Welcome to the BMT 2007 ArtFair!
My contribution consists of a painting done some time ago.  Long ago, before I put paintings of buttes and cars on these internets, I fancied myself as a painter of stylized images of sleek women.  Yes, a kind of wayward Patrick Nagel for the 90s.  (Stop snickering.)  The image directly below was the result.

The painting was done from an advertising photo.  It is done entirely in shades of yellow ochre, not unlike a sepia-toned vintage photograph.  I haven’t looked at this one in a while but it still pleases me.  It is rather small, 8×10 I believe.  The frame was put on some time ago but still seems appropriate.  What do you think?

Now I’ve shown you mine, show us yours.

BMT ArtFair 2007