I could go and find dozens of links to back up what I am about to say, but I’m feeling lazy. So, I’ll just say it.
The country has finally turned on George W. Bush. The country is in a very bad and testy mood. At the extreme, tonight’s Special Comment on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown was the most blistering indictment of a sitting President in the history of broadcast television. I have never seen anything like it. It violated every law of Higher Broderism. It even passed into raw conspiracy theory at points. In different and more stable times, a rant like Olbermann’s would mark the swift end of his career. But our nation has entered into a new stage. Olbermann will pay no price for his outburst because even though it was extreme, it was an extremism that has now entered the boundaries of acceptable discourse. The country has no more use for George W. Bush and it has no will to rally to his defense.
Here’s a taste of Olbermann’s wrath:
This senseless, endless war.
But it has not been senseless in two ways.
It has succeeded, Mr. Bush, in enabling you to deaden the collective mind of this country to the pointlessness of endless war, against the wrong people, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
It has gotten many of us, used to the idea — the virtual “white noise” — of conflict far away, of the deaths of young Americans, of vague “sacrifice” for some fluid cause, too complicated to be interpreted except in terms of the very important sounding, but ultimately meaningless phrase, “the war on terror.”
And the war’s second accomplishment — your second accomplishment, sir – is to have taken money out of the pockets of every American, even out of the pockets of the dead soldiers on the battlefield, and their families, and to have given that money to the war profiteers.
Because if you sell the Army a thousand Humvees, you can’t sell them any more, until the first thousand have been destroyed.
The service men and women are ancillary to the equation.
This is about the planned obsolescence of ordnance, isn’t, Mr. Bush? And the building of detention centers? And the design of a 125-million dollar courtroom complex at Gitmo complete with restaurants.
At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.
And we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
Who will defend Bush from these charges? Who even has the energy for the task? Not Chuck Hagel, “It’s Alice in Wonderland,” Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., told [Robert] Novak. “I’m absolutely opposed to sending any more troops to Iraq. It is folly.” Bush has support from almost no quarter. Novak reports that Bush can rely on as few as twelve Republican Senators (and Lieberman).
I checked with prominent Republicans around the country and found them confused and disturbed about the surge. They incorrectly assumed that the presence of Republican stalwart James Baker as co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group meant it was Bush-inspired (when it really was a bipartisan creation of Congress). Why, they ask, is the president casting aside the commission’s recommendations and calling for more troops?
Even in Mississippi, the reddest of red states, where Bush’s approval rating has just inched above 50 percent, Republicans see no public support for more troops.
The overriding mood of the nation is that we should take away the car keys. And that is the genius of democracy. We may be easily scared and led astray, but as long as we protect our institutions we will always eventually correct our mistakes. The country senses that we cannot wait until 2009 to take away the keys. Congress knows it. Our allies know it. The country stands ready to overthrow this administration and redeem our system of government. I have called the logic of impeachment ‘inexorable’, and it is.
The President’s decision to escalate the Iraq War and call for sacrifice is going to start an avalanche. And no one can stop an avalanche.
Wow, Booman. I can’t wait to watch. Earlier tonight, Crooks and Liars didn’t have the video, but it appears now they do – I’m about to check it out, based on your recommendation.
I agree the logic for impeachment is inexorable. What remains to be seen is how logical our elected leaders will be. Aye, there’s the rub….
Yeowza, that was sizzling!!! Go, Olbermann! And the look on Joe Scarborough’s face at the end says it all. I hope everyone watches that….!
Yep, Lisa… the Smirky Joe look was very telling… but even he’s been on the bash bush bus for a while now (though I distrust his motives very much) … when even the chimp-cheerleaders are snarling, what can come next?
We are, indeed, living in interesting times… that old Chinese curse ya know…
Yes, it was sizzling. And it still should count for the far side of the debate. But it is now permittable, and that is all you need to know about where 2007 is headed.
“Olbermann will pay no price for his outburst because even though it was extreme, it was an extremism that has now entered the boundaries of acceptable discourse.”
I have never thought of the truth as extreme. He did qualify his statements by using the old talking trick; “IF this is what you`ve decided to do, then,,,,
I posted a “must see” in the cafe at 6:00. On the west coast, “Countdown” is on at 5:00PM.
I was yelling & cheering, myself, & thought it was about time for some one, any one, to tell the moron to sit down & shut up. I`m sure he`s waited for some one else to say what he said, but when no one else will, he did stand up. Furthermore, I don`t believe he`s thinking about his carreer, but more about his country. One can`t run a “truth to power” show from inside one of the detention centers he spoke about, so he has nothing to lose & everything to lose.
Also available in orange.
I know it’s become a cliche with KO’s Special Comments, but he really was on fire tonight. He was furious. Rightfully so. It’s so very strange to watch someone on television who is as angry as we are and who is saying so many of the things we would like to say.
Although I don`t see many images in this forum, I couldn`t pass up this one. There are several shots of this from different vantage points along the parade route at the “Rose Parade”, seen by millions of TV viewers.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8242/impeach11frog2lq8.th.jpg)
And then there`s the FROG
seriously, what made you describe what KO said as ‘extreme’? What’s your context here?
There was nothing that he said that wasn’t factual, and while it was obviously a powerful and forceful damnation of Bush, and there was nothing said that he didn’t deserve x 1000, so I can only think you mean it was an ‘extreme’ statement within the context of the American MSM?
cheers, myriad
Booman may be referencing that conventional wisdom among the corporatist media elites would describe Olberman’s broadcast as an extreme rant. It just happens that what conventional wisdome among these elites consider extreme is the truth.
to be clear, not having a go at Boo, I thought his analyis and commentary here was excellent (especially after self-describing it as ‘lazy’!), and given that, was genuinely interested to know why that choice of word.
You around Mr Boo?
Suggesting that Bush launched the war in Iraq so that he could sell ordinance is just a tad out of the mainstream. Especially for cable news.
Very heartening.
Sigh. I guess it it. From here, it’s just plain reality.
KO didn’t even get into talking about Dubya’s likely starting the Iraq War to help support his bid for reelection in 2004 nor Dubya’s failing to pursue OBL to also help his reelection bid. Both of those incentives also happen to be quite possible. Who could imagine that they weren’t discussed somewhere on Dubya’s political team? I suppose Condi for one, but who else?
Some time ago I read that a man named Williams was writing a bio of Bush and was given extensive interviews. He quit or was fired and later said that the Iraq War was planned for political purposes. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep track of the source, so I cannot provide a link.
He’s usually more eloquent. The repetitive use of the word “sacrifice” grew numbing. He was spitting mad, really furious, trembling with impassioned outrage. I’ve never before seen anything like it on tv. It was a real Howard Beal over-the-top moment.
I hope you’re right, BooMan, about the avalanche. I hope Keith succeeded in turning “sacrifice” into a taunt that is making Bush’s speechwriter thumb thru his Thesaurus looking for a substitute word. I hope our new Congress makes Bush shut up and sit down. If he talks about “sacrifice” in his State of the Union, I want him to be booed!
It was not one of his more eloquent rants, but it was fantastic to see and hear someone on network teevee absolutely eviscerating Bush and his Iraq insanity.
Around here, even the Republican Fox News talking point spouters are disgusted with Bush. And I don’t think he has anywhere to go but down with this whole “escalate the war in Iraq so we can win” crap. It’s a money and bosy pit, and people have noticed that he’s draining the treasury in his quest for a hollow victory. For a lot of less-informed folks, it comes down to Saddam’s dead, why are we staying?
If he talks about anything other than a troop reduction / withdrawal, the Democrats should quietly and calmly stand up, and walk the fuck out of there right then and there on national television.
Last night on Hardball, Allen Simpson (a member of the ISG), said their report included “escalation,” so he was supportive. I never read it (my bad) and don’t have time now. Anyone know how he can make that claim?
Oh, and one other thing while I’m at it. I know Simpson is from the era where politicians were considered less partisan. But I thought he was pretty ugly in an underhanded way last night. He talked very dismissively of Obama disagreeing with the escalation by continually calling him a “young man.” I mean really, I know 45 isn’t a geezer, but he’s hardly a “boy” (cloaked racism?).
Since Anita Hill I so despise that monkey in a man suit!
The ISG report is on the US Institute of Peace website in a fairly compact version. If you’ll go to http://www.usig.org/isg and bring up the full report, pages 48 and 49 begin section 3) Security and Military Forces; A Military Strategy for Iraq.
Sorry that I haven’t fathomed how to quote from Acrobat, but this section covers the recommendation to add troops and embed them, and a number is given there similar to that being discussed as the escalation.
Sorry, typo above:
walk to the end of the dock, pour his own cement house slippers, and then tell me he’s going to sleep with the fishes and the best thing I could do for myself and my children and the world and God and everything is to chain myself to him. It’s the most bizarre thing I have ever witnessed in my life and it has been done on a global scale. Just flat out freakin bizarre. Keith Olberman provides the audience with a basic outline because most of us sort of need it right now.
It seems that the expedited execution of Saddam Hussein did little or nothing to help the cause of the surge. But at least he has some grist for the mill of the state of the union address. Not that it will make any difference at this point.
Yup, sounds about correct!
We need an organized “surge” demanding impeachment.
I hate to be a stick in the mud, but the republicans in office now are not the ones that were there during Nixon’s impeachment.
Clinton’s impeachment was revenge from the far right for the percieved hounding of nixon from office. There is no way, absolutely no way, that Bush will be impeached. If impeached he would defy removal from office and prompt a constitutional crisis. He is simply a controlling narcisist, and would be unwilling to accept any consequences for his actions.
Even now, the republicans are laying the groundwork to blame the democratic party and presidential critics for the abject failure of this crazy war. I tend to believe that they (the guys in charge) were hoping for a terrorist attack like 911, so they could reform the military, attack iraq, and reinstate the imperial presidency. 911 was most likely worse than they anticipated, but as we have all seen Bush is not averse to having people die to further his political aspirations
Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the ‘Major Terrorist Attack in 2007’, which should take place sometime after September.
Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward “national suicide.”
Better even Pat: Impeachment to solve today’s crisis!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
If you go to the Countdown website there is a link to a discussion board and the wingnuts were going crazy last night… Why not show Keith some mojo? by commenting on one of the “attaboy” posts and driving the waahbaby-right-wingnuts posts down? heh
and I’m so frustrated I spend all day bitch slapping them. I spent two days on Military.com when they ran the Op-Ed that Rumsfeld must go bitch slapping the snot out of wingnuts and laughing with mirth. Air Force wingnuts were the easiest. It was just sick and not the most healthy thing for frustrated MT to do right now, I think I need a break from slapping wingers. This was my favorite gif though during that time
I like the GIF BUT: It should be a little blue happy face running over ignorant little red smirking faces… lol jk
liked was that the gif was bipartisan. There was yellow me and yellow them and my yellow arguments and small reminders left their yellow fingers speechless.