What we say is important for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
– Jim Beggs
– Jim Beggs
Ever notice how George W is eloguent when talking about evildoers and retribution, but stumbles over every word when some human compassion is called for?
Just sayin’.
because of his disagreements with the Bush “strategy”: NYT
When will the anti-impeachment folks wake and realize that we have a crazy man in the White House, and even the Republicans will want to get rid of him when he won’t listen to reason from anyone? They don’t like what’s happening with their complicit little monkey-puppet from Texas either – it’s costing them elections…
more on the blundered execution of Saddam: Alternet
I guess the thought is “If you break it, you bought it”, and the Bush administration is trying to get their money’s worth of breakage?
and of course more information can be found in my recent diary:
U.S.-Iran United in Praise for Saddam’s Execution ¶ World Express Fear
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
And this is the story they’re spreading now:
Glenn Greenwald weighs in Iraqis learn the art of legal “workarounds”.
Scientists find way to slash cost of drugs
This is great news, thanks Ask. But I can’t help thinking of the line in “Risky Business” when Guido the pimp says “Never, ever, fuck with another man’s livelihood.”
I hope these scientists are prepared for the inevitable attack that is coming their way.
The idea of ‘ethical pharmaceuticals’ is just too revolutionary.
MAKASSAR, Indonesia – An Indonesian jetliner crashed into a remote mountainous region, killing at least 90 people. The airline said there were a dozen survivors, but the national aviation chief said that report could not be confirmed.
A passenger aircraft with 102 people on board -- including 11 children -- is missing in Indonesia after sending distress signals. (AFP/Adam Air)
Rescue and search teams hiked through heavy rain and slippery forest paths for four hours before reaching the plane’s wreckage in a rugged area inaccessible by helicopter or car, said Setyo Raharjo, head of the National Commission on Transportation Safety. Bodies and debris were scattered over 300 yards of jungle and jagged cliff face on Sulawesi island’s western coast.
BBC NEWS: Confusion mounts over Java plane
JAKARTA (AFP) – Ships and rescue teams scoured rough seas off Indonesia for hundreds of people still missing after a ferry disaster off Java island, as more weary survivors were plucked to safety.
Navy ships, fishermen and search and rescue teams have found more than 200 survivors since the ferry sank late Friday with some 600 on board.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Permian-Triassic extinction, Earth’s largest extinction event, is not the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. Nor does the cause appear to have been a meteorite strike, as in that famous event. The most likely explanation for the disappearance of up to 90 percent of species 250 million years ago, a new theory says, is that “the earth got sick”: Global warming and reduced ocean circulation combined to reduce the supply of oxygen in the oceans, allowing certain bacteria to replace it with hydrogen sulfide, which is toxic to higher life forms.
The theorists who first created the mathematics that describe the behavior of the recently announced “invisibility cloak” have revealed a new analysis that may extend the current cloak’s powers, enabling it to hide even actively radiating objects like a flashlight or cell phone.
Your word of the day is… kisspeptin. This recently discovered hormone seems to be a link between environmental factors like day length and reproductive fertility in mammals – including possibly humans. Kisspeptin levels dropped in experimental hamsters in the fall and winter. Recent research by scientists in the U.K. and France have shown human kisspeptin triggers the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone, both of which are important to puberty and other sex-related functions, and studies in humans have shown that individuals with deficits in the receptor for kisspeptin have severe reproductive impairments. Kisspeptin’s role in seasonal human reproduction is unknown — that is, if it even has one. However, it is interesting to note the CDC reports fertility rates in the United States decrease rapidly in autumn. The phenomenon is particularly clear-cut among Caucasians, believed to have originated in more temperate climes.
A combination of global warming and the El Niño weather system is set to make 2007 the warmest year on record with far-reaching consequences for the planet, one of Britain’s leading climate experts has warned. Professor Phil Jones said: “El Niño makes the world warmer and we already have a warming trend that is increasing global temperatures by one to two tenths of a degrees Celsius per decade. Together, they should make 2007 warmer than last year and it may even make the next 12 months the warmest year on record.” The warning of the escalating impact of global warming was echoed by Jim Hansen, the American scientist who, in 1988, was one of the first to warn of climate change. Happy (?) New Year…
And if that last story inspires you to do something, or if you’re still working on New Years Resolutions, here are 10 things you can do in the new year to do your part for the environment.
Why did Chief Justice Roberts call lack of a pay hike for judges a ‘Constitutional Crisis’?
Privacy erodes:
Wal-Mart joins “New World Jobs Order”
Like “just-in-time” inventory introduced throughout most industries and companies in recent years, Wal-Mart workers now will be “picked off the shelf” at the last minute by Wal-Mart managers to satisfy day-to-day shifts in sales demand, creating in effect a just-in-time work force–a trend that hasn’t been seen since the early 1930s in the longshore and trucking industries.
A Mystery billionaire pays $200m in back tax – and keeps the sate of California afloat
I know several folks who are or have been “just in time” employees. They are frequently made to work full-time at half-time wages and benefits. Their work schedule changes weekly and sometimes daily, with little or no predictability. If they complain about working so much, so erratically, they are fired or given hours that they cannot work, e.g. can’t work because of their class schedule, or needing to be at home overnight with their children. This practice seems to be increasingly common as a method of squeezing more profits out of a business.
Chief Justice John Roberts is deeply concerned because according to the AP he says:
Robert’s year-end report to Congress addresses the threat to judiciary independence that exists because our judges are low-paid laborers.
CNN.com story
I weep at the idea that the chief justice’s version of a constitutional crisis is the inadequacy of his own paycheck. For a law professor’s viewpoint click here.
Forgetful Giuilani: (via Huffpost) loses his ’08 battle plans, left behind in a hotel.
“It’s clearly laid out in 140 pages of printed text, handwriting and spreadsheets:
The top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani’s bid for the White House
[O]n the same page is a list of the candidate’s central problems in bullet-point form: his private sector business; disgraced former aide Bernard Kerik; his third wife, Judith Nathan Giuliani; “social issues,” on which is he is more liberal than most Republicans, and his former wife Donna Hanover.”
Now, that’s a lotta of baggage for someone to forget…leave behind in a hotel!