I am not much of an admirer of Hillary Clinton and I certainly am an opponent of her campaign for the 2008 nomination. But that has to do with my distaste for the Democratic Leadership Council and their brand of politics. I am beginning to get pissed off at the crap people are spewing about her. Howard Kurtz has noticed too. Look at these excerpts he pulled from a Mother Jones article about her.

“Most men . . . long before they get to her politics, they gossip about her comeliness, and the judgment is always harsh. Busting Hillary back down to mere dame, and a rejected one whose sexual allures fail, seems to be a necessary preamble to any discussion of her . . .

“Hillary is an avatar of an existential dread skulking in the hearts of every couple who’ve tried to put together a life since the feminist revolution. This anxiety explains why the darkest question a liberal feminist can ask is: Why didn’t she leave the [SOB]? And it’s why the coarsest question a conservative man can ask is: Who would do the [B-word]? . . . Hillary has come to embody a dark fear in the hearts of modern men: the wife who neglects the joys of the bedroom for her career . . .

“The flip side to Hillary’s ambition evokes every career woman’s greatest fear. How fragile is marriage? It can come apart as quickly as that girl delivering the pizza can snap her thong . . .

“It’s why the kind of anger liberal women feel toward Hillary always circles back around to the issue of why she stayed in the marriage. Why didn’t she take a stand against male grossness? . . .

“To the right, she stayed not for any principle or for Chelsea but because she’s a clawing shrew who will suffer any ignominy to attain power. To the left, she had a chance to take a stand for all the women who’ve been humiliated, and she didn’t.”

Seriously, WTF?? That is just not right.