Welcome to the latest edition of Pizza for Progressives.  No matter the income, Pizza for Progressives provides each of us with a way to make a donation, whether it be $5 or $100.  The campaign season has started in earnest, whether we are fans of the 24/7/365 season or not.  Senator Edwards has held off on raising money for the last two years and is now playing catch-up with other candidates.  

While he will be crossing the country for campaign rallies and fundraising events, we here on the blogosphere can do our part, and indeed we have already begun, with almost $500,000 raised online already!

The idea behind Pizza for Progressives was first proposed at this Daily Kos diary, and I think my explanation there is still the best, with a few minor edits.

Alright folks, this is simple.  What do you do once a week that you could live without?

  • that big espresso drink from your favorite coffee shop = $5
  • stopping by the bar for a drink and some wings to watch Sportscenter = $15
  • going out to eat on Friday with your wife and kids = $50
  • Poker night with the crew = $100

Now, here is the great part…just don’t do it this week.  That’s right, it is that easy.  If you can give up coffee for one day, go donate $5.  If you can go home and crack a Schlitz and eat a hot dog, donate $15.  Go to Whole Foods and get one of their delicious frozen pizzas for you and the kids and donate $50.  Take your significant other to a movie instead of playing poker and donate the extra $75 to Senator Edwards.

And, that is it.  Pizza for Progressives.  Raise the dough.

Until we have public financing of elections, which Senator Edwards supports, we are stuck with a system where bucks means status.  Senator Clinton has over $10 Million left from her “Senate race” last year.  ActBlue has made this so easy folks, you can decide right now to skip the $20 worth of local brew tonight and instead pick up a six pack and donate the remaining $10 to the campaign.  You can do something as simple as buying a case of Coke instead of using the vending machines, and chip in $10 or more you save.  You can decide to pack PBJ for the next week, saving $5 a day and make a donation of $25 right now!  

Step right up, help win an election.


Pizza for Progressives

Once you’ve made your donation, join the One Corps and help make a change.