Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
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Your first drink is on us!
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May the 4’s be with you
Come in and have drink. We have everything. Instead of two for one, it’s all you can drink for one tonight!
Newcomers and lurkers, come on in and have a little fun.
Have you been able to get caught up on your naps?
Not yet. I woke up to put up the Happy Hour. π
How’re ya doing today?
Well, I guess it’ll take a few days to catch up on the naps seeing as you’ve been busy visiting these last few days.
I’m going okay. Cleaning the house cause we got the next Christmas tomorrow.
You lost me – next Christmas?
We have 3 separate Christmases this week — each one w/ a different grp which requires presents and meals etc. So, the next group is arriving tomorrow so I’ve been busy preparing for it. I still have to decorate the tree (don’t tell IVG I haven’t done it yet … π
I understand now. I wouldn’t tell IVG…… Ohhhh IVG are you around. π
Thanks a lot … π
Well unless my s-i-l comes back to take them down, I don’t think I’ll mess with the Xmas decorations until May or June.
I’m still out here in the boonies choppin’ wood.
Long time no talk … π
I’m surviving still … How about you?
I had a wonderful Christmas. ‘Talked current events with my brothers to the wee hours.
The physical plant is still adjusting to the recent intake of holiday pastries, sugars, and other foodstuffs not normally consumed the remainder of the year.
And so far I’ve been pretty good about not eating too much bad (or good) stuff.
How long will you be at the farm?
Yeah, almost “too” interesting.
Couple more days here, I think. Depends on how much snow we get, as some is predicted for tomorrow.
You ever make rommegrot
One of my brothers made this for the family Christmas day.
Sounds like sweet gravy.
Never had that … Sounds good tho (definitely better than chutelute or whatever that was … lol).
I’m off now … catch up w/ you later!
don’t you have to have trees in order to chop wood?
Did you have a good day out?
I had a very nice time — I have been friends the folks I went to lunch for 41 years so we are very, very comfortable with each other. And does that make you feel really young, you whippersnapper? π
That’s all well and good, but what did you eat? π
Hi CG. How’s the day gone?
It’s been a good day. Enough peace and quiet to spend 5 hours finishing a project for work (woo-hoo!), CBtY had a buddy over to play this afternoon, and my new powercord for my laptop came this afternoon (yippee! no more laptop and cafe withdrawal!).
How was your day?
Catching up on naps. Now that all the family is gone, I’m trying to get back into my routine. It’s not easy being a power napper. π
Muffaletta, home fries, and sauteed veggies.
Sorry, no the creme brulee french toast.
Still sounds good. I’m hungry. :/
Everything there is good.
Nothing you want to eat in the house?
Not really. It’s time to hit the grocery store.
You mean you haven’t gotten down to eating the crackers and mayo sandwiches.
Erm, do crackers and cheddar cheese count? I guess I could add some mayo…
I’m talking crackers by themselves or just a mayo sandwich. Of course if you’ve got the bread, one of my favorites is, sliced tomatoes, dill pickels on rye with Miracle Whip. Ahhhh heaven. π
Poor SN. To not know the finer food in the world. π
I just got back from a luscious thai dinner that started with these teeny weenie little appetizers made with toasted coconut, peanuts, limes, ginger and onions wrapped in fresh raw greens. And Tom Kha soup – my fav. I asked for a pickle and miracle whip sandwich but they were out.
That sounds really good. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten any Thai food. Got to try that one day.
You forget the important parts of the sandwich. Rye bread and tomato, plus a little salt and pepper.
I like the rye bread and tomato and even a little bit of MW. But how about some lettuce and maybe a hunk of good cheese?
Nope lettuce and cheese would ruin the taste. Actually it is pretty good.
are you pregnant? LOL
Now that would be miraculous!
WHen I was pregnant it was mexican food nonstop.
LOL Just making sure. I loved miracle whip as a child and hated mayonaise but now it is just the oposite. LOL
I think I’m the only one in the family that likes miracle whip. The rest like hellman’s mayo.
and in the west hellman’s is best foods mayo. Same company but different name. LOL
I’ve tried making homemade mayo before, but could never get the right taste. I guess I sould keep trying until I get it right, but being lazy…….
I see you had a good day but mine is not complete if I don’t say hi to you.
Yes, it does … thank you! π Glad to hear you had a good time. I’m off to the game now, but I’m curious what you had to eat (saw the menu earlier).
See you later!
but don’t high stick anyone
This fall I cut an ash over 2′ in dia, counting rings it was determinded that it was likely to have been planted by the original homesteader back in 1882.
Ms NDD’s daughter hopes to carve something out of the longer chunks of trunk, some 4′ in length.
(Tree top blew over in storm earlier this summer, necessitating the above.)
… about the tree, not the comment since it was irresistible.
The biggest tree on our 40 acres fell two years ago — I felt like I had lost a close friend.
I just keep hoping none of the big trees around the house fall down. During Katrina, I knew some were going to come down on the house, but when we got back, they were all still there. Whew!
Years ago we had a tree come down during a storm (fell on our van) — very scary.
During Katrina we drove two hours north to my brother’s house. Figured the wind wouldn’t be so bad. He had a tree come down (no damage) and his next door neighbor had two come down that destroyed two cars. The neighbor said he was on his way to move the cars into the garage when it happened.
Tree limbs come down here all the time but fortunately not very many entire trees.
We originally had a metal roof on the house but after being woken up for about 100th time by the incredibly loud sound of a tree limb hitting a metal roof, we re-roofed with regular asphalt shingles. Limbs still hit but it’s much quieter.
Fmom says she wishes we had a tin roof top. That what they had when she was a kid, and she said she misses the sound of the rain on it.
She sounds like me!
Yeah but in this house, the only thing that would happen is the TV’s would be turned up so you could here it over the rain.
Of course, if it was a light rain and you were trying to go to sleep it might be nice.
I shared an attic bedroom with 3 of my sisters and I used to love to lie in the dark and listen to the rain on the roof and the wind rattling the old double hung windows.
You could put a window awning over her bedroom window that was tin.
Actually we already have a piece of tin on the ground outside her room. She says she can hear it, but I’m sure it’s not the same.
The awning is a good idea!
I think the awning would recreate more of the sound she misses from youth.
Years ago lightning hit a cluster of three cottonwoods, our tallest and probably oldest trees on the place.
The lightning hit one, and blew bark off going down that trunk, then jumped to the 2nd tree, blew bark off that one, and then back to the first one.
Both of those trees survived that, and earlier a bulldozer trying to enlarge the roadway. They’re tough, and native to ND.
When that lightning hit we thought it had hit the house, ’cause the whole house shook, even though it was 200-300 yards from it.
You know how you always hear to starting counting one, two, three…. when you see the lighting and at what number you stop on when you hear the thunder is the number of miles it struck away from you.
I did that awhile back and on one strike even before I could form the number one in my mind, the thunder hit. It was deafening too. Scare the hell out of me.
We had lightning hit a tree that was about 30 feet from the house. It was loudest thing I’ve heard.
I’ll have a six pack of Sleemans’s Original Dark Ale 50 and a plate of deep fried LuteChits!
Hi NDD. It’s so good to see you. I feel like I haven’t heard from you in ages.
The ale coming up and the LuteChits have turned into a favorite. π
Yeah, the past several months I’ve been doin’ more lurking and less spouting, so I’ve had sort of a sabattical.
How’s your weather been down there, all we’ve had so far is spring, and no real winter weather to speak of.
No snow at all in Fargo, and not much up here in the boonies either.
We had one cold spell and then the spring like weather too. I want some snow!
… LuteChits have turned into a favorite.
We have them right beside the Poutine. Hah! π
Hah hah! … π
That’s why the LuteChits have become a favorite. The Poutine is kind of hard to move. π
Ah, there’s no accounting for taste …. and the more for me! π
I’m off to a hockey game. Have a pleasant evening everyone. π
A hockey game when you could be in the cafe. You’re right, there’s no accounting for taste. π
Enjoy the game Olivia.
George is whinning. Back in a second.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy to everyone. I hope you day ahs been great!!!! I just got home a few minutes ago. Had to run a couple of errands on the way home. LOL
Hi Refinish.
One more day of work then a 3 day weekend, that is unless you volunteered to work. π
LOL I am working 8 hours on satrurday and working 4 hours monday so far. so no long weekend for me.
You are going to end up being one of these people who one day when you retire, you won’t know what to do with yourself. All the naps you’ll miss. π
ROTFLMAO!!!! Paying the bills is more important than time off right now.
Here is a redo of a design and also the old version so you can compare.
I like the new design. It’s easier to read.
I’m still in the great search for the end of the tunnel for the bills.
Thanks!!! The end of the tunnel doesn’t concern me, but I would love to not be worrying about juggling them so much. LOL
I used to call it creative financing. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Yeah but you can only do that so long before things start to0 fall apart and I am tired of it. LOL
I know exactly how you feel.
Been there – actually lived there for quite awhile. It’s scary and depressing.
Yeah and since I have a problem with depression sometimes anyway…. LOL
Been there too. π I don’t know which came first.
LOL My depression came about from other things (ie 05 marriage amendment in texas, national marriage amendment, increase in hate crimes world wide, the war, shrub the son of a bitch….)besides the bills but the bills sure as hell have not made it any easier.
How’s them thar T-shirts sellin’ these days? Guess I should go check your link out and see what’s new!
Hi ND. Sales have slacked off after Christmas but I have some new anti-republican designs you might like and a did a calender section at doing my part for the left. I am actually redoing a design for the left of the rainbow and will post it later tonight once it is done. I think it looks a lot better and will get people’s opinion
Hey NDD, How`s your family get-together going. I haven`t heard from you in a while. I`m sending you this moon taken a few mins. ago. For anyone interested who lives on the northern coast of North America, there will be an occulation of the Pleiades star cluster early on the morning of the 31st of Dec. when the moon will cross over the cluster. The stars involved will suddenly seem to disappear then reappear a few mins. later.
Evening Knucklehead!!! I love the moon pictures you have been posting lately.
Great picture Head. I’ve been really enjoying your moon pictures.
Great minds. LOL
I was thinking the same thing. π
Family man & Refinish, I`m going to try [visibility permitting] to post a pic of the moon each evening, to show it through the complete cycle. This one is from yesterday. The plane & moon were not in line so I put the two pix together. The pix were taken seconds apart.
Now that is cool. I’ll be looking forward to the moon pics.
Fabulous!!! I also loved the one with the “vapor streams” the other night. I have an affinity with the moon and love to watch it and walk in the moon light.
I`m going to have dinner so I hope you like the moon at sunset. I just made this one from a shot yesterday & a shot from a week ago.
Later, in the new cafe. & thanks for enjoying them.
Great picture head. I wish I could place one picture over the other like you do.
Hey Family man, what do you use to download your pix & are you on a Mac or, whatever the others are called. Maybe I`ve got something that might help.
I’m on a pc and I just put my flash memory card into the side slot of my computer. I use an old version of Paint Shop Pro to do any type of stuff with my pictures. It does the layer thing, but I’ve never understood that yet. There a lot about the program I’ve never gotten around to learning yet.
OK ,It seems like you could do it quite easily.
Put a picture for a background on your desktop. Open another picture {a moon] on your desktop. Select all or use a select tool & select a portion of the pic a little larger than the moon & then copy. Click on your background pic to activate it then paste. You`ll now have two layers. Reduce the opacity of the pasted picture & erase what`s not moon. Play with that for a bit. You can copy & paste anything you want, like adding someone to a pic or more flowers in a vase. Some pix I create may have 20 layers of different parts of the same flower, but taken as pieces to perform certain actions on individual parts. If you can`t do that with “paintshop” [ I don`t know it] & you think you could use photoshop, I have copies of Photoshop 7 for PC. I use Photoshop CS on a Mac.
I’ve got to fix something to eat for FMom and me. Back in a second.
I’m going to open a lounge.
Back in a minute.
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