It is becoming increasingly clear to moderate, realist, reality-based Republicans of the sane variety that, if the President doesn’t quickly do a 180 on Iraq, he and his Vice-President will have to be removed from office. How do I know? This is how I know.
A document that many in Washington had hoped would pave the way for a bipartisan compromise on Iraq instead drew sharp condemnation from the right, with hawks saying it was a wasted effort that advocated a shameful American retreat.
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page described the report as a “strategic muddle,” Richard Perle called it “absurd,” Rush Limbaugh labeled it “stupid,” and The New York Post portrayed the leaders of the group, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, a former Democratic member of Congress, as “surrender monkeys.”
Republican moderates clung to the report, mindful of the drubbing the party received in last month’s midterm elections largely because of Iraq. They said they hoped President Bush would adopt the group’s principal recommendations and begin the process of disengagement from the long and costly war. But White House officials who conducted a preliminary review of the report said they had concluded that many of the proposals were impractical or unrealistic.
Now, there are those that are merely ‘mindful of the drubbing the party received in last month’s midterm elections’. They make up one part of the emerging bipartisan impeachment coalition. But the more compelling contingent are the ones that are absolutely in a panic over our Iraq policy. If they can’t convince the President to pay attention to them, they will have no choice but to take him out any way they can.
The Iraq Study Group put to a permanent end all the happy talk, spin, and talking points over Iraq. It’s a disaster. Even if Bush listened to the ISG’s recommendations it would still end in disaster. But, in that scenario, Bush would at least be able to buy some time. His refusal to take the gift is putting the Washington Establishment in a bind. The Brits are freaking out, the Republicans and Democrats are freaking out. They cannot and will not accept Bush’s stance. Bush does not even have much of a constituency to argue his case. Rick Santorum would be willing to do it, but he is leaving office.
Rumsfeld turned on the war and is gone. Jane Harman lost her seat on Intelligence. Lieberman was kicked out of the Democratic Party. The Republicans have very little to gain by sticking with the President.
If Bush doesn’t make a dramatic change of course, he will leave the GOP no choice but to accede to impeachment proceedings. The exact pretext for Bush and Cheney’s removal, and the make-up of the caretaker government, will have to be quietly worked out, but you can be sure that the long knives are out and many power players are going to be spending the holidays plotting out scenarios that will get us out of this nightmare…and fast.
We can talk all we want about where the public is, or how we’d do better to focus on other things, but that is utter, total, hogwash. Nothing can be done until Bush recognizes that Iraq is a total loss and begins to act rationally. If he won’t, and there are no signs that he will, then it won’t be the Dems that are the leading force behind impeachment…it will his own father’s people. It will be the big business Republicans. They don’t give a damn whether the rank and file bought all that propaganda about Islamofascism or not. They’ll send out the signal and the media will get on board.
All the Dems have to do is provide the direct constitutional crisis that leads to articles of impeachment and the rest will take care of itself.
You cannot ignore the wisemen of Washington on matters of urgent foreign policy.
It will be the big business Republicans.
Or as we used to say, the “Eastern monied establishment”. Think you’ve called the correct gored ox this time.
Given that the GOP no longer has a platform for any pushback I still am betting the Rep moderates pony up for a leap right over the Dems and draw up their own papers of Impeachment. Otherwise they have another Custer on their hands and the day after that last stand will be what we are left with.
the Iraq policy of Mr. Bush will not change with VP Dick Cheney still in office!
NYT: “Through most of the Bush administration, the neoconservatives’ idea of using American military power to advance democracy around the world prevailed, pushed along by Vice President Dick Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I think this is true. I think that some version of a complete fall-apart scenario is in progress now– that Bush has been both warned and offered a lifeline by the Baker report.
I’m expecting a Saigon moment in Iraq soon. I don’t see how Bush can forestall it.
The media monkeys who support him are themselves out there alone —
If they suddenly stopped spinning there would be no there there. No opposition to pulling in the rug.
Only a loud silence.
And we have been told that Murtha speaks for the military. (That must mean some segments of the military.) And Murtha speaks louder and clearer all the time.
I’m expecting a Saigon moment in Iraq soon. I don’t see how Bush can forestall it.
A Saigon moment definitely in the cards.
Comment downthread, “Brits find Americans are not welcome, can’t be trusted and the CIA undermines.
Months of secret American talks with insurgents broke down. (Shheez. no, we don’t talk to the enemy)
see why Poppy is in tears.
that would be nice, I am more fearful of a Dien Bein Phu
Retired Maj Gens John Batiste and Paul Eaton, who is called the “father of the Iraqi army,” plus Col Thomas Hammes, have appeared together and separately to call for Rumsfeld’s removal. Before hearings and on Countdown and other news channels, these three men have been outspoken.
Batiste and Eaton began as early as 2003, calling for oversight –
Batiste resigned so that he would be free to speak his mind. I’m looking forward to hearing from these conscientious leaders in the coming days and months.
In addition, there is a marvelous speech by Bill Moyers to West Pointers, currently at TruthOut. In it he points out several historical situations in which the president took the country into an undeclared war, and what options are open to a dissenting army officer. Moyers also takes Rupert Murdoch to task for his dismissive remarks about the casualty rate in Iraq.
The Brits are more than freaking out
A confidential report of “serious-tensions” splits open as wide as the Atlantic ocean that separates the two.
-The Independent UK, Sunday Edition
Go read:
Patrick Cockburn: The Americans don’t see how unwelcome they are, or that Iraq is now beyond repair. The main purpose of Bush invading Iraq was to retain power at home.
British Military Chiefs say CIA is undermining British war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan
That, as the Brits say, is a damning indictment. How happy is Blair? His defense secretary must be pulling more than just Blair’s hair.
and George continues to fiddle while Bagdad burns.
The best way to further the divisions between moderate Republicans and the wingnuts is to concentrate on the neocon ideology of US dominance in the Middle East that drove the invasion. Make the moderates choose between endorsing the neocon ideology or not. There is no other reason to support the war. This will effectively turn Iraq into a wedge issue: dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.
This will require de-linking Iraq from the GWOT. Iraq is not a threat to the US and never has been. If you want to fight terrorists, then lets fight terrorists, and not the Iraqi’s.
If Dems play it like that, they will be able to force withdrawal weather the president likes it or not.
Where can we find this mythical creature you speak of? Have you noticed our national debt lately? The supposedly sane, pro-business Republicans have been revealed as charlatans. They only care about personal wealth and profit, not the good of the country. I assume they will kill stupid crap like this 80 percent solution that Cheney supports, because alienating Sunnis worldwide is bad for business, but there is a long way from that to supporting impeachment.
You may be right, but I will believe that the current batch of Republicans would even think of impeaching one of their own only when it begins to happen. Most of the so-called “moderate” Republicans lost last month. Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch are going to support impeachment because it’s good for the country? Yeah, right. Tell me another fairy tale.
I don’t understand why this isn’t being pointed out more, but the ISG is STILL trying to privatize Iraq’s oil reserves. Buried in the fine print of the ISG report is the demand that Iraq must fully privatize Iraq’s oil reserves. It’s a non-negotiable point. The ISG report even says it’s a non-negotiable point.
There’s been no chance in the REAL target of the Iraqi invasion. Iraqi oil fields. Baker is a “realist,” I suppose. He’s dressing the true goal up behind a fat wall of diplomatese and faux bipartisanship instead of partisan dogma, but the true goals of the US invasion of Iraq hasn’t change one damn bit. The ISG demanded Iraq oil industry control be centralized in Baghdad. No portion of the Iraqi oil wealth are to be fractioned out to any of the factions fighting one another. That oil is to be handed over to the multinational oil companies. The only difference is Baker is willing to let international diplomacy succeed at stealing all Iraq’s oil wealth where Bush’s bumbling military failed.
I think you are overly optimistic. The gentility of this country have never demonstrated a willingness to act against one of their own. They may speak out, they may pressure, but I have never seen action.
There seems to be a strong belief in the right of a powerful person to make their own mistakes. We are the inheritors of Rome, after all, and Bush is very much a Nero-type. Nero was allowed to govern and govern and govern, no matter how bad it got.
For that matter, in this case, I don’t think that even if Poppy Bush’s people tried to take down Shrub that they could. I think that the FOX/Murdoch/Limbaugh power bloc wouldn’t listen and I don’t think the Dems have the chops to push the right way to make the change.
We’re very much up shit creek now. This will probably play out slow and gruesome. The real nasty point will be when a Dem gets elected in 08 (if it happens) and then doesn’t withdraw. Because they might not. It’s a nasty world and nasty people have a lot of power.
Hear, hear! Congrats on the link from Huff Po on this diary; a worthy choice.
Oops; meant Raw Story. I have graduate student finals brain fog. Keep it up–you’re feeding me the essentials!