I just forced myself to watch this mornings Bush news conference and came away from it with even more chills running up and down my spine than usual.
Someone asked him about his “legacy”. I’d heard his usual answer to that one before, (paraphrased: “No one will know how great I really am till long after I’m dead”.), when it occurred to me just how deadly dangerous this guy really is, because it’s true, he has NOTHING to lose.
He’s not up for reelection. He has wealth that will insure a luxurious life till he dies if he never works again. And there’s no need to worry even about his legacy because in HIS deluded, twisted mind, he can’t lose in that area either: he truly believes he will go down in long term history as a Great President, and if he doesn’t he’ll be too dead to care.
I knew a man once, a patient in the state hospital where I worked, who could have been his clone, had he been born to money and privilege. He was the most charismatic sociopath I’d ever met, and I’d met a lot of them. I spent most of my time after he came trying to keep my nurses and techs from getting totally sucked into this guys game: he was that good. He was also completely and permanently convinced he was put on this earth to rid it of all evil. (according to HIS perception of evil, of course.)
Unfortunately, to this fellow, “evil” tended to be most concentrated in older women the age of the mother he had slaughtered when he was 14 years old. Yet in time, with years of “good behavior” he had still managed to charm his way out of a maximum security hospital into ours, where he freely roamed the wards with a large number of, yep, older women patients.
I dreaded, but was not surprised to receive the phone call at 3am that he’d killed old Millie. She’d been bugging him for weeks. Several of us had not only predicted this outcome, we’d done everything in our power to get him out of there, to no avail. He had the docs in his pocket by then.
He was sitting calmly in the day room when I got there. There was no sign of remorse: in fact he looked more relaxed than he had in some time. When questioned as to why he’d done this, he simply said, with clear and direct eye contact, “She needed to go be with God.”
He had nothing to lose and everything to gain, in his own twisted psyche. He had done gods will and he knew there would be no consequences. He knew he’d be taken care of by the state for the rest of his natural life.
It is so hard for normal people to get inside a mind that is that twisted. To even imagine a mind that fixed in delusions, that lacking the normal conscience structure that just doesn’t exist in this kind of personality. To try to conceive of how anyone could behave in ways so deadly to others, and not only feel no remorse, but feel totally vindicated by their own internal delusions.
I am not attempting to diagnose Bush. I am only telling you that he gives me the same kind of chills this other man did. I hear the resolve and certainty in his voice about staying in Iraq till we succeed in eradicating terrorists: I see the glint of fervor in his eyes when he ratchets it up, and I feel like throwing up.
I don’t “pray”, as prayer is defined by Christianity. But I sure as hell am sending fervent wishes out there into the ethers, to any forces of good there may be, that there are those present in the higher levels of government who are preparing to do SOMETHING, and SOON, to take control away from this man and anyone around him who are any part of this.
I will also continue to do my own part by making my concerns known to those elected to represent me, and by speaking up and out wherever I can. It feels like so little, but it is what I CAN do, and I can do it over and over and over again. Please join me. Write, write, and write some more, directly TO those in office, as well as here on the blogs. Call, call and call some more and don’t stop. And for those able to take to the streets, there will never be a time when it is needed any more than it is now.
Am I over-reacting? I fervently hope so.
Hi scribe, here’s what I have been thinking, Bush is like the boil on top of the US and perhaps the world, are we going to wait till it pops and creates this huge pussy mess or medicate to prevent the popping or better yet lance the boil.
Another way to look at it is as a drug addict that we are all waiting to hit bottom so they can recover, time for an intervention, before bottom is hit.
I think the “speech” on Iraq will be a turning point as to public opinion, especially if he asks for troop surge.
I just caught the last part of his conference when he was answering questions and to me it seemed that all that he was saying about Iran and Syria could have been said about him.
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment. If not impeachment, if not war crimes, if not crimes against humanity, at the very least he should be removed from office for being mentally incompetent!
Let it be that the mass of Americans rise up and demand his removal right along with the rest of us here that know our country, even the world, cannot survive another 2 years of the “unitary executive” who sees himself above all laws and who will continue to do whatever he wants to do about anything and everything. The guy is delusional. He is a sociopath. He is psychotic. We need him out of power NOW and for all time.
I keep writing and calling my reps too, even though they are all repubs. . .I still keep at it.
Sounds like the three of us are certainly on the same page. 🙂 And yes, Diane, I thought the same thing as he was critizing the Iran President (who, incidentally, is also is getting voted down by HIS own people too) When enough of the people speak up to power, we are heard, sooner or later.
The man radiates sociopathy. It literally upsets my stomach to watch him and hear his voice. This would be true even if he were reciting nursery rhymes. I cannot for the life of me relate to the idea that Bush is “appealing” in some way. The folks that read him as a nice guy must filter out all the danger signs. Are they the same people who think Jerry Falwell is “godly”, and who write love letters to Ted Bundy? I would mention yet another charismatic leader, but this thread isn’t long enough for Godwin’s Rule to kick in. Maybe we need to teach “Elmer Gantry Recognition” classes in school.
Chosen ignorance.
And proof that, in America, money can buy anything, even the Presidency.
I was married to a sociopath and believe me they know how to charm the pants right off of you. The funny thing is, I don’t find anything endearing or charming about Bush. I agree that he is the world’s most dangerous man right now. Why? Because he is dilusional for sure. I also agree that everything this whole administration says about countries in the Middle East apply to them. It’s called projection I believe.
I will continue to write, call shout it from the streets as long as I possibly can until we are rid of these bastards.
Sounds like many of us had the same reaction to his analysis of the leaders of Iran and Syria – total projection. As I was thinking about that, I was wondering if anyone else could see it – and here we all are. Of course, I often think about that when politicians and pundits try to assign motives to others.
And I also wonder about people’s ignorance about this man. But in addition to being driven by ignorance, I also agree with scribe that his mind is so disturbed, people tend to underestimate the horrible paths it travels. In this sense, I think a lot of folks project their own goodness onto him in a way that could have serious consequences.
Fantasy is my friend. I am imagining Diane, Shirl, Susan, you, me, and a whole crowd of pond dwellers descending on the white house, four point restraints in hand, and a half dozen doses of heavy duty Haldol locked and loaded. Snow him under for a few days, followed by intensive, confrontational group therapy 24/7 in shifts, during which he will not be allowed to sleep because he will be perched on a platform with a hood over his eyes and electrodes attached to his jewels. (Note to the NSA: this is nothing more than a aging (and possibly demented) psych nurses fantasy, so relax, ok?)
Scribe, I had a good chuckle when I read this comment…beeeee careful, big brother is watching you know…lol.
Well..if I get disappeared I just know you guys will contact me, somehow…:)
I was thinking along the lines of Jim Jones myself, but in comparison, he was pretty small potatoes.
What kind of people admire a sociopath? There may be more of these than we like to think. Of course they might well say Bush seems like a nice guy.
What kind of people were raised to defer to a sociopath? That is a different sort of mental trance. But they would have to explain it away somehow. “Nice guy” might serve as well as anything.
What have I left out? As you say, Bush radiates so strongly it is impossible to imagine anyone not getting it.
Once he is gone from the Oval Office, GWB will still believe that historians will be writing books about him, trying to explain just how wonderful he was as president. He says he is reading such books about GW (our first president) himself. Ipso facto, if writers are still authoring books analyzing GW’s presidency and impact on history, they’ll be doing the same for his two hundered years from now.
Oh, they’ll be writing books, you bet. But like the ones written about Washington? Unh uh.
Do you all see where the slip of the cognitive cog occurred?
Of course your perceptions are right on, scribe & Bush is doubly dangerous as the right hand of a ghoul like Cheney.
However, imo: even if Bush Jr. perceives his personal legacy as mainly a matter of historical PR, Bush Sr. knows better & is attempting to wrest the family legacy from the neocon stain — ergo Junior’s karmic ass will likely be saved by neutering.
In my limited experience, this is how the WASP’s nest maintains equilibrium.
Which makes me even more grateful I was born in an anthill, and not a WASPS NEST.