The first few headlines that I saw this morning (after reading Jerome’s diary on the Bush fatwa against the Democratic Congress), coupled with the lead story I heard this morning as I was getting ready to head to the airport, made me scratch my head and wonder just what the hell else is going to come out and will it even surprise me in the least.
Where to even begin? I guess we can start with a followup to the comments cited in my diary yesterday about the Saddam hanging backlash. As part of the Iraqi government’s investigation into the circumstances surrounding the video of Saddam’s hanging, we find that the protests against his hanging are now intensifying.
Interestingly, the same NY Times article seems to have been scrubbed to delete a reference made on Huffington Post from last night that indicates that one of the men holding a cellphone to make a video was the Iraq National Security Advisor. First, the blurb from Huffington Post:
As his aides announced that the events at the hanging would be the subject of an inquiry, one of the officials who attended the hanging, a prosecutor at the trial that condemned Mr. Hussein to death, said that one of two men he had seen holding a cellphone camera aloft to make a video of Mr. Hussein’s last moments — up to and past the point where he fell through the trapdoor — was Mowaffak al-Rubaie, Mr. Maliki’s national security adviser. Attempts to reach Mr. Rubaie were unsuccessful. The prosecutor, Munkith al-Faroun, said the other man holding a cellphone above his head was also an official, but he could not recall his name.
Now, the NY Times article piece:
Mr. Maliki seemed equally eager to ward off the opprobrium stirred by the execution. His aides announced that the events at the hanging would be the subject of an inquiry. A prosecutor who attended the execution, Munkith al-Faroun, said he thought one of the invited witnesses had recorded the session on a cellphone, but he could not recall his name.
Interesting that between just before 11PM last night until sometime this morning, this little nugget of extremely damning information was taken out of the NY Times article. Needless to say, the fact that a high level Iraqi governmental official making a video of this execution (if true) would add even more fuel to the fire that has already been raging and is likely to explode even more so. Not surprisingly, the prosecutor who initially pointed out the National Security Advisor’s role has now come forward and denied saying that it was al-Rubaie. Of course, another person has already been arrested in connection with the taping of the hanging.
No wonder Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki hates his job and wants to leave BEFORE his term expires.
Then, as if things aren’t already bad enough with killing and abuse, we have some new revelations on torture at Guantanamo. According to the BBC, an FBI report indicates that a number of FBI employees were witness to “harsh interrogation tactics”.
At least 26 agency employees say they witnessed inmates being mistreated and subjected to harsh interrogation.
One reported seeing a man whose head was covered in duct tape, another saw detainees chained from hand to foot in the foetal position for up to 24 hours.
Because, you know, those three square meals and extraordinarily humane treatment that the “detainees” are receiving include such fun things as being wrapped in duct tape and being chained. Wow, that sounds like fun to me.
Back to Iraq, it is now being reported that Bush’s grand new plan and strategy is to escalate the occupation, but with such a low level of additional troops (rumored to be 20,000) that it defies all logic and reason. And what is it for? Not for training Iraqi forces. Not to root out al-Sadr and his militia. Not to secure other areas of the country. But to help with “security” Baghdad. Of course, that is what I thought that the “Baghdad offensive” was supposed to do. I asked last week, and I will ask again – how will 20,000 additional troops help this security situation?
This isn’t even flying with administration officials, one of whom is claiming that this is a (shocker there) – POLITICAL decision:
Administration officials told us today that President Bush has now all but decided to surge those additional troops into Baghdad to try to control over the violence there and only then could they accelerate the turnover of territory to Iraqi security forces. Fact is they’re not up to the task yet. The plan would also throw more U.S. money at Iraq for reconstruction and a jobs program. Interestingly enough, one administration official admitted to us today that this surge option is more of a political decision than a military one because the American people have run out of patience and President Bush is running out of time to achieve some kind of success in Iraq. While this plan will clearly draw some stiff opposition on Capitol Hill, the president is expected to announce it a week from today.
Not only will I point out, yet again, how Abizaid, Casey and everyone else said that an escalation will not help the situation, I will point out that Bush’s own people are admitting that he is willing to buck everyone else and send more troops – more Americans into a failure of an occupation and risk more lives – all to score political points. Once again.
The president’s own people are admitting that the president is hell bent on sending more people to kill and die, AGAINST ALL ADVICE, for political reasons
Ladies and gentlemen, the wheels are coming off. The president is unhinged. He is alone in his decision to kill more innocent people and doesn’t care if this is not what his Generals, his fellow republicans, Congress and nearly 90% of Americans want. Or if it is doomed to fail.
This man must be stopped.
also in orange
Unfortunately, the executioners were in this case taunting the video makers: "Saddam, Saddam, Saddam ... Allah has no mercy!"
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I watched Bush’s news conference this morning. Someone else can find a transcript for exact language, but after calling for a line-item veto, social security reform, and several other things, Bush basically said that Democrats agreed to help him pursue his agenda during those brief photo-op meetings last month. Reid, Pelosi and whoever the leader of the blue dogs is all need to come out sometime today and call him a liar on this.
It was a weird delusional little speech, almost like his party was the one that just gained control of Congress after years out of power rather than vice versa, and now he can do all of those wonderful things he’s been forced to put off during his first 6 years. Either Bush really does expect to control the political agenda again this year despite the mid-term results (which is my guess), or he’s a great actor. I think more Americans than ever are going to despise our President after seeing a few more months of this phony posturing.
to completely hide the fact that he and his minions are solely responsible for the 6 years of partisan division and destruction in which we find ourselves, and framed so that the passing observer would be led to believe that he was magnanamously offering the Dems a chance to mend the error of their ways…
Someone in a leadership position should immediately, but gently, call him on it before it has a chance of obfuscating the crucial issues… and then force the Republicans into an “upperdown” vote over whether they support the White House’s BS…
I watched it too. Did you enjoy that ear mark thing and then he said that the Republican Congress passed ear mark legislation……errrr…wrote some…..errr had some good ideas about ear marks. I just about died laughing! Then suddenly the Congress would revert to this non party specific “thing” that had finally decided to work with him on spending and entitlement programs are BREAKING THIS NATION IN TWO DAMN IT!
The Iraqi government has arrested someone for taking the video and now claims that militia members infiltrated the execution. Keep in mind that Saddam’s execution took place on an American military base.
Is that really the cover-story they want to go with, that anti-American militiamen can infiltrate American military bases whenever they want? It might play well in Iraq, but I don’t think it’s going to go over well in this country.
I don’t understand the thought behind that statement. Political in what respect? That he respects no one……..not the American people, not his advisers, not the few people with military experience willing to take a position of authority under him, not 2/3 of the troops who serve this nation and have to take leadership from him? What political statement is he making? Impeach me? I hate all of you? You all suck and I’ll die telling you all that you do?
It’s the political statement that imperial dignity must be maintained, even as he goes down in flames.
There must be some escalation, no matter how symbolic and small, for the chosen one has so decreed, and there can be no going back on the divine word of the emperor.
If the divine emperor would keep his pie hole shut, he might find he had more room to maneuver.
Now we all can understand why bush sr. was really crying a few weeks ago. jr. is defiant like any psycho-sociopath has ever been in history to hold this office. He is defiant of anything his father has touched or affiliated with, ever!
I think this man is in sincere need of help from the medical community for his mind is broken and has been for a very long time….maybe since the age of 7 or so. [reading bush on the couch will deliver some help in understanding this analogy].
He is surrounded by sr’s men/women and he is giving them full scolding, if they do not follow his direction, example O’Neill, Clarke, and all from his first 4 years. They must walk in lock step with his/rove’s direction or else. Cheney is an agitation of the first degree with all of this. His wife Lynn is just a bonus, if that much. They all say one thing and do another. What is white is black, What is right is wrong…see where I am going?
They are all very sick in the mental aspect of matters. This kind of sickness is very contagious when given the fact power is involved. Look at what bolton and rice and hadley and powell and all the rest have done.
I for one, am not one bit impressed as to the actions of said ppl..and I find many are coming around to that very decision I made years ago.
The actual defiance is so obvious that it is written on the walls in front of us all. Coward dubya is just that..a coward. I have decided to call him this instead of prez, even against meteor blades advise to play nice…;o) I tell you this one thing, if this congress can not control him and his minion, and do something right, for a change, then they are all feces in my book and they need to all be removed. I am willing to give them a chance, but not for long. They have had several months now to get their act together and they, right now, are not acting or presenting any of the courageous desires of we the ppl. I listened to a dem Fl congresswoman on c-span this am, of which I am sure is a blue dog, try to carry water for the adm. Her language is not that which would excite any of us!
I think it is now time to say to congress to get their act together or else…in 08 they have a lot of soul searching to do while they retire to what ever they desire to do after their office is taken away from them, once and for all!
I suggest that everyone start to follow the Constitution for once and understand it is the laws of this country that we all have to follow not just the rest of us out here in the country and the ppl inside the belt way can do what ever they want to do.
I am with you clammyc….all the way. What a psycho world we all live in nowadays….
Besides what this escalation is, is for what??!! He wants this security for Baghdad for what??? I ask of you all. So we can then train the same culprits to do the same old thing over and over again. Does he feel he is cic of the Iraqi army and the head of their police force? It sure sounds like it to me! Coward bush thinks he is everything this puppet gov. of Iraq and can dictate what he wants from them. This is agitating the Iraqi’s no matter what sect they are from, and from all the Islamic world. See why I call him names?! He and his followers are just so very sick minded. They have no logic or common ground with humanity. What a pity for the whole world to watch and such an embarrassment for America.
Nero and Caligula
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."