Cynthinia McKinney gets the ball rolling, on her way out of Congress.
Resolved, that George Walker Bush, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following Articles of Impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate….
—Articles of Impeachment filed today by Rep. Cynthia McKinney
PDF & story courtesy free-lance journalist Matt Pascarella
Word is just breaking Friday night. Guerilla News Network promises to have exclusive video up soon.
The PDF of the Articles is 8 pages and boils the case against the administration down to 3 articles:
1. Failure to preserve, protect, & defend the Constitution;
2. Abuse of office & of executive privilege;
3. Failure to ensure the laws are faithfully executed.
Article one includes lying to start the Iraq war.
Article two covers the wrongdoing of others in the administration: Cheney and Rice.
Article three covers the illegal wiretapping scandal.
Pascarella has the inside story — follow the link to his blog.
I love Cynthia McKinney. She will be missed, but she will be re-member-ed.
Well this is very interesting, I wonder if it will be on the news tomorrow…I do think as she says in the article linked, this will at the very least open up the discussion. Can’t wait till Sunday to see if it’s a topic on morn. talk shows.
pay any attention to this. Most people believe she is a whack job. Why can we not get someone who will still be there in January to do this?
“Most people believe she is a whack job.”
and also:
“Why can we not get someone who will still be there in January to do this? “
The question is thoroughly answered by the previous statement.
And by what means was the condition referenced in that previous statement achieved?
Thed whacking of Cynthia McKinney?
Through the media.
INCLUDING much of the so-called left blogosphere.
No matter WHERE the propaganda surfaces.
You know…it is just now beginning to come clear to me why I encountered so much violent resistance on dKos when I first floated that NEWSTRIKE!!! idea.
Reality once again shows me just how dense I really am.
Took me a year and a half to figure THAT one out.
I was as “hypnotized” by the blog hype as the sleeple are by the TV hype.
NOT just hypnotized.
Once you have been hypenotised (And almost all of us HAVE been. All of us who were presented with the tube at a pre-conscious age, for SURE.) you are forever at heightened risk of being hypenotised again.
Just like any other junkie.
Well, I for one continue to try to wake the fuck up.
Even though the layers of dream seem endless.
Any day now.
AAAaaaany day…
Are ya WITH me!!!???
NOT “I have a dream.” (Pace, Martin.)
“I have NO dream!!! Only what is.”
Are ya WITH me?
She’s one of the few “representatives” who went to Washington unafraid of george’s mafia.
I am so sick of watching good people defeated because somebody says they’re nuts. Why can’t we relax and admit that we’re all nuts? This attack is generally aimed at women and most of us don’t mind it any more.
I’m grateful to her for trying, and will continue to ask my reps to act on this bill.
Thank you, Alice. I too have no patience for those who dismiss her as deranged, delusional or arrogant. McKinney was and is one of the only Representatives to interrogate members of the Department of Defense and Bush’s administration during the last Congress. She has also provided ample evidence regarding the racism undergirding the event involving the altercation with a police officer. That she had to serve as the sacrificial object, or scapegoat, for the Democratic party in their quest to gain a majority is utterly offensive. And then to read “progressive” bloggers who ridicule her. But then again, the “progressive” blogosphere has a very limited understanding of the CBC, of African-American politics and of racism in particular. Perhaps one day the little boys at DailyKos, Swing State Project and MyDD will finally learn.
“…the ‘progressive’ blogosphere has a very limited understanding of the CBC, of African-American politics and of racism in particular. Perhaps one day the little boys at DailyKos, Swing State Project and MyDD will finally learn. “
Little boys of that sort simply grow up to be good ol’ boys, louisianagirl.
Good ol’ boys v.2.
Or is it v.22 by now?
By their opinions ye shall know them.
Those who dismiss McKinney as deranged, delusional or arrogant?
Know them.
Know thine enemy, no matter what label (s)he wears.
I mean, maybe Ms. McKinney is a little arrogant, but that’s a good thing. After all, she was directly and publicly confronting the basic racist structure of the system…the one that extends right from Welfare America to Fallujah, Managua, Belgrade and Darfur, the one that allows the richest 10% of people in the world (and guess what ancestry about 98% of THEM share) to control 85% of the world’s total wealth while 50% of the world’s population…ditto on guessing the predominant races of THAT group…to own only 1%. It takes more than a little arrogance to stand up in front of THAT tank brigade. Bet on it. Supported by…what? How many people voted for her in this last election? How many people…of ALL races…nationwide had her back while she was being stepinfetchited by the national media? A national media that INCLUDES blogs like My DD and the Daily Kos. Bet on THAT now, as well. Like I said, ye shall know them by their opinions. Do NOT await their awakening. Ain’t gonna happen.
Listen…we are in a virtual version of a rapidly shifting street battle here.
Just like in Iraq or Fallujah. Only the weapons are different.
People you considered as allies one minute are firing on you the next.
Choose your allies well.
…and Pelosi hates her. Really hates her. That dust-up with the Capitol Hill cops gave Pelosi the grease for the skids.
This one is in Pelosi’s face. This is what the Dem majority should have in supply when Bush keeps acting like the ISG report was just rain rolling off his slicker.
I would be VERY curious to see the racial makeup of the neighborhoods in which Ms. Pelosi grew up.
The schools she attended.
I would love to hear the conversations around the dinner table when the relatives came a’calling.
I really would.
Do you know which ethnic group all up and down the Northeast Corridor of the US was most guilty of “white flight” when black people began moving out of their ghettos?
I know this for a living fact, having moved INTO those changing neighborhoods for well over 40 years in both Boston and New York in search of a border neighborhood where I could both afford to live and not have my white ass stick out TOO damned strongly on the street when I came home from gigs at 3 AM.
Pelosi is the daughter of one Italian mayor of Baltimore and the sister of another. (Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr. and Thomas D’Alesandro III)
I wonder how THEY got elected?
She graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. in 1962. Largely if not completely SEGREGATED Trinity College in segregated Washington, D.C. at the time.
Here is her father’s biography:
And here is her brother’s.
Now color me suspicious, but…
I KNOW Baltimore a little. from both sides of the color line. I played at the Left Bank Jazz Society’s Sunday jazz get togethers a number of times in the ’60s and ’70s (This was a Baltimore tradition, this Left Bank Jazz Society. A predominantly black Baltimore tradition at the time. Bet on it.) , and I have worked in that city often as a musician in the ensuing years. I have also worked on both sides of the color line in Baltimore’s sister cities Wilmington, DE and Washington DC. Philly, too. I know which way the racial winds blow in that area, and HAVE known since the middle ’60s..
Baltimore is, was and remains to this day essentially a segregated city. As far as I am concerned the real Mason-Dixon line starts somewhere just south of Philadelphia (Maybe even further north…like just south of the Canadian border. I like to call in the Manson-Nixon line.) and clearly includes Wilmington, Baltimore and DC in its purview.
Now Ms. Pelosi grew up the daughter and sister of mayors of this segregated city, and went to college at a Catholic school in Washington DC before “civil rights” was much more than a dream for most of the black population of the at that time THOROUGHLY UnSista-ed United States of White America.
Let me ask you…how many uppity black sistas do YOU think she encountered in her formative years?
Or for that matter during the REST of her life.
Not very damned many, I will guarantee.
Bet on it.
This is the basic fault with most of the white power structure now in place in the the US. Business, political AND military. With the sole exception of Bill Bradley, I cannot think of ONE WHITE PERSON IN A POSITION OF REAL POWER who I can imagine EVER having had a person of color as a real role model.
Certainly not as a general rule, for sure.
So when Cynthia McKinney stands up and (righteously) raises holy hell, Ms. Pelosi’s whole subconscious upbringing screams…ohhh, I don’t even want to THINK of what it screams.
Ugly like a motherfucker, though.
Bet on that as well.
And there we jolly well are, aren’t we?
Ruled by white racists who probably are not even conscious of their own racism.
Hard to reform when you do not know you have a problem, even with the best of intentions.
And there we jolly well are…
She can’t even integrate!!!
Not really.
Not deep down in in her brittle little soul of souls.
So it goes.
Keep the faith.
And be surprised by nothing.
She’s one of the few “representatives” who went to Washington unafraid of george’s mafia.
Or ‘centrist’ Democrats who are responsible for her loss and equally responsible for the meek little man who replaces her. Centrist Democrats like their black folks willing to lie and follow orders. Courage, being something they lack, frightens them.
Hence Arthur Davis (DLC-Alabama), who is Ellen Tauscher’s obedient slave.
Thanks for that, Alice. Completely agree.
And it’s SUPER important we now tell our Reps how important this is to us, before they blow this off with the usual beltway inanities.
Thanks for this!
As I noted on my blog, it’s good that someone in Congress has the gumption to formally bring up the need to impeach this corrupt regime. McKinney has over the years earned my respect as one of the few voices actually willing to speak out on matters that Bu$hCo and the usual beltway idiots in both parties would just as soon sweep under the rug. Regrettably I doubt too many in Congress, whether from the pathetic excuse for a legislature that we currently have or the one we get next year, will follow the example she set by introducing Articles of Impeachment.
The representatives answer to US.
If they don’t show any excitement or action over this it’s because we haven’t pressed them too.
“…if you’re looking for the guilty party, you need only look in the mirror.” – V in V for Vendetta.
I applaud McKinney’s courage. It’s significant that she is the only Member of the Do and Know Nothing 109th Congress to do the right thing and impeach the actual criminal in the white House.
But that courage is diminished in my mind by this question. Why did she wait until she was out the door? Why didn’t she submit this bill of impeachment to the House while her campaign was still running?
Rep. McKinney is not a whack job. Unfortunately, this makes her look like a run of the mill politician more interested in getting re-elected than in doing the right thing. In this she is no different than any one of the other 434 members who should have done the very thing she has now done. Too often politicians think that in order to the right thing they have to get elected first. This is precisely what makes them politicians and not leaders.
Maybe if Rep. McKinney had submitted this bill on Oct. 9 instead of Dec. 9 she’d still get a chance to vote on her measure.