I want to believe in the America they taught me about. George Washington could not tell a lie. Honest Abe. Yeah, that’s it. Where is that America? Where’s Crazy Horse (Malt Liquor)? Where’s Geronimo? Tell me again about how we are God’s gift to humanity. I need to hear it. I need to learn it anew.

Ah, fuck it. We won at trivia again tonight. That’s four weeks in five. Yeah, we know trivia. We know the story we’ve all been told.

Bring our soldiers home. Let us take care of them. We’ll figure out how to live in a new world. It was nice while we could bask in our righteousness in crippling the Nazis and the Commies. I liked those movies too. Too bad it is all over. Too bad it was squandered. If the world ever needs us again, I’m pretty sure we’ll be up to the task. For now, I hope the hibernation goes well.

So long Tony Blair. So long empire. I loved Ian Fleming while he mattered. License to Kill. Little Big Horn. George W. Bush. What’s on your mind?