Progress Pond

US Atty Carol Lam: got Dukester, now dumped

H/T to AfterDowningStreet, who linked to this story published Friday, Jan 12:

The headline is “Job performance said to be behind White House firing [of US Attorney Carol Lam]”

This is the prosecutor who successfully tried former Rep Duke Cunningham. She is accused of not trying enough cases concerning illegal drug activity, for example. Going after white collar crime may not be uppermost on the priority list for the Bushies, right?

Further into the article, Sen Dianne Feinstein is quoted, criticizing the Administration “for pushing out US Attorneys across the country under the cloak of secrecy.”

Feinstein said the administration was abusing its executive power by trying to circumvent the Senate confirmation process. She and two colleagues proposed legislation yesterday to restore appointment authority to the district court when a vacancy occurs and an interim leader is needed.

A provision in the Patriot Act facilitates secret removal of judges. Examples given in the story indicate what qualities are demanded by Bushco.

A follow-up story on Saturday provides local reaction and defense of Ms Lam’s record at

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