Morning Miss Andi and all the froggies!!!! Cool and tamp seems to be the rule for today so far. Of course really had to tell while the sun is till down. LOL
Well turns out I was wrong about the damp. The sun is shining bright. I guess the damp this am was the left overs from the rain all day yesterday. LOL Will be in the 60’s today. I can deal with that.
Gorgeous picture again this morning! I’m always wanting to print them off, group them by theme, mat them in a wide white mat and black frame and hang them throughout my house. They remind me of when I was little and I would look through a paper towel tube at stuff – it really makes you focus on the little things that are all around you.
by that comment — could you follow it up with something snarky so I don’t feel like I’ve been thrown into an parallel universe. 😉
That picture brought to you by the freaky weather (just heard that the winter temps are 20° above average). Normally, there wouldn’t have been a bright green, firm fern to get frost covered.
It was still way too nice and it promised even more niceness (even if insincere).
On the sincere side, if you ever want a higher res version of something I post, let me know — though I doubt that many of them are actually suitable for framing.
We’re having a nice leisurely morning. I just wish he’d decide what he want for his last meal at home until February.
Speaking of last suppers, can you believe that my girlfriend’s reject husband (yeah, I don’t like him) actually put her unwashed crockpot from the last dinner they had together in a box with her other stuff? What a loser!
It’ll be interesting to see how the Outward Bound experience affects his views. (that’s interesting for me; for you, I imagine it’s something a bit more compelling).
Considering what married spouses will do, I’m afraid I find that extremely believable.
The really funny thing was that he gave her all the sharp knives (and I mean, there were a TON of them!) and they were buried at the bottom of a box of photos. We laughed about how that may have been a prudent idea on his part…
We couldn’t decide if he was afraid he would lose his own self control (a distinct possibility), or if he was fretting about her going all Loreena Bobbitt on him. 🙂
Both my sisters are divorced and both have remarried. Both the exes come to family gatherings (thanksgiving included my older sister’s ex and her second husband’s ex). I hadn’t really thought about how good and probably unusual it is that they both were able to keep things amiable.
That’s the kind of divorce my parents had. You can imagine my surprise when I was on the receiving end of something completely different in the my own divorce.
How about married for 20 years and not spoken 10 words to each other since he moved out? When I think about it it seems weird, but that’s the way it is. My choice, I guess. He makes me nauseous.
Morning Cabingirl!!! I also have to do laundry and load the dishwasher a couple of times. LOL I really do need to learn to laod the dang thing as I use dishes and run it as soon as it is full. LOL I am working on some more new designs this am so will be in and out.
I’ve been reading, doing laundry, contemplating walking in the cold rain (but it looks like it is going to stop soon so I’m staying contemplative), and moping.
Sorry you still have your headache but glad it’s better.
We’ve got another tornado watch out and the radar shows the bad weather should get here in a little while. So before I hear any thunder, I’m closing down and will see ya’ll later.
Hey everyone. Looks like I missed you again as usual.
Boy number one got off on his journey back to school. Boy number 2 and I took a load of clothes, books and knick knacks to the resale shop that benefits low-cost spay and neuter in the area. For animals, that is. It feels good to get rid of stuff that’s been hanging around and in the way.
Sort of rainy and dismal here though no thunder or wind. I am very disappointed in the dearth of storms down here after living on the shores of lake erie my whole life.
Right now I’m sitting in my big oversized chair, with my legs slung over the side, reading blogs and eating the rest of the christmas candy (dove milk chocolate and caramel) — and I don’t have PMS. I just can’t stop myself. If it wasn’t raining I might be able to convince myself to get up and go for a walk, but it is raining so what’s the point?
I am checking out the (gulp!) jobs in the online classifieds. I don’t want to work, at least not full time, but I need my own money. Oh, and feeling sorry for myself.
Let’s see: something where I can wear jeans, pick my own hours, go to the beach or cleveland when I feel like it, very laid back people surrounding me, and a location/office that isn’t depressing.
You would be good at advertising or any job that where you had to use words in creative ways. Maybe you could get in the door with a temp job or something? Temp jobs let you check out lots of places — and you don’t have to work all the time.
I don’t think I want to take care of people anymore. I just don’t know if I have it in me these days. I can do office work but I find it boring to the point of becoming suicidal. I hate acting nice to people who are assholes so I think retail or hospitality is out of the question.
Well I do have to keep WW’s faith in me as a weather wizard. 🙂
FMom has been visiting with my youngest brother all day. He bought his son to a baseball camp here at the college and while my nephew is practicing my brother would be over here. So she’s happy, but tired.
Part was outside until it started raining, then they have a place inside for batting and other stuff. I don’t know if this nephew is going baseball or basketball. He’s going to be really big once he hits his full growth.
I googled it too and came up with this gem. Excuse me while I commit suicide.
and came up with this gem. I’ll just commit suicide right now.
1. Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling (see note)
2. Irregular heart beat
3. Irritability
4. Mood swings, sudden tears
5. Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
6. Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles
7. Loss of libido (see note)
8. Dry vagina (see note)
9. Crashing fatigue
10. Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
11. Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom (see note)
12. Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion
13. Disturbing memory lapses
14. Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence (see note)
15. Itchy, crawly skin (see note)
16. Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons (see note)
17. Increased tension in muscles
18. Breast tenderness
19. Headache change: increase or decrease
20. Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea
21. Sudden bouts of bloat
22. Depression (see note)
23. Exacerbation of existing conditions
24. Increase in allergies
25. Weight gain (see note)
26. Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body; increase in facial hair
27. Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance
28. Changes in body odor
29. Electric shock sensation under the skin and in the head (see note)
30. Tingling in the extremities (see note)
31. Gum problems, increased bleeding
32. Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth, change in breath odor
33. Osteoporosis (after several years)
34. Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier
35. Tinnitus: ringing in ears, bells, ‘whooshing,’ buzzing etc. (see note)
They’ve done some studies that show that the loss of libido is very much related to self-esteem — that many women who go through menopause feel that simply doing so makes them unattractive.
* Symptom 1 (flashes) Hot flashes are due to the hypothalamic response to declining ovarian estrogen production. The declining estrogen state induces hypophysiotropic neurons in the arcuate nucleas of the hypothalamus to release gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in a pulsatile fashion, which in turn stimulates release of luteinizing hormone (LH). Extremely high pulses of LH occur during the period of declining estrogen production. The LH has vasodilatory effects, which leads to flushing.
* Symptom 7 (loss of libido) For some women the loss is so great that they actually find sex repulsive, in much the same way as they felt before puberty. What hormones give, loss of hormones can take away.
* Symptom 8 (dry vagina) results in painful intercourse
* Symptom 11 (doom thoughts) includes thoughts of death, picturing one’s own death
* Symptom 14(incontinence) reflects a general loss of smooth muscle tone
* Symptom 15 (itchy, crawly skin) feeling of ants crawling under the skin, not just dry itchy skin
* Symptom 16 (aching sore joints) may include such problems as carpal tunnel syndrome
* Symptom 22 (depression) different from other depression, the inability to cope is overwhelming. There is a feeling of loss of self. Hormone therapy ameliorates the depression dramatically.
* Symptom 25 (weight gain) often around the waist and thighs, resulting in ‘the disappearing waistline’
* Symptom 29 (shock sensation) “the feeling of a rubber band snapping in the layer of tissue between skin and muscle. It is a precursor to a hot flash”
* Symptom 30 (tingling in extremities) can also be a symptom of B-12 deficiency, diabetes, alterations in the flexibility of blood vessels, or a depletion of potassium or calcium
* Symptom 35* (tinnitus) one of those physical conditions that seems to manifest in some women at the same time as menopause. It can be associated with health conditions such as hypothyroidism and heart disease, and is a known side-effect of many medications, including aspirin (salicylates) and Prozac.
great progress on my slacker certification. at the moment i’m laying with my feet up on the couch, the patio door open and drinking a smoothie. looks like a new lounge is open so i’ll meander my way over there. cya there!
Morning Miss Andi and all the froggies!!!! Cool and tamp seems to be the rule for today so far. Of course really had to tell while the sun is till down. LOL
We’ve got rain and then snow forecast (but alas no accumulation).
Well turns out I was wrong about the damp. The sun is shining bright. I guess the damp this am was the left overs from the rain all day yesterday. LOL Will be in the 60’s today. I can deal with that.
I’m jealous of your sunshine. We haven’t had much for the last four days.
well by the forecast we should have sun for the next few days. I am hoping they are right since we have had quite a few cloudy days lately. LOL
Hi Andi and refinish!
Another sunny day in CabinLand. Today is laundry and squash everything into a suticase day. Big fun. 🙂
If today gets to be too much, you can always get advice on how to deal with the fledging leaving the nest from SN.
Denial. And if that doesn’t work – chocolate.
Do you sculpt the chocolate in shape of the kiddie?
Gorgeous picture again this morning! I’m always wanting to print them off, group them by theme, mat them in a wide white mat and black frame and hang them throughout my house. They remind me of when I was little and I would look through a paper towel tube at stuff – it really makes you focus on the little things that are all around you.
by that comment — could you follow it up with something snarky so I don’t feel like I’ve been thrown into an parallel universe. 😉
That picture brought to you by the freaky weather (just heard that the winter temps are 20° above average). Normally, there wouldn’t have been a bright green, firm fern to get frost covered.
My new year’s resolution is to be nicer to people, even if it’s disingenuous. 😛
Could I talk you out of that — I think it would be a tragedy.
Ok – done. I really don’t make resolutions because they depress me. But you said say something snarky, so I thought that would comfort you.
It was still way too nice and it promised even more niceness (even if insincere).
On the sincere side, if you ever want a higher res version of something I post, let me know — though I doubt that many of them are actually suitable for framing.
Didn’t somebody once say sincerity was overrated? Woody Allen, maybe? 😉
well I’m sincerely pissed that’s it’s the last day before I go back to work and the weather here stinks.
I think I’ll manage. AFOG, you know.
no I don’t know — what’s AFOG?
Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth.
And how great that it’s AFOG for both you and CBtE.
Yep. We’ve learned a lot together, the CBs and I.
We’re having a nice leisurely morning. I just wish he’d decide what he want for his last meal at home until February.
Speaking of last suppers, can you believe that my girlfriend’s reject husband (yeah, I don’t like him) actually put her unwashed crockpot from the last dinner they had together in a box with her other stuff? What a loser!
I can believe it.
People do strange and dumb things, don’t they?
It’ll be interesting to see how the Outward Bound experience affects his views. (that’s interesting for me; for you, I imagine it’s something a bit more compelling).
Considering what married spouses will do, I’m afraid I find that extremely believable.
The really funny thing was that he gave her all the sharp knives (and I mean, there were a TON of them!) and they were buried at the bottom of a box of photos. We laughed about how that may have been a prudent idea on his part…
So I guess that means he’s not planning to stop by her new place.
If he does he better have a suit of armor on.
We couldn’t decide if he was afraid he would lose his own self control (a distinct possibility), or if he was fretting about her going all Loreena Bobbitt on him. 🙂
It sounds like cellphones at a hundred paces would be appropriate. 😉
Both my sisters are divorced and both have remarried. Both the exes come to family gatherings (thanksgiving included my older sister’s ex and her second husband’s ex). I hadn’t really thought about how good and probably unusual it is that they both were able to keep things amiable.
That’s very good that things are amiable. I have to admit that with my x the next galaxy over would still be too close. 🙂
that’s probably lucky since I don’t your family gatherings need any more participants.
Oh there’s always room for nice people. In her case, that word is not in her vocabulary. 😉
That’s the kind of divorce my parents had. You can imagine my surprise when I was on the receiving end of something completely different in the my own divorce.
Sadly (mostly for the kids), I think most divorces tend more toward your end than my sisters’.
How about married for 20 years and not spoken 10 words to each other since he moved out? When I think about it it seems weird, but that’s the way it is. My choice, I guess. He makes me nauseous.
I’m sorry but I’m glad too because you got away from something/someone that was poisonous for you.
We should go left.
Morning Cabingirl!!! I also have to do laundry and load the dishwasher a couple of times. LOL I really do need to learn to laod the dang thing as I use dishes and run it as soon as it is full. LOL I am working on some more new designs this am so will be in and out.
Hmm. I wish there was some way you could just do mine while you’re at it. You wouldn’t mind, would you? 🙂
I just got finished my double espresso, so now I’m REALLY ready to roll. :::zing:::
Hey I’m down here on the left. Where is everybody?
My headache from yesterday is now down to a dull roar, so things are looking up.
I’ve been reading, doing laundry, contemplating walking in the cold rain (but it looks like it is going to stop soon so I’m staying contemplative), and moping.
Sorry you still have your headache but glad it’s better.
We’ve got another tornado watch out and the radar shows the bad weather should get here in a little while. So before I hear any thunder, I’m closing down and will see ya’ll later.
Hey everyone. Looks like I missed you again as usual.
Boy number one got off on his journey back to school. Boy number 2 and I took a load of clothes, books and knick knacks to the resale shop that benefits low-cost spay and neuter in the area. For animals, that is. It feels good to get rid of stuff that’s been hanging around and in the way.
Sort of rainy and dismal here though no thunder or wind. I am very disappointed in the dearth of storms down here after living on the shores of lake erie my whole life.
rainy and dismal here too. You’ve been way too energetic today, I feel guilty (well, not really).
I was at a meeting for an organization I volunteer for all morning, until about 2:00. Now I’m feeling very lazy.
Ihave reached the bottom of my energy barrel and have already had a nap to recharge.
You work full time and volunteer. And then you buy frosting and paint toenails and chat in the cafe. What could be more energetic than that?
I like the way you think.
Right now I’m sitting in my big oversized chair, with my legs slung over the side, reading blogs and eating the rest of the christmas candy (dove milk chocolate and caramel) — and I don’t have PMS. I just can’t stop myself. If it wasn’t raining I might be able to convince myself to get up and go for a walk, but it is raining so what’s the point?
What are you doing?
I am checking out the (gulp!) jobs in the online classifieds. I don’t want to work, at least not full time, but I need my own money. Oh, and feeling sorry for myself.
What kind of job are you looking for?
Let’s see: something where I can wear jeans, pick my own hours, go to the beach or cleveland when I feel like it, very laid back people surrounding me, and a location/office that isn’t depressing.
When you find that, let me know. I want to work with you. 🙂
Have you looked on Monster?
I’m not sure what category to look under on sites like Monster. Probably “other”.
You would be good at advertising or any job that where you had to use words in creative ways. Maybe you could get in the door with a temp job or something? Temp jobs let you check out lots of places — and you don’t have to work all the time.
I don’t think I want to take care of people anymore. I just don’t know if I have it in me these days. I can do office work but I find it boring to the point of becoming suicidal. I hate acting nice to people who are assholes so I think retail or hospitality is out of the question.
Any suggestions?
Why don’t you put up ad.
Lucious menopausal Mama
Ready to rock your world.
Bet you would get some hits. 🙂
I’m looking for a job, FM – not that sort of thing. That would be in the back of the independent local paper.
And I’m not menopausal.
Excuse me. If you find an office job, just be sure they have good air conditioning. 🙂
Ha ha, you funny little man.
I’m *peri*menopausal. Google it. 😛
When you google leave out the asterisks. They were supposed to bolden but didn’t. :/
I understand there’s some lazy people in the cafe?
I guess I’ll never be able to teach ya’ll the value of work. 🙂
Hey FM — how’s the headache?
Still there, but not bad. Thanks for asking.
It’s dreary down here too. It finally slacked off to a steady sprinkle.
You’ve really achieved something when you’ve convinced the rain to slack 😉
What’s fmom doing today?
Well I do have to keep WW’s faith in me as a weather wizard. 🙂
FMom has been visiting with my youngest brother all day. He bought his son to a baseball camp here at the college and while my nephew is practicing my brother would be over here. So she’s happy, but tired.
Ah baseball. It’s cool that they have that in the winter down there. Is it outdoors or in?
Part was outside until it started raining, then they have a place inside for batting and other stuff. I don’t know if this nephew is going baseball or basketball. He’s going to be really big once he hits his full growth.
OK I’m sorry. Not trying to make you feel decrepit.
I do think FMom has a spare walker though. 🙂
Or I could borrow your adjustable hospital bed and the handy plastic urinal that hangs there.
Nope I need all that stuff. But you can have the portable toilet chair.
There’s always the lottery.
the lottery is MINE – stay away from it! 🙂
But when I win it I’ll finance the Boo Bus for everyone to drive around meeting each other. (I of course will fly.)
It’s sure a lot more ya’lls than mine. We don’t even have a lottery in this state. Arrg!
I did and read about it. I started to take a 12 question test, but decided I couldn’t answer some of them. 😉
Or maybe I’ll just go to school for the next twenty years. People don’t bug you for not working when you’re going to school. Even permanently.
What you need is a job at a school — then you get free tuition. There’s a little university in your area isn’t there 🙂
Let’s ask Andi!
I don’t think she’d employ you … and even if she would, the commute would be a killer …
That’s a good idea.
I googled it too and came up with this gem. Excuse me while I commit suicide.
and came up with this gem. I’ll just commit suicide right now.
where’s the note — I want to know more about the “electic shock sensation under the skin and in the head”
Must. Cut. and. Paste. More. Better.
who had all of these. I don’t know anyone who had more than a few of those.
Oh and McKimmon Center for Extension & Continuing Education
I’ve got about half. It’s difficult to know which are that and which are the meds. But I had the other half before the meds – so it’s a wash.
symptom 7 is a bummer
Uh, yeah!
14 is a pisser. 🙂
Now I’m going to sit on FM’s lap while he tells me a joke.
Better have some Depends on. 😛
and I’m not fat, I’m having a sudden bout of bloat.
Didn’t happen to me.
They’ve done some studies that show that the loss of libido is very much related to self-esteem — that many women who go through menopause feel that simply doing so makes them unattractive.
Of course, this presumes I had any self esteem prior to menopause. I’d better start working on that.
Can you translate symptom 1 into English for me?
not knowing anyone who could translate that.
Geeze just a little discomfort and wah wah wah.
Helmet On! 🙂
Funny funny little guy.
Lets see, so far in this thread I’ve been a funny little man and now a funny little guy. I’m shrinkingggggggggg.
that’s common at your age. 😛
If you could only hold your tongue you wouldn’t need that helmet so often and you’d have fewer headaches.
I’m just sayin …
You’re probably right. I guess I go back to the nice FM.
don’t hurt yourself making the transition 🙂
Why thank you Mary for the kind thought. I’ll be sure to be careful. (How’s that 🙂
yawl are hilarious 🙂
Hi Ya Manny. How’s it going today?
great progress on my slacker certification. at the moment i’m laying with my feet up on the couch, the patio door open and drinking a smoothie. looks like a new lounge is open so i’ll meander my way over there. cya there!
I haven’t seen you since Christmas have I? Did you have nice holidays?
come to new lounge!