Former President Jimmy Carter is back on the talk-show circuit demonizing Israel in pursuit of “peace”. Here’s what he’s been saying:
* Israel is the primary obstacle to peace in the region
* UN Resolution 242 demands that Israel return to Palestinians all land up to the 1967 borders
* The West Bank is Palestine
* Israel is an apartheid state
* The PLO has never advocated the annihilation of Israel
* Voices from Israel dominate in the U.S. media
* Israel is responsible for the exodus of Christians from the Holy Land
Which of these allegations do you see as false?
UN Resolution 242 states, “Retrait des forces armées israéliennes des territoires occupés lors du récent conflit.” Do you want to argue over ‘des’?
The West Bank is Palestine. What else would it be?
Israel is not an apartheid state, the occupied territories are another matter. And that is what Carter appears to be saying.
As far as I know, the PLO has advocated the annihilation of Israel, but is that really what Carter is saying?
Voices from Israel, or Israeli supporters here in America, definitely have a large voice in U.S. media. All you have to do is watch European news for a few days and this will be readily appararent.
I have no idea if Carter has suggested that Israel is responsible for the exodus of Christians from the Holy Land. If he did, I would argue that his formulation is simplistic and his rhetoric is bad. Israel is not intentionally forcing Christians out, but most Christians there are Arabs. And they may be leaving for the same reasons Muslim Arabs are leaving.
I have become more and more concerned about thefts of land by Israelies, and the use of the wall to destroy the structure of life for persons who have lived in this area for hundreds of years.
I become livid when I read about the destruction of olive trees and citrus trees.
Q: In your book, you often take care to mention that the Palestinians include both Muslims and Christians. Do you have particular concerns about the situation of the Christians in the territories?
A: There has been a tremendous exodus of the Christians from the West Bank and Gaza as a percentage and also in their totality, and this has been a disappointment to me to see that. One of my major commitments in public life for almost 30 years has been to bring peace to Israel, and with its existence accepted by all nations, and, of course, one major step there was to evolve a peace treaty between Israel and its most formidable adversary, Egypt, and I think that this premise has been for Israel to exist within its own legal borders as defined by the United Nations resolutions, by the Oslo agreement, by the Camp David accords, and even by the quartet’s recent road map, and to let the Palestinians, and the Syrians, and the Lebanese have their own territory.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Israel is getting away with all sorts of behavior which would, in any other state, be considered fascist.
And, yes, voices from Israel DO dominate in the US media, compared with voices from Palestine.
One of the worst things I’ve read concerns all the checkpoints that Israel has set up in the West Bank and Gaza. In the last 6 years pregnant women have had to wait up to 4 hours or longer to get past checkpoints to get to hospital. Many have given birth right at checkpoint and some women and babies have died because they were not allowed past checkpoints. Of course the same holds true for anyone trying to get past checkpoints for medical care or not being allowed through no matter their medical problem.
The quality of daily life for Palestinians is very low. Imagine if you yourself needed to go to the store 1 mile away, but had to wait 4 hours to get past the checkpoint halfway there. This would be tremendously annoying, and the annoyance just gets worse every day.
And the main thing is that, for the Palestinians, there is NO light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, in the future, things look worse.
So, we have 1) unemployed youth with 2) daily aggravation and annoyance with 3) no hope for the future and with 4) an enemy right there. SO, WHY ARE WE SO FUCKING SURPRISE ABOUT SUICIDE BOMBERS? I would probably be one myself in that situation.
Apparently, Israel is also responsible for the hearbreak of psoraisis.
Yep, 4 out of 5 bloggers agree.
well, I’ll be damned.
Make that three out of five
Jewish groups in the US have petitioned against his use of the word “apartheid” – the system which underpinned white minority rule – to describe Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
In other interviews, Mr Carter – whose Camp David summits helped end the decades-old conflict between Egypt and Israel – has rejected accusations of anti-Semitism which some critics have levelled at him.
The achilles heel of Israel’s crimes against humanity is the confiscation and illegal occupation of Palestinian land. The state of Israel seizes every opportunity for propaganda moments and elude accountability.
● Offending Valerie — Dealing with Jewish Self-Absorption by Kathleen Christison
● Israel Supreme Court backs targeted killings
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I would have agreed.
Now, Israel is creating a ghetto.
Just like the Nazis in WWII in Warsaw, where the Jews were walled in the ghetto, they have created a palestinian ghetto.
So, I wouldn’t use “apartheit”. I would use “ghetto-ization” or “concentration solution” myself.
about Israel even if it was a fairly mild version of the truth. The usual total propoganda and whitewash our people get on this subject would have Dr. Goebbels salivating in his grave at the extent of propoganda success over reality.
Luckily little of the rest of the world is spoonfed the Israeli propoganda our people are.
It appears the author has decided he doesn’t care to reply, contrary to his bio: “I like to comment on the the politics of the Middle East.”
Perhaps he might deem it apropos, to enlighten us Re: the politics of Pakistan…that would be interesting.
Nah…not likely…Troll