The military thinker for Kagan e.a. and the proposed and by Bush implemented ‘surge’ plan for victory in Iraq.

Think Again: The “Surge” and the “Purge”

“The surge belongs to the neocons and in particular to Frederick Kagan… Kagan turned to former Army Vice Chief of Staff Jack Keane, a retired four-star general who still has street cred at the Pentagon, to help flesh out the plan and then sell it to the White House.”

Gen. Jack Keane (Ret.) served in the U.S.
Army for 37 years and was the Army's vice
chief of staff from 1999 to 2003.

The torture question: interview Jack Keane

“I think there was a sense that the operation in Guantanamo was a solid operation on every level: the quality of the detention center itself, how it was being run, its efficiency in taking care of prisoners — it was under a huge scrutiny in terms of oversight — and then the quality of the interrogation and how that complemented each other, and the fact that there was good information coming out of Guantanamo.”

Time To “Draw a Line in the Sand” on Iraq ◊ by clammyc
The Inexorable Logic of Impeachment ◊ comment by idredit

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."