are still people without power — who are getting VERY crabby. And who can blame them?
until the crowd capacity limit is exceeded
well it appears that pony will be parked for a long time
A cafe at 8:30 pm? I come wandering in from a MoveOn/Drinking Liberally event and we only have a cafe? Have we no pride? Where is the amphibian bravado we have seen in days gone by? Where is the noble reach that ne’er exceeds our grasp? Where is the damn bar?
The bartender has really fallen down on the job. And he used to be so good …
he’s still at work 🙁
I’ll have the hookah ready in a sec.
Work? Good Lord, somebody cover FM’s ears.
Ah, life. Good to see you, mary.
the Hookah is lit. Come on over.