Progress Pond

Who is to blame for 3000 deaths?

Many people blame Bush.  Many blame Cheney.

Many blame the extended Running Dog Enabling Press Corps, including corpustles like Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and George Will.

Not me.
I blame the vast Republican voter block. In 2004, these brain-dead morons listened to the information from the press.  They had the facts.  

They voted Bush back in despite his clear lies and obvious deceptions, the failures of every component of the Repukeliscum Party, and the corruption, venality and total moral vacuity in the Repukeliscum ruling junta.

They voted for Bush.

If a person voted for Bush, that person is responsible, personally, for every death in Iraq that has occurred since Bush was re-elected.

If Kerry was elected, we would already be out.

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