photo courtesy olivia
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More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hello Andi. Ready for a hard day of work?
Nope. I want to be just like you and be ready for a hard day of complaining about retirement. 🙂
I keep telling ya this retirement isn’t everything it said to be. I mean tring to get four nap a day isn’t easy. I keep looking back and thinking, I wished I could work that hard again. Yeah sure. 😉
Good morning Andi and FM.
I feel much the same way as you do, Andi.
But I have a few years to go.
I have years to go too — but that doesn’t stop my wishful thinking.
Stop it. You like your job or you wouldn’t be doing it.
I like my salary. I like the people at my company. I am sometimes challenged by the work. But no, I don’t like my job; I don’t hate it either.
OK I can understand that. But Andi, what would you really like to be doing? I can rememer back in my job I liked it because people came to me asking questions. I was sort of the answer guy. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed that.
I want to be doing nothing — think I can get someone to pay me for that. 😉
I’m just tired of working, FM and I know I’m not going to be able to retire for a long time so all I can do is whine. You have my permission to ignore me. 🙂
LOL Andi. What the heck do you think I was doing while I was working. I looked forward to the day I could retire. The first year or so is good, but after that you want something to do. I’m a slacker so what’s to do? So I excell at slacking. 🙂
You are my role model.
Thank you, I thought I was everyones role model. 😉
Good morning all.
Hi ask. If you’re like me when the time comes you’ll be saying I miss it. From the nap man it sounds funny, but I really do like my job. Honestly when you went to Africa and I was telling you to drink enough water. I thought that was the most exciting and giving thing. To me your job is something I would like to do.
I do not complain about the work itself, which is almost always interesting. Office politics can be destructive, though, and diverts focus from where it is actually needed. We’ve had a bit too much of this during several years of ‘restructuring’.
While I was in the military I moved to a new office ever two years. I completely undersrtand about office politics. The one good thing about moving as much as I did was if I was in a really bad office, I knew I would go somewhere else in a year or two. I’ve left some really horrible places and some places I I really loved. A office is only people, just like anywhere in the world, you meet some good one and some real asses.
Every two years! That’s a lot of moving – how long were you in the service?
20 years and not a day more. I did spend five years in Texas. Not good. I’ve said it before, but I wished I could have retired in Europe. Gosh I really loved it there.
Good morning all. My area is still unseasonal, it’s in the 30’s here right now but going up.
Yesterday I think it hit 80, and it’s not doing a damn thing to help with the Xmas mood. Want cold weather, like in the 50s. Yeah, go ahead and laugh at the tropical nut.
Good morning everyone!
Hi BobX!
We had 65-degree weather here in the northeast yesterday, and it is making it almost IMPOSSIBLE to get all Christmas-ed up! Not to mention the fact that the warm weather is trashing my wreath on the front door…
It must be even harder with 80-degree weather. That’s beach weather! 🙂
80s sounds good to me.
‘Morning, Bob (if you’re still around).
I promise I’m not laughing at you.
Greetings, folks. Gorgeous photo above, Miss O. Perfectly beautiful.
Another gorgeous mild blue day here in NC – hard to believe it’s Christmas time.
I hardly decorated at all this year, but my mantel makes me happy when I look at it.
Makes me happy to look at it too, SN. Very pretty, very elegant.
On minimal decorating: it’s quality, not quantity, imo. One lovely candle can do more for the spirit than a houseful of tchochkes.
I’m too lazy nowadays for serious decorating.
How’s christmas in the tropics? Do you and your mom have a palm tree that you decorate? 🙂
Nope — that’s the city’s job. Most palms in public areas are twined with lights.
I created a tree for us with tinsel, garlands & streamers on one of our windows. It’s rather pretty. Mom wasn’t into anything real (or faux-real).
Honestly, though, I’d concur with some of the opinions farther up-thread. It’s hard to scare up the Christmas spirit in August.
Isn’t today your daughter’s surgery? Or is it tomorrow?
Now I see. You’ve mentioned the ‘warm weather Christmas oddity’ as well. Need more coffee.
Her surgery is tomorrow. It should be a day filled with sitting and waiting and worrying, followed by watching her throw up. :/
Good luck to Daughter and don’t you worry to much.
What kind of surgery? Is it her teeth?
I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
rhinoplasty. We asked for the Michael Jackson nose. 🙂
Ouch. Well, at least she’ll be looking great by the time classes start again in January.
Is everyone home from school now? Is the oldest Nature Boy coming down for the holiday?
Everyone will be here as of tonight, and the oldest boy will not be coming down. 🙁 I just saw him a few weeks ago though, and he’s doing well.
How long will your boys be off? and when does the elder go to Outward Bound?
The guys have a half-day Friday, and that’s the start of vacation. They go back on the 2nd, and the elder is supposed to head off to OB on the 8th of January, although we’re still waiting for confirmation of that (he has a phone interview with them this afternoon, and I think that’s the end of what we need to do for that).
Are you finished your Christmas shopping yet? I think I’m about half done. I just need to “suck it up” and go out and finish what’s on my list.
OMG – do not go shopping during regular hours! Go after 9 pm if you can. I’m telling you it’s hellaciously crowded out there.
I scaled way back on Christmas this year only giving one or maybe two to each of the kids and none to my extended family except my mother who always gets money and gift certificates to her favorite grocery store. I have done that ever since I walked into my grocery store where I used to live and saw her at the checkout counting nickels to buy a loaf of bread as the cashier rolled her eyes in disgust.
I’ll take your word for it and go late (I forgot that things are open after 9 this time of year – duh!). Luckily, I don’t have too many stops to make, and last Friday afternoon our local mall was empty – we parked right by the door, and there was almost no one in the place.
I must live in a very materialistic area because the stores have been swamped since thanksgiving.
Everybody heard SN was going to start shopping and wanted to get to the stores before they were cleaned out. 🙂
Heh. I’m not that big of shopper, FM. I go out alot but I don’t usuallyl buy anything. I just like looking.
How was your nap?
I hate to do that. Usually I know what I want when I go out and just get it. I used to hate to go shopping with my youngest daughter. I would give her a certain amount of money and she would hit every store possible and come out with 2 or 4 things and be within 10 to 15 cents of what I gave her. My oldest daughter I would give the same amount and she would always get one thing and need more money for just it.
The nap was OK. I’m thinking I need a pre Happy Hour nap.
I just need to get out of the house most days, just for a little while. So I go to the thrift stores, or I just sit at the park for awhile and think. I hate when I have to shop. I only like shopping when it’s my own idea.
You only have an hour before happy hour, at least in EST.
It the quality of the nap, not the quantity. 10 minutes or an hour can be the same.
On the shopping I think the only type of shopping I like to do is grocery shopping.
What’s with these blonde babes in the advertisements lately? I’m getting a pie-ish feeling about it.
SOS, as far as I can tell, Alice. The use of babes in advertising began with advertising itself & it sure didn’t stop with pie. At least there’s no whipped cream in this one.
BTW, the pie ad worked out very well for that advertiser, since so many people clicked the hell out of it. Best thing to do if the babes make you uncomfortable is to turn down the bait.
approach BooMan with your feelings.
I looked at the video when Tracy talked about its insistence that she was going to hell. The religious aspect of it is more offensive than the sexual enticement, which I’m used to by now. Perhaps that’s what it takes to boost baptist popularity on youtube. You’re right – S Really Old S.
That’s curious in that apparently more women than men frequent this site.
We’re supposed to project, methinks.
Who’s home or lurking?
How’s it going FM.
Oh pretty good. I’ve got to get something to eat myself. How’s things there?
But it’s cloudy and green again.
I’m off to a meeting. Catch up w/ you later!
Ooooh! Snow!
Ahh — the magic circle. Good to see you both!
Thanks for sharing a bit more of your personal history above, FM. I’m always interested in getting to know us better.
Cath you later, Miss O!
Thanks again for the lovely image!
Hi WW. How’s the back?
‘Bout the same, FM. I think it’s simply a matter of tension, inspired by environment. I fear the entire barrier island will collapse into the sea before I can get off of it!
How y’all doin’?
Thanks for asking.
Well I hope it gets better. One good thing though, you have missed hurricanes this year.
True — there’s been absolutely nothing! In fact, now, at the end of the ‘rainy season’ the aquifers/water supply are desperately low; water conservation warnings are in place.
Not that folks seem to be paying attention. ..
How’s your weather down there? Leaves still falling?
Yep still falling and I haven’t picked up a one. I might have to give it a shot before Xmas.
Let ’em lie, I say. Nature will take care of it (otherwise the woods would have leaf-piles taller than the trees!).
Folks are so nutty about lawns — they clean away all the natural fertilizer & then pay money to add fertilizer (which are generally poisonous).
I say: if you want a perfect lawn, go live at the golf-course.
I would happily let them lay, but the family and neighbors wouldn’t like it too much. FMom hasn’t started with the hints yet, so I’m OK for awhile. 🙂
Good! You can just wait for word from your higher authority.
Speaking of authority, I’m heading out with Mom now to accompany her to the gas station & pump gas for her. Amazing how any American over age 22 doesn’t know how to use a gas pump, but here we are. Can’t imagine what she’ll do once I’m gone.
See y’all later, FM! Enjoy your day.
You too.
to Par-Tay! (link to new lounge)