Cross-posted at New Era Politics

We have entered a new era in politics today as the Democrats come to power. Since the end of the Cold War we have been searching for a new order in international politics. With the firm rejection of neo-conservative ideology, we continue to search for a new world order. The Democrats have the opportunity to successfully lead us in that direction. They must restore credibility to the Congress and to the Nation in order to harness the reigns of a new global community. A Democratic Congress must expand the nation’s concept of community so that our concern for others is not confined by our national borders. An interdependent world requires of us to think globally while acting locally.

A Democratic Congress must expand our notion of national security as simply relating to our military might. In an interdependent world we must be concerned with environmental security, physical security, economic security, and human security.

A Democratic Congress must also focus on sustainability in our support of democracy and development at home and abroad. If we are to promote the “American Dream” for all of mankind, they must act in a manner to make this development sustainable. They must develop new energy sources. They must promote a reduction in pollution and greenhouse gasses. They must promote fair and equitable trade. They must work towards international labor standards. They must ensure sustainability!

A Democratic Congress must expand democracy so that all people are given a voice. On the fringes of society throughout the democratic world lie groups who have no say in the policies that have an affect on them. The IMF, World Bank, WTO, and other groups, with all good intentions, are implementing policies without the say of local people. The poor throughout the world, including the U.S. are not heard in politics. Democracy must be more inclusive.

Democrats have a chance to set the direction towards a new order that is focused on all citizens of the world. They have the chance to ensure U.S. policy does not necessarily come at the expense of other people. They have the opportunity to promote equality, fair government with greater access to that government. They have the opportunity to allow America to once again be the moral compass in global affairs.