Bush has always preferred a bloody PR campaign to accompany his private agendas. 9/11 was the bloody PR that precluded his invasion of Iraq.
This new escalation is the bloody PR campaign that precludes his attacks on Iran and Syria. The upcoming deaths of American soldiers are quite necessary to our president. They are the only thing that will give him the muscle to stay indefinitely in Iraq. The whole region is about to go up in flames, and we will be right in the middle of it. Forever, probably.
Bush can’t leave Iraq. Not now. Not when ExxonMobil, Chevron BP and other energy conglomerates are preparing to sign a production-sharing agreement (PSA) worth billions for the next 30 years. Iraq has 115 billion barrels of known oil reserves.
Remember “Three Days of the Condor” when Turner told Higgens that when the world was running out of oil, the Americans would want to be asked about whether we should attack the Middle East?
Higgens said that when Americans were cold and hungry, they wouldn’t want to be asked, they would only want the government to get the oil for them.
Have we really come to that?
I wish it weren’t true. But I must agree with you. If we ever leave the middle east alone it will be if and when the Big Oil boys say so. I also wish I had any confidence that the Democrats aren’t very nearly as beholden, controlled, and strong armed by Big Oil. We shall see.