Yesterday was HUGE for all women. Whether one likes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi or not one cannot help but note that this is a big step for woman-kind. Aside from being a mother and grandmother, I have never felt so proud of my womanhood as I felt today.
I hope that the young women will begin to see what a true role model is. That Paris and Britney and the like are not good role models for anything of value. That Trump’s promotion of slutty beauty pageant winners who tarnish their light are not shining examples for a young woman to aspire to.
I hope that women like Nancy Pelosi, Rosie O’Donnel, Oprah, all the congresswomen,female senators, mothers, grandmothers are the women to be looked up to. That intelligent, responsible women are more attractive, more vital, more important than a show of cleavage or the flash of a thong. The men who prefer the latter are not the men who will give you the respect and honor most women deserve. They are not the men who will stand beside you as you aspire to do great things.
I hope that men will see and know what a real attractive woman really is.
I hope that the media stops focusing and promoting women by appearance, clothes, boobs, hair color or as eye-candy.
I hope the media pays attention to the milestone that women made yesterday as the story, the bigger story than the antics of a useless bimbette like Paris Hilton.
I hope this is the beginning of the ending of the media dumbing down of our young people and especially at what it has done to young girls.
Bravo Democrats, Nancy and those who see and know how HUGE this magnificent moment is.
I don’t think the never ending media coverage of “celebrity news” about these beautiful young thong flashing women is any coincidence at ALL.
Just as back in my day, any women in a commercial was in the damned kitchen in an frilly apron and high heels, gushing estatically about some new household product, all of this serves to promote a cultural conditioning that disempowers women by reducing them to roles that serve or please the male gender.
And the more young women that can be convinced somehow, by the likes of ass wipes like Trump, that allowing themselves to be used this way means they are “claiming their freedom to embrace their own feminine power or sexuality” the more hard won ground all women lose. And when women lose ground…everyone loses.
Scribe, this is still your day!
You are so right, and thank you for reminding me! I am freer to speak my mind now than ever before in my life, which is quite convenient, because I have a hell of a lot to say I had to hold back for waaaaay too long!
About a third of left side of comments is cut off and I don’t know how to fix page in my browser. Any suggestions?
If you’re using Internet Explorer 7, that can cause that. Boo told me to change browsers to Firefox and all was well..
Second that. There are many reasons I have not yet bothered with IE7 past an initial evaluation. This was just one of the first and most prevalent (since I spend a great deal of time reading this blog).
I had a feeling it was because of explorers new version. Thanks.
I found myself–to my great surprise–teary eyed. After all these years! The female perspective is so important in the house.