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                 Just Another Asshole.

And as my ol’ gran’pappy used to say…

“Never expect anything from an asshole but shit and you won’t be disappointed when it appears.”

Read on. (Written in response to BurnetO’s fine diary What To Do About An Insane President? on My Left Wing.)

Read on.
There will come a day (If Cheney lives long enough and we survive long enough) when Dick Cheney will give one of those near-dotage interviews that all ex-movers and shakers seem to give, where he will say something to the effect of  “Bush? Bush was an asshole!!!” or words to that effect.

We overcomplicate the procedure when we debate what form of mental illness rides this man.

We give him too much credit and we give him an excuse.

“Poor man was sick!!!”


Hell. We give him too much credit when we refer to him as “President”.

Here’s where we are at.

We have potentially the most massively lethal military system that the world has ever seen.

We have an intelligence infrastructure that has relatively successfully controlled the Third World for 50+ years.

We are the wealthiest nation on the planet. Forget about the “debt”. Who’s going to collect considering our military might?

We are the primary country at fault for the onrushing global warming disaster.

Having a nice winter, folks? Warm enough for ya? “Unseasonably warm” say the talking head newscasters throughout most of America. Uncomfortably warm, almost. Enjoy it. It’s just the beginning. It is essentially an irreversible condition and we are in deep shit.

And we have a mainstream, y’see ’em every day, line level asshole in charge.

Nominally in charge, at the very least.

Legally in charge, if he and some others ever really want to pull the strings.

Potentially TOTALLY “in charge” because many of the most important checks and balances to his power have been thrown overboard in a panicked attempt to fight terrorists.

Terrorists who may not even EXIST on the level or in the form that the hype would indicate.

It’s real simple.

He’s got to be fired.

The so-called “opposition” are in a position where they can begin the firing process.

Possibly 80% of America WANTS him outta there, and wants the US out of Iraq too. Despite the years of media hammering to the contrary.

And what do the DemRats do?


They pose.

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“Haw haw haw!!! We got muscle now!!! I am woman, and I am proud.”

Give it a break, Nancy.

I am already embarrassed for you, and you just took office.

And who is that guffawing fool next to her?

That image is as ridiculous as the one at the top of this post.

You want to prove that you are the most powerful woman in the world now?

Go AFTER the asshole before it’s too late.

Nothing less will do.


Do your job.

Do your job or shut the fuck up.