For those, who caught my posting on Saturday, and those that didn’t:

Just A Reminder About PTSD:, which was crossposted in a number of places as well as sent to others. And who visited the site ‘The Progressive Radio Network’ on Saturday night only to find that their online player wasn’t working, they finally got it up on Sunday, than Last Night finally had the Archive of Saturdays ‘About Face’ show, with Ilona Meagher and Guests up and ready to listen to.

If you go here, The Progressive Radio Network-About Face with Dennis Stout and click on the 12-16-06 show ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’, in the left side box, it brings up the show with Ilona and her Guests.

I was contacted, only a short while before, to participate in posting of Diary’s, with three others, listing the Names of the KIA’s of Iraq and a Call for Action by as many as possible to pass these names onto their Representatives to be read on the floors of Congress and Put Into the Congressional Record as a Memorial to the Fallen and what tis Country must do as this New Congress comes onboard, as shown By The People in the Last Election.

Please visit each and send these names to your Representatives, both houses, Party Affiliation isn’t an Issue as this isn’t About Politics but Destructive Policy of this Country and about this Country’s Security and Future:

A Dedication for the 110th Congress of the United States: Part 1 of 4

A Dedication of the 110th Congress of the United States: Part 2 of 4

A Dedication for the 110th Congress of the United States: Part 3 of 4

In Memory of Doc Barnes Part 4

You may also want to read the following OpEd, posted yesterday:
Elizabeth de la Vega | Who Will Speak for the Victims?
Elizabeth de la Vega writes:

“Democrats routed the Republicans in an election that was a virtual clarion call for accountability and an end to this war. But now we have our new House leader Nancy Pelosi saying impeachment is ‘off the table’ and Senator Harry Reid considering whether to send more troops to Iraq.”

On what this Country Must Do and for Whom!

There was also another NPR Report yesterday, Guard Units Embed Counselors to Ease Trauma”

Many have tried to bring the Discussion of and the Needed Funding/Research about PTSD and the Trauma of War into the Mainstream, for the study ‘of’ Helps All, not only those who serve in War Theaters or Live in the Invaded Countries, but Anyone who experiances a Traumatic Event that Alters the Individual’s Mind and brings about the suffering of PTSD and other events of an individuals mental health.
For myself PTSD, long been around as Man’s Destructive Behavior against Fellow Man has been, Should Be Right Up At The Top Along Side ‘War As An Absolute Last Resort’ before any Country Invades another.
Societies suffer from the long term effects of All Conflicts with PTSD being one the many Results!!
I won’t be around, as I’m getting ready for work, as I write this, and leaving shortly. But ask that you Honor The Fallen by contacting your Representatives with the Names in the iary’s listed above!

Thank You!!