Thank goodness the wait is over! The suspense was killing me … was the distaff little hottie from down south going to get a chance at redemption? Would Donald “I’ll spend other people’s money on incredibly ugly buildings” Trump do the good Christian American thing and give Tara Connor a second chance to keep her meaningless crown?
“I’ve always been a believer in second chances,” Trump, who owns the Miss Universe Organization with NBC, said with Conner at his side. Trump said he and Conner had met earlier Tuesday morning.
“She left a small town in Kentucky and she was telling me that she got caught up in the whirlwind of New York,” Trump said at a news conference. “It’s a story that has happened many times before to many women and many men who came to the Big Apple. They wanted their slice of the Big Apple and they found out it wasn’t so easy.”
Conner won the title in April and has been living in New York. Recent media accounts of heavy drinking brought a storm of criticism since she was underage at the time. She turned 21 on Monday.
In a tear-choked voice, Conner said, “In no way did I think it would be possible for a second chance to be given to me.”
Turning to Trump, she said, “You’ll never know what this means to me, and I swear I will not let you down.”
Trump said Conner would be entering rehab. A pageant official said details would be worked out privately with Conner over the next weeks.
“I think Tara is going to be the great comeback kid,” Trump said.
The American dream is reaffirmed! Poor dear, seduced by all of those wanton faggy secular humanists in the big, bad city. After all, why else would she have sunk to engaging in hot teen-on-teen action out in the clubs? That would NEVER have happened if she’d stayed home in her “small town”! Damn you New York, seducing yet another GOOD girl with your demon rum and wanton public orgies!
THIS is the most important story being covered on what passes for our media now … well, except for the mountain climbers/popsicles lost somewhere on Mount Hood. We are a deeply hypocritical and maladjusted culture, and stories like these are used to sell us the continued lie that we are an exceptionally “GOOD” people, full of forgiveness and selfless charity to those in need.
We like to say that we’re a land that believes in second chances, that if someone is sincere about changing their life we Americans will support and welcome them when they’ve picked themselves up, and we’ll do everything we can to help them. This is, of course, utter bullshit. You get second chances if you’re of the right class, the right race, the right connections. Otherwise the full weight of our government and rapacious tabloid media will be brought down on your head:
Like the bankruptcy bill or these “shaming sentences” this is part of the zero tolerance culture that we see emerging in the courts and elsewhere, where we have ritual public humiliations designed to “send a message” and where people can never escape the mistakes of their youths. This allows the powerful and the sanctimonious to indulge in the fiction that they are morally superior by forcing others to pay both publicly and forever. A zero tolerance society turns into a paranoid society very quickly.
If that picture just above had been taken at certain clubs in Brooklyn, Queens or parts of Los Angeles, and if a darker pretty girl in it had been tested positive for drugs, she’d be far more likely to be facing charges than a stay at a celebrity rehab center. Our enormous prison system is bulging with people who did the same things that Miss Perfect American is reported to have done. Unlike her, many who get caught doing drugs or acting out in public are put into the system, and once in the odds of them getting a second chance disappear:
The collateral consequences for people with criminal convictions are already severe. One misdemeanor can significantly diminish or outright ruin your chances for various types of employment, housing, financial aid, higher education, and licensing (not to mention its potential immigration consequences). These collateral effects of criminal convictions — most severe for people being released from prison — disproportionately harm the poor, creating a miserable cycle that makes it even more difficult for people in economically and educationally depressed communities to better their circumstances.
To make matters even worse, the FBI now wants to go beyond tracking “severe and/or significant offenses” (felonies and significant misdemeanors) and include on criminal history reports (accessed by employers and licensing agencies) “non-serious offenses” – from drinking in public to teenage vagrancy, traffic violations to urinating in public, loitering to disorderly conduct. As Michelle Chen observes in the New Standard, this “would foreclose employment opportunities for an untold number of people, disproportionately impact people of color, and invite the abuse of sensitive information.”
The majority of employers will not hire someone with an arrest or “infraction” history, and even the most meaningless of follies will cause heightened scrutiny of the applicant. Any negative information, no matter how minor or long ago, will inevitably be prejudicial towards the applicant. Compound the stigma of even a non-criminal record with the fact that numerous state and federal laws have made it increasingly easy for employers to perform invasive background checks, and soon people’s lives could be negatively impacted by the revelation of even the most minor indiscretions.
Tara Connor is just a pretty package around a big lie, the myth we nurture that America is the land of rebirths, a country inhabited by phoenixes rising from the ashes of their mishaps and mistakes, that we are a people nurtured in a culture that makes it possible to make of your life whatever you want to make of it. A small number of people gifted with health, beauty, wealth and connections DO get to have those chances, but many of us are one tumor, one broken bone, one bag of weed or drunken drive or company downsizing away from the immolation of all of our dreams. While Ms. Connor gets the best help that money can buy, we allow children to starve and go without healthcare. We allow cities to drown, repeating urban fables about looting and phantom monsters shooting at rescue helicopters on the one hand, while we spend days and large sums of money and manpower searching for three men who CHOSE to place themselves in danger.
Tear-stained blondes and helicopters hovering over snowy peaks serve to gloss over how unforgiving and hateful we have become toward one another. I have nothing against Ms. Connor, or the thrill-seekers in Washington, but the lack of proportion given to their stories while so many suffer without hope or opportunity is a sign of a deeply broken culture.
I fired off an upset message to ABC News – I’m on their “news alerts” list – and said, how could you possibly think this was worthy of an “alert”? Alerts are for things like Katrina. 9/11. The impeachment of George Bush (sigh, wishful thinking). But it is sure as hell NOT for whether Kara gets to keep her freaking crown.
I once called a news station and left a similar rant after they gave some 8 minutes to a fight between JFK Jr. and some paramour, caught on home video, in a park. I named about 10 stories in the news that day and asked how they could possibly rank the JFK story equal with any of the rest?
If we don’t speak out and yell out when the media tries to shove garbage down our throats, they’ll keep doing it. Because sadly, plenty of our neighbors are begging for the crap.
speaking of our brutal prison system, Monbiot has some more to say about it:
I was home for lunch today and found myself appalled that MSNBC decided to devote a full hour to this utter ninsense. Put the brat in rehab.
belong to those with
a)backing of powerful corporate interests
b)private militias.
{waving hello to Madman on my MsAmerikos float}
hi back!
Can we please, please, please, please, PUH-LEEZE stop, cease, desist and kill all of these awful pageants??? They serve no purpose but to perpetuate the sexy “virginial” madonna/whore crap that poisons healthy sexuality and relationships for all involved. It’s especially stupid when 93 percent of people admit to premarital sex by age 30, up from the 82 percent of people who turned 15 between 1954 and 1963 that had premarital sex before 30.
Anyway…no 20yo man pretends he’s pure as the driven snow unless he’s trying out for Promise Keepers. And even then, most of these types want to make sure they’re “men” (read: not gay) before they act repentant.
But it’s good to be the judge! Just ask donald.
The guy just creeps me out.
have his last second chance?
he’s had more than a few. Too bad most people don’t anymore.
I want to know what’s going to happen to that cockerspaniel he has on his head…or is that a wig?
Is it a cockerspaniel? I always thought it was a curled-up cat who landed on his head as punishment.
She was useful to Trump, otherwise she would have been sent packing. He gets the opportunity to depict himself in a light that many will find favorable. She does her tear thing for the cameras, he doesn’t have to say, “You’re fired.”. Tara gets a few more minutes of exposure. All is well with the world. Few would look any further.
There are likely more people watching the coverage of this idiocy than those who actually watched her being “crowned.”
And…coincidence of all coincidences, Trump televised her tear-fest right before his launch of his new show.
Somebody pass me a hanky.
Didn’t you know that the rules are different for pretty blonde women?
>>slaps forehead<<
oh, forgot …
In order to save the remaining shreds of my sanity, I have not been watching much TV lately, but just happened to flip it on yesterday just in time to catch that freakin’ unbelievable “Breaking News” flash. What in all living HELL have we come to in this country when THIS kind of SH*T is breakin… NEWS?!
And how lovely to watch yet another “Great White Father” dispensing his god-like mercy on some poor little blonde who has gone astray and partied a little too heartily while trying to bear the terrible burden of living in the Trump Towers and facing the horrendous challenges of manufactured celebrity. Whose world IS this? It sure as hell isn’t mine.
I almost blogged this myself yesterday. So many boxes to unpack. So little time. But this really pissed me off. The thing that really infuriated me is how much it trivializes the serious problem of addiction, which we criminalize and use as an opportunity to throw people away every day, into the bottomless pit of the criminal justice system.
This girl is probably not an addict. She’s just a kid acting out. But if she, in fact, is an addict, Trump hasn’t helped her. Addicts need to experience consequences. Not jail, necessarily, but consequences. She violated an agreement. She should have been fired. That would have been a consequence. Going off to some, no doubt, cushy rehab is not a consequence. It’s a vacation. No addict has a bottom so high that being forgiven by the Donald and sent to a resting hospital will force them to admit they are powerless over their lives.
she doesn’t matter to him, only the PR, maintaining the story.
Oh, it’s totally a publicity stunt. Look at Google news to see how much pick up this story has gotten. I would bet you my bottom dollar that it would not have gotten a fraction of the coverage if it ended predictably with her firing. And he’ll be able to milk it for months to come. Being unpredictable adds to his mystique and makes for good copy. He’s got great instincts. If only he would use that power for good instead of evil.
He’s smooth and pink, like a piglet! It looks like he took a belt sander to his face to get rid of the lines and wrinkles. And that hair dye is some cheap-ass shit. He’d look better wearing a wig.
Too effing funny…
yup, all those years of insanity and drinking haven’t been kind.
Supposedly, Chinese Democracy is coming March 6th now.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
how and why or whatfor. It’s Miss Universe! Just ignore them. I can’t give anything Miss Universe any more of my energy than ignoring them because then I’m giving it too much!
…this excellent critique couldn’t make it the Op-Ed pages of the megamedia. Nice work.
No more thinking allowed or needed.
Just take your pharmas… STFU, then all will be well!