George Walker Bush is a plague upon humankind:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush will tell skeptical Americans on Wednesday he will send 21,500 more U.S. troops to Iraq as part of a long-delayed new plan for the unpopular war, setting up a confrontation with Democrats.
The fresh infusion of troops will join about 130,000 already in Iraq. Senior administration officials said 17,500 would go to Baghdad and 4,000 to volatile Anbar province.
The first wave of troops are expected to arrive in five days, with others coming in additional waves. Under the plan, the Iraqi government will deploy additional Iraqi troops to Baghdad with a first brigade deploying February 1 and two more by February 15.
Senior administration officials said the cost of the troop increase would be around $5.6 billion. An additional $1.2 billion would finance a rebuilding and jobs programs.
If you watched his speech, you saw nothing more than a flashback, a repeat of the empty words he’s spewed before, the cawing of a bloody-beaked raven circling over the mounting dead.
Facts don’t matter. The opposition of Generals doesn’t matter, those same generals that he used to excuse his escalations of the past. Even lifelong Republicans are abandoning his insane, stubborn wasting of American and Iraqi lives, in the name of broader war and greed and American/Israeli imperialism:
Bush is like Hitler. He blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy. Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion. In his last hours, Hitler was ordering non-existent German armies to drive the Russians from Berlin.
By manipulating Bush and provoking a military crisis in which the US stands to lose its army in Iraq, the neoconservatives hope to revive the implementation of their plan for US conquest of the Middle East. They believe they can use fear, “honor,” and the aversion of macho Americans to ignoble defeat to expand the conflict in response to military disaster. The neocons believe that the loss of an American army would be met with the electorate’s demand for revenge. The barriers to the draft would fall, as would the barriers to the use of nuclear weapons.
Neocon godfather Norman Podhoretz set out the plan for Middle East conquest several years ago in Commentary magazine. It is a plan for Muslim genocide. In place of physical extermination of Muslims, Podhoretz advocates their cultural destruction by deracination. Islam is to be torn out by the roots and reduced to a purely formal shell devoid of any real beliefs.
Podhoretz disguises the neoconservative attack against diversity with contrived arguments, but its real purpose is to use the US military to subdue Arabs and to create space for Israel to expand.
These are criticisms from his right, and complaints about Godwin’s Law or anti-Semitism become foolish when confronted with such obstinate evil.
Congress could fight back, but decades of McCarthyite tactics have rendered most politicians, especially Democrats, cowardly and accommodating when confronted by jingoistic chestbeating and needless, wasteful escalation. They are more likely to blame our victims, to self-righteously proclaim that we saintly Americans have done enough (see Durbin’s shameful Democratic response).
George Walker Bush is a plague on Humankind, and sadly it looks like the Democrats will continue to push carts through the carnage, crying out “Bring out your dead,” concerned only that the dead not be AMERICAN dead, and a pox upon everybody else.
Update [2007-1-11 13:15:34 by Madman in the Marketplace]:
Dick Durbin’s jingoistic response to Bush’s speech:
It’s time for President Bush to face the reality of Iraq. And the reality is this: America has paid a heavy price. We have paid with the lives of more than 3,000 of our soldiers. We have paid with the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. And we’ve paid with the hard-earned tax dollars of the families of America.
And we have given the Iraqis so much. We have deposed their dictator. We dug him out of a hole in the ground and forced him to face the courts of his own people. We’ve given the Iraqi people a chance to draft their own constitution, hold their own free elections and establish their own government.
We Americans, and a few allies, have protected Iraq when no one else would. (EXCUSE ME?!?!?!
Now, in the fourth year of this war, it is time for the Iraqis to stand and defend their own nation.
The government of Iraq must now prove that it will make the hard political decisions which will bring an end to this bloody civil war, disband the militias and death squads, create an environment of safety and opportunity for every Iraqi, and begin to restore the basics of electricity and water and health care that define the quality of life.
The Iraqis must understand that they alone can lead their nation to freedom. They alone must meet the challenges that lie ahead. And they must know that, every time they call 911, we are not going to send 20,000 more American soldiers.
As Congress considers our future course in Iraq, we remain committed, on a bipartisan basis, to providing our soldiers every resource they need to fight effectively and come home safely.
Actual text of Bush’s announcement of his bloody escalation, no link up yet to Durbin’s pathetic, criminal response.
The whole Monty Python skit seems like an awfully truthful, not so funny in real life, reenactment of U.S. foreign policy in Iraq:
sad, but true.
“Oops! My bad.”
<pause, sickly grin into camera>
“Now let me do it again.”
Bush is like Hitler. He blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy. Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion. In his last hours, Hitler was ordering non-existent German armies to drive the Russians from Berlin.
The entity in the Washington bunker is Darth Cheney and his staff of course … and U.S. Iraq policy is shaped within our bunkers in the Green Zone, central Baghdad, where hanged dictator Hussein had his palaces (bunkers). In essence, dictators always rule from bunkers?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Here’s what I think,
At this point there’s no political or legal entity that can challenge Bush, let alone make him stop. The democrats, with the senate and the house and dissaffected military leaders in their arsenal still can’t stand up and forcefully challenge him with any real threat of action. Protests are still seen as fringe lunacy. Even by our own. Arthur Gilroy is right when he says that protests will only work when we get a critical mass of millions in the streets. And the only way that can happen, the only way the average, do nothing American will ever sit up and take notice, is when protesters, including dissenting soldiers, begin getting killed in the streets by the machine. Then maybe, just maybe, it will dawn on them that the only entity that can halt Bush’s maniacle usurption of our country is them/us/Americans, together.
I think we are staring ahead at a very ugly and tragic moment in our history. I have a sense of dread that hangs over me now like a black cloud. I can’t leave my kids with the future I see coming without at least trying.
I think you’re right, and I’m not sure even that would help. There is a sense of gathering momentum in our descent now.
I just made a similar comment ovver at big orange, to some joker who thought that Bush would have to get a congressional resolution to attack Iran, because it wouldn’t be covered under the 9/11 resolution. Did he need one for Somalia? Nope.
He’ll fire the missiles, start the war, and then what can anyone do about it? The damamge will have been done.
And if anyone watching last night doesn’t realize that we have a crazy man in the White House, they must be blind, deaf, and oh yeah, DUMB.
I don’t even bother commenting there anymore because 9 times outta 10, at least for me, it’s a waste of time when you encounter the wall of certainty and ignorance.
I’d just like to throw in here that I had one (albeit small) glimmer of hope yesterday.
Most of you probably know something about Sen. Norm Coleman. But I lived in the town he served as mayor for 8 years. The guy is a complete and TOTAL sleazbag in every sense of the word. When Wellstone was up for re-election in 2002, Dick Cheney stepped in and picked Coleman to run against him, clearing out all the others (including our current Governor Pawlenty) from the field. Coleman has paid Cheney back by carrying their water on every issue immaginable, even when it went against promises he’s made to powerful constiuents here in the state.
And yesterday Norm “Sleazball” Coleman came out AGAINST the escalation. I give him no credit for this other than that he’s up for re-election in 08 and he saw another Bush water-carrier get his ass whipped by Amy Klobuchar in November. But when the Norm Coleman’s of the world start abandoning the ship that brought them in, its time to take notice.
I know this is small and doesn’t calm my fears about Bush igniting holy hell before anyone has a chance to stop him. But I wanted to share the little glimmer of hope I saw in this.
I did see your comment about Coleman in another thread. I try to pay attention as much as I can ;o)
Coleman has sleazebag written all over him. I hate to judge someone by their look but if anyone looks like a sleazebag, it’s him. Not proud of the fact he comes from NY either. Carpetbagger…
Anyway NL, a glimmer is still a glimmer, no matter the size. Thanks for injecting a little hopefulness :o)
Bush will continue to keep the region in a continuing state of chaos, and the corporate profits will keep coming.