Cross-posted at: New Era Politics

Dear Mr. President

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said “The clock is ticking, Mr. President…”, and yet, while the clock ticks on lives continue to be lost.  Your failure to heed the call of the American people since the November elections to develop a new bi-partisan exit strategy for Iraq has resulted in the continued killings of both U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens.  The lives of U.S. soldiers will never be lost in vain, though.  Soldiers are simply carrying out orders, doing their duty as prescribed to them by their democratically elected government.  It is the American public’s duty to ensure that U.S. soldiers dying in our names are doing so for just causes.  When and if we fail to do our duty, we are to blame, not them.  But the majority of American voters have spoken.  They have said time is up.  Your endeavor of spreading democracy through the barrel of a gun has got to end.  It has turned into a mega-disaster with huge impacts on America’s national security, as well as putting the human security of the entire Mideast at risk.  The majority of Americans no longer support you or your adventure.  Bring a quick and decisive end to this war, Mr. President, or the deaths of U.S soldiers will fall on your hands since the majority of American voters have spoken out as no longer supporting your war.  Listen to the people who have endowed this democracy with their vote and their trust, for they are the ones who ultimately decide what causes our young men and women should die for.  Your Iraq debacle is no longer one of them.  The ultimate deciders within a democracy have spoken, so Mr. President, you must listen!