I seem to have my holidays a bit mixed up here, because my thoughts this morning are all about being thankful for so much I couldn’t possible name it all. And you couldn’t find a one of them in any store, much less wrap it up in glitzy paper. I have to just let it spill out, ok?

I am so damned glad there are places like this pond full of critters, and I want to thank you for creating it and maintaining it for us, Boo. I especially wish for you a return of your health, as soon as possible, please!

I am so very grateful to have met all of you here, and for all of your comments and caring extended to my work here. To have a place for my voice, like this one still feels like a near miracle to me.

When I sort of “crash landed” here a ways back, I was absolutely determined to NEVER attach myself to any so called “online community” again, dammit! Yet, here I still am, with a reminder as recent as a few hours ago, when I couldn’t access Boo, of how much I would miss this place and all of you, if you disappeared for good!

So I’m thinking maybe we don’t really always choose our community connections: sometimes it seems they choose us, and before we know it, there we are, attached again!  

So one of the things I will be celebrating today, quietly in my own mind, is this place and all of you, and having been blown into this little pond by too many freaking flying pies.

Ho Ho HO!