And here is why.

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(Originally written as a comment on Booman’s recent post Chris and Markos: Wrong on Impeachment. And then seriously quacked up.)

Chris and Markos have BOTH been bought off.

As has been every other so-called “left-wing” opponent of the idea.

Bought off.

One way or another.

Bought and sold

It makes no difference if the money passes under the table, is legally given in payment for work or advertising, is in the form of fame (Money down the road plus the always wonderful “I’m FAMOUS!!!” endorphins.) or power. (Money down the road plus those equally glorious “I’m POWERFUL!!!” endorphins.) It makes no difference whatsoever.

Acceptance of the “For the good of the country” anti-impeachment meme simply means that one has become part of the country that would be helped by not impeaching BushCo.

Well…that’s another country.

Another country than the one in which I live, for SURE.

It is a country where “The richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of global household wealth.” The one in which “the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total.”

Where I live?  Closer to “In contrast, the bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth.” (All from the new study on The World Distribution of Household Wealth by the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University. You could look it up. I gotta run.)

Impeach their asses and start over again.

And, in whatever manner this works on other levels (“As above, so below” say some fairly wise folks.) impeach motherfuckers who claim to speak for the left but in fact do not do so.

Read on if you are interested.

Acceptance of that anti-impeachment meme is prima facie evidence of bought-and-soldness, as far as I am concerned.

Or of course, sheer sleeple stupidity. Which I do not think applies to these two. Or to many other lefty righties either.

They are acting in their own short-term self interest, whether they are aware of it or not.

Acting in the short term interest of their families.

Put it any way you want.

They are probably short term and personally correct.

But they are long term wrong like a motherfucker.

No other way to put it.

Bought and sold.


Personal friendship will not cut it here.


Go away.

Or go down with the ship upon which you have apparently signed.

Because as the immortal Micheal Ray Richardson once said about one of the several basketball teams on which he coked out his marvelous talents (Was it the Knicks? The Nets?), “The ship be sinkin’.”

The ship be sinkin’.

ANY dumb motherfucker ought to be able to see THAT.

Plain as day.

Scuttle the motherfucker and start over again.

Nothing else makes a lick of sense.


Get rid of Bush.

Get rid of BushCo.

Discredit the creditor-run cretins like James Baker and every TV muttering head who opposes impeachment.

Tighten our belts.

And begin all over again.

It’s the only way out of this.


The quackmire continues.

The Quacker Report
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James Quacker and the rest of the establishment ducks are all in a row. They all agree that we should get out of Iquack.

Immediately if not later.




“It’s a QUACKMIRE” says head duck James Quacker as the rest of them peckerwood redneck quackas croak their agreement.

“Yes, get OUT of Iquack. And into Saudi Iquackia and elsewhere in the neighborhood, where we can mind them raghead Al Quaqas’ Ps and Qs while they slaughter each other…keep ’em in that one little pond, if y’know what I mean…. and then go swim in that big ol’ pool of oily water uncontested.”

“Thank you very much.”

James Quacker (Né Quackenabush.)


Give us a BEAK!!!

I mean, a BREAK!!!

Impeach the lot. Send ’em all to Fallujah for a nice, fair trial.

Just like the poor get here.

As the fat blog ducks quack “Don’t impeach. It’s quacktically incorrect!!!!!!”

FUCK their quacktics.

They’re just paddling for more crumbs of bread.


“Vy a duck?”

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Seemed like a good idea at the time…