Something dawned on me while I was reading Chris Cillizza’s take on Evan Bayh dropping out of the presidential race…and no…it wasn’t how crushingly boring I find 2008 articles right now.

Cillizza pointed out that one winner in Bayh’s decision is Harry Reid. I hadn’t thought about it but we are going to have a problem keeping all our Senators in Washington DC for key votes. We already have to contend with Senator Tim Johnson’s ill health. But the list of Senators that are thinking about running for president is quite long. We have Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, and John Kerry. Bayh would have been another missing vote.

Biden, Dodd, and Kerry are the top three ranking members of the foreign relations committee. Obama is ranked seventh. They won’t even be able to hold a hearing in 2008. And if they do, it’ll be painful to watch them all compete for sound bite headlines. What a dreadful spectacle.