Got your pencils ready? Let’s go!
Note: For the sake of simplicity, I am using the word “terrorist” for groups who are sometimes known as “insurgents” or “freedom fighters” or “separatists”. This is not to imply condemnation or acceptance of their stated aims, methods or ideology.
1) In the late 19th and early 20th century, this terrorist group assassinated or attacked several world leaders:
A) Anarchists
B) Communists
C) Socialists
D) Muslim Brotherhood
2) In the United States, this group was responsible for assassinating how many Presidents?
A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
3) The perpetrator(s) of these attacks were:
A) Detained indefinitely but never charged
B) Executed on the spot
C) Tortured until they confessed
D) Given a regular trial in a regular court
4) As a result of these attacks worldwide and domestically, the United States government:
A) Suspended habeas corpus
B) Declared members of suspect group(s) were “unlawful combatants”
C) Detained members of suspect group(s) indefinitely
D) Authorized torture or “coercive interrogation
E) Gave law enforcement organizations sweeping new powers
F) Prosecuted the offenders normally under existing criminal law
5) The United States gained use of Guantanamo Bay (Cuba):
A) By purchasing it from the Cuban government for 12 million dollars
B) By seizing it in a military action and annexing it as part of the United States
C) By defeating Spain, installing a puppet President in Cuba and then being “offered” a perpetual lease over the area.
6) Approximate number of “detainees” in the “War on Terror” currently housed in Guantanamo Bay:
A) 10
B) 50
C) 100
D) 500
E) None
7) Approximate number of “detainees” in Guantanamo Bay tried by a military commission:
A) 10
B) 50
C) 100
D) 500
E) None
8) Approximate number of “detainees” in Guantanamo Bay found proven guilty by military commission:
A) 10
B) 50
C) 100
D) 500
E) None
9) The first terrorist group to regularly and systematically employ suicide bomber attacks:
A) Al-Qaeda
B) Muslim Brotherhood
C) Jemaah al-Islamiyah
D) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
E) Islamic Jihad
10) The group in Question #9 has assassinated this many heads of state:
A) None
B) One
C) Two
D) Three
11) Most of the members of the organization in Question #10 are adherents to this religion:
A) Shi’ite Islam
B) Sunni Islam
C) Buddhism
D) Hinduism
12) In the last 15 years, which of the following nations/regions suffered regular terrorist attacks:
A) Indonesia (Aceh)
B) Northern Ireland
C) Senegal
D) Burundi
E) Nepal
F) Sudan (South)
G) All of the above
13) The nations/regions in Question #12 that continue to be plagued by terrorist attacks:
A) Indonesia (Aceh)
B) Northern Ireland
C) Senegal
D) Burundi
E) Nepal
F) Sudan (South)
G) All of the above
14) The process that stopped terrorist attacks in the countries/regions listed in Question #13 was:
A) Overwhelming military force
B) Bribes, death squads and extra-judicial killings
C) Mass detentions of suspected terrorists or sympathizers
D) Political negotiations
E) Thousands of paid contractors/mercenaries
15) Terrorist group with the largest number of armed members worldwide:
A) Al-Qaeda
B) Jemaah al-Islamiyah
D) Abu Sayyaf
E) Islamic Jihad
16) Currently there are terrorist groups whose members are all Christian:
A) True
B) False
17) According to the United States and Israel, there are terrorist groups whose members are all Jewish:
A) True
B) False
18) The FARC terrorist group fights predominantely in:
A) Philippines
B) Indonesia
C) Iraq
D) Colombia
E) Kosovo/Serbia
19) The NPA terrorist group fights predominantely in:
A) Philippines
B) Indonesia
C) Iraq
D) Colombia
E) Kosovo/Serbia
20) The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group fights predominantely in:
A) Philippines
B) Indonesia
C) Iraq
D) Colombia
E) Kosovo/Serbia
21) The relation of the United States government and the FARC is:
A) None
B) The U.S. government is allied or sympathetic to this group
C) The U.S. government funds the government to fight this group and has military “advisors” in country
22) The relation of the United States government and Abu Sayyaf is:
A) None
B) The U.S. government is allied or sympathetic to this group
C) The U.S. government funds the government to fight this group and has military “advisors” in country
23) The acronyms UDN, FARN and MILPAS refer to:
A) American code names for terrorist leaders in Colombia
B) Economic agreements to block funding for terrorist groups in Iran
C) The different groups who collectively became known as the “Contras” in Nicaragua
D) American military operations against Islamic terrorists in Africa
24) The ARENA was a terrorist group operating in:
A) Honduras
B) Colombia
C) Nicaragua
D) El Salvador
25) The relation of the United States government and the “Contras” was:
A) None
B) The U.S. government was allied or sympathetic to this group
C) The U.S. government funded the government to fight this group and had military “advisors” in country
26) The relation of the United States government and the ARENA was:
A) None
B) The U.S. government was allied or sympathetic to this group
C) The U.S. government funded the government to fight this group and had military “advisors” in country
27) Today the “Contras” are:
A) Disbanded and no longer in existance
B) A legitimate political party which has renounced violence
C) Still a terrorist group
28) Today the ARENA are:
A) Disbanded and no longer in existance
B) A legitimate political party which has renounced violence
C) Still a terrorist group
29) The Boland Amendment was:
A) A Congressional resolution that passed unanimously in 1982 that froze funding and outlawed assistance to the “Contras”
B) A Congressional resolution that passed unanimously in 1982 that froze funding and outlawed assistance to the Muslim Brotherhood
C) A Congressional resolution that passed unanimously in 1982 that froze funding and outlawed assistance to the ARENA
D) A Congressional resolution that passed unanimously in 1982 that froze funding and outlawed assistance to the FARC
30) The “Iran-Contra Affair” primarily concerned:
A) Iran’s funding and arming of the “Contras”
B) The sexual involvement of the “Contra” leader with Ayatollah Khomeini’s daughter
C) The Reagan administration’s illegal sale of weapons to Iran in exchange for money to arm and equip the “Contras”
D) The various Shi’ite insurgencies in Central America inspired by Iran’s 1979 revolution
31) The “Iran-Contra Affair” first came to light as a result of investigative reporting by:
A) Newsweek magazine
B) The New York Times
C) The Washington Post
D) Lebanese magazine Ash-Shira’a
32) Number of people convicted in the American government for participation in the “Iran-Contra Affair”:
A) 24
B) 12
C) 3
D) None
33) Number of convictions overturned or pardoned:
A) 24
B) 12
C) 3
D) None
34) Number of “Contras” shielded from prosecution by the Reagan administration for selling narcotics in the United States:
A) None
B) 5
C) 10
D) 50
35) Which of the following countries is not currently officially designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism by the United States government:
A) North Korea
B) Iran
C) Cuba
D) Sudan
E) Syria
F) Libya
G) None of the above
36) This country was removed from the United States official list of State Sponsors of Terrorism in 1982:
A) Soviet Union
B) Libya
C) Iran
D) Cuba
E) Iraq
F) Syria
G) None of the above
37) Who is Orlando Bosch?
A) Former CIA operative
B) A member of an FBI-designated terrorist organization
C) A convicted terrorist who killed people in many countries, including the United States
D) A permanent legal resident of the United States
E) A man pardoned of all crimes by President Bush
F) All of the above
38) Who is Luis Posada Carriles?
A) Former CIA operative
B) A member of an FBI-designated terrorist organization
C) A convicted terrorist who killed people in many countries, including the United States
D) A legal resident of the United States
E) A close friend of Roger Noriega, former Asst. Sec of State for Bush
F) All of the above
39) Who is Iyad Allawi:
A) Iraq’s first head of government after Saddam Hussein was deposed
B) Iraq’s first Prime Minister of the American-installed “Iraqi Interim Government”
C) A founder of the Iraqi National Accord terrorist organization
D) A British source for “intelligence” about Saddam Hussein’s “possession” of WMD prior to 2003
E) A citizen and resident of Britain
F) A man related to Ahmed Chalabi
G) Former CIA operative
H) All of the above
40) What is/was “Operation Gladio”:
A) A secret CIA/British intelligence operation in Italy
B) An alliance with neofacists to influence, sabotage and control post-WW2 elections
C) An alliance with secretive Masonic groups to create covert operatives high up in Italy’s government
D) An organization operating illegally in neutral or Communist countries to sabotage Communist and Socialist movements
E) An organization of paramilitary units to carry out clandestine acts in democratic nations without the knowledge of the respective governments
F) A plan to create and operate shadow right-wing governments in democratic nations
F) All of the above
41) Who is Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman:
A) A prisoner in Colorado who was convicted and sentenced in an ordinary court of law
B) A man who participated in terrorist activities in the United States
C) The leader of an Egyptian terrorist group
D) A legal resident of the United States
E) A man closely aligned with Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the organization which assassinated Egypt’s president in 1981
F) All of the above
42) Sheikh Abdel-Rahman spent time in jail in Egypt and was an associate of:
A) Ibn Taymiyah
B) Sayyid Qutb
C) Osama bin Laden
D) Ayman al-Zawahiri
E) Abdullah Azzam
F) Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
G) None of the above
43) Who is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar:
A) Pashtun warlord who was allied with the Taliban
B) Associate and ally of Sheikh Abdel-Rahman
C) A designated terrorist and war criminal by the United States
D) Former recipient of billions of dollars from Pakistan’s ISI and American CIA
E) Former recipient of extensive funding from Saudi Arabia
F) Former ally of current Afghan military chief Abdul Rashid Dostum
G) Former Prime Minister of Afghanistan before the Taliban
H) All of the above
44) Al-Qaeda is an Arabic term meaning:
A) Death to Infidels
B) The Holy Sword of the Prophet
C) Defender of the Faith
E) The Base
F) The Database
45) Al-Qaeda became an organization approximately in:
A) 1954
B) 1988
C) 1993
D) 1999
E) 2001
46) The name Al-Qaeda was first used by Osama bin Laden in:
A) 1954
B) 1988
C) 1993
D) 1999
E) 2001
47) The predecessor organization that Al-Qaeda grew out of was:
A) Islamic Jihad
B) Muslim Brotherhood
48) The majority of the 9/11 hijackers were nationals of:
A) Israel
B) Iran
C) Iraq
D) Syria
E) North Korea
F) Saudi Arabia
G) None of the above
49) Which of the following are currently officially designated terrorist groups by the U.S. government:
A) Lord’s Resistance Army
B) Committee for Eastern Turkistan
C) United Liberation Front of Assam
D) Hamas
E) Eastern Shan State Army
F) None of the above
50) What was Operation Condor:
A) A plan by the San Diego zoo to save baby condors
B) A PAC set up to support Condoleezza Rice’s presidential bid
C) An American military plan to kill Fidel Castro with an exploding cigar
D) A campaign financed and organized by the United States to kill, abduct and torture tens of thousands of people in Latin America
E) A campagin financed and organized by the United States to promote literacy, democracy and freedom in authoritarian countries in Latin America
Good luck!
Ok soj after feeling half way smart for decent knowledge on previous quiz I’ll be lucky if get even ten right on this one. I obviously know almost nothing on this subject…so can’t wait to get the answers to nudge the brain along.
I got a bunch of work to do here but I’ll get them answers up… I guess I was kinda trying to be more political with this one than the last one 😉
This one has me feeling like a blubbering idiot. What’s next: a quiz on the history, culture, and wars in the Balkans?
I was thinking one on Iraq… like how much do we even know about the country and people(s) of Iraq?