A call has gone out for Actions on the day of the call for Escalation or the following day, days!
I am using one of the groups involved letter as the opening in this post, information and coalition groups involved follows that!
Get Involved, in large groups, small groups, individually, for as before this Escalation in forces will Not Work and will only fan the already Blazing Fires, causing much more Destruction and Devestation!
The Iraqi people have Suffered Enough from our Imperialism and Arrogance!
What is needed is the engagement of the neighboring countries for it is their region, their cultures, their neighbors, and their shared religious ideologies. They must use their diplomacy to help bring down the sectarian violence.
We don’t just walk away, for we have completely broken a country and it’s people and We Must Pay for what we have done with Real Reconstruction of the infrastructure and the Iraqi peoples lives!

Howdy MMOB — {Mainstreet Moms: Organize or Bust

I just got a call from Matt Holland at True Majority and he is very much hoping MMOBsters (known for action!) would be some of the first to join a national push to get out and say NO MORE TROOPS as soon as Bush makes his expected announcement of pointless escalation this week. (See America Says NO and below for details)
We’re thinking we should harken back to MMOB’s “Rush Hour Roadside VOTE Shows” with this, and get out on street corners with the “NO MORE TROOPS” posters True Majority has (or make your own!), tape posters in car windows for the commute, do some yard banners, t-shirts on our dogs of course, whatever inspires. There is an additional effort to get millions of signatures on a petition for NO MORE TROOPS that this True Majority/Coalition campaign will deliver to Congress on the 27th. Please post any other ideas on the MMOB list serv.
As you’ll see below, the America Says NO suggestion is to have a gathering the night of the announcement, take a photo, and upload it to the campaign to show this “surge of protest.” This sounds good, but so does getting out in public the next day! Either way, please consider joining in with your own brand of NO MORE TROOPS sentiment, large or small. If you scroll down, you’ll see the big stack of organizations we’re joining by doing this.
Finally, if you’re going to do something on your own, please consider registering your rabblerousing as an event, but just mark it “private” and send in a picture if possible. This will help paint a truer picture of the ‘surge protest’ when the dust settles!
If you’re game, but have questions, post them on the MMOB list serv.
Very best to everyone,

Megan & the MMOB


Americans Say NO! A Nationwide ‘Surge’ of Protest Events

Americans DO NOT want more troops in Iraq!
You’re one of our best activists. Can you host an event to make that point loud and clear?

President Bush is expected to give his “new direction in Iraq” speech around Wednesday, January 10th — and you won’t like what he’s planning to say. He wants to increase the number of men and women sent to Iraq, even though we just elected a new Congress to help get us out of there. We have to make it clear that Americans do NOT want more troops in Iraq and we have to act fast! Which is why I’m writing to you on a Saturday.
Can you host an event in your community to say NO to the President’s escalation plan?

America Says NO

This is just the beginning. On January 27th, we’ll be delivering a petition signed by tens of thousands of Americans at the huge March on Washington in D.C. We know not everyone can board a bus to Washington to speak out, so these local events are a great way to get everyone in your community signed on.

Click below to get started:

America Says NO
Here’s how it works:
The Americans Say No events are simple, and easy to host. We’ll all converge on the evening after the President’s speech with some ready-made signs and petitions carrying our message. You can read out the names of the service members from your state who have already died in Iraq, or simply hold a silent vigil. Then, pass the petition around and be sure to take a digital photo of your event to add to an online collection.

Volunteer to lead an event by visiting America Says NO. We’ve got lots of information to get you started, and more is on the way. Hosting these events is almost as simple as 1, 2, 3:

1) Pick a time and location for the event
2) Download an event kit full of tools and ideas to make your event easy and successful.

3) Let your friends and neighbors know about the event. Point them to the website True Majority-America Says NO so they can RSVP.
And be sure to contact True Majority Action with any questions or ideas about the event. It’s folks like you that have lead the movement to end the war in Iraq, and together we’re going to make it happen.

From Matt Holland
TrueMajorityACTION Online Director

Other groups in the surge, along with MMOB:
20/20 Vision
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities
Center for International Policy (CIP)
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Council for a Livable World
Families USA
Feminist Majority
Fourth Freedom Forum
Friends of the Earth
Global Exchange
Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
MMOB (Mainstreet Moms Organize or Bust)
National Council of Churches
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Organization for Women (NOW)
NETWORK A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Pax Christi USA
Peace Action
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
Rainbow/Push Coalition
Shalom Center
Sierra Club
The Tikkun Community
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society
Us Foundation
War Resisters League
Veterans for Peace
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Working Assets
Artists United to Win Without War
Musicians United to Win Without War

Bring Them Home, NOW!
The Failed Policies will Haunt Us and the World for Decades