I’m working on non-grazing critters for your menagerie. We need some imagination if you’re going to get back up to 50. Of course, an ant farm would really boost the numbers but is sort of unappealing. And a little lacking in charisma.
We had a brief thunderstorm at three in the morning. Unfortunately it was more thunder than storm. I had to go outside and sit with Luna a bit in order to reassure her that the big booms were nothing to worry about.
Today promises to be hot and muggy – my least favorite combination.
As for the critter count, we haven’t had fish in awhile. I suppose I could set the tanks back up. Do carnivorous plants count as pets?
Sorry about the storm — hope you got some rain out of it.
Fish are fun to watch. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is one of my favorite places to go to just let my mind wander. And probably a good way to get your numbers up without pissing off Imogen.
Still hoping for critters that graze, though — maybe you could handle a couple of goats? We’ve got a bunch of them around here and they are just jammed with personality.
If you’re going for carnivorous though, I’d pick lizards over plants any day.
I love goats, especially angora goats. That’s how the previous numbers got so high. At any one time I’d have at least four of them, and usually more like ten (including the kids).
One of the main reasons we got alpacas is that they have padded feet, not hooves. Australia never had hoofstock until the Europeans arrived. The grasses here did not co-evolve with hard hoofed grazers, therefore they are not adapted to being heavily trod upon. Also, the topsoil is very thin and hooves tend to scrape it loose which lets it get blown away.
Fortunately Luna is not scared of thunder. But we get it so infrequently here that she’s not really comfortable with it yet.
She barks at the thunder, but in that way that says “I’m not sure if I should bark or not, so I’ll bark just in case.” By sitting outside with her I’m hoping that my calm disregard of thunder will convince her to do likewise.
Belle was terrified of thunderstorms. She would usually hear it before us and start bumping the carport door. As soon as we let her in she went straight to the guest bathroom and stayed there. Of course after the storm passed it was hell to get her out again.
Somewhere there is a very blurry Brownie Camera photo I took of my Ca. Desert Iguana “Mr. Wizard” warming himself on the family cat “Snowball.”
Luna, alas, cannot be similarly trusted. We call her “skinkbane” for her tendancy to chase the skinks. The skinks ususally get away, but one poor torpid Mountain Dragon got squished by a very large paw in the back. I’m still hoping a big (over a foot long and stocky) Blue-tongue Skink will bite her one of these days and teach her a bit of respect.
Which reminds me, we’ve got another Copperhead snake living next to the house. I should make a snake trap so that I can catch it and relocate it. “Bloody poisonous buggers,” as the Aussies would say.
We have friends nearby with miniture horses, so I can visit them whenever I like.
We have considered a miniture donkey. There are a couple of people who raise Irish and/or Sicilian donkeys in Tasmania, and we might just be tempted by the right jenet foal.
My last donkey was a BLM adoptee, and had lots of sass.
Thanks. I loved the hint of light and slight shadow on the water.
And I’m sure CBtE is doing great. One of my hikes down the Grand Canyon was done in the snow, on an ice-covered trail (frozen burro piss!), and I still loved every second of it. A great place can pretty much overwhelm any weather.
here too and peace be with you also. Have to send the kids back to school today but I had so much fun with them this weekend I don’t want to, now that’s different if not much else is today that I wish was.
Mr. MT said that he wants a helicopter bday cake. I told him that he married the wrong the girl and Martha is really a total bitch to live with so maybe he should cake choose again 😉 I know him and he was thinking 3D with rotor blades on top, if ya can’t make em out of marshmallows fergettit.
early hours, no downpour though. It’s cold with you guys huh? I haven’t checked the temp outside yet. My neighbor across the street said that we were due some of the freeze from Florida, is that what you have this morning?
It sprinkled all day yesterday and last night, but just wet now. It only down to 38 right now and I think it’s predicted to be 28 tonight. I think we’re going to miss all the freeze. I’m still wanting snow though.
It’s a big want, but it has happened. The biggest thing I like about plants down here during winter is the grass doesn’t grown. I’m just now seeing daylight.
Yeah it’s pretty greedy of them to keep all the snow. I just let George out for his first time today and he didn’t take long. Even with a fur coat on he thinks it cold.
Well it has been sleeting and raining since around midnight. The Tv talks non stop about jack knifed 18 wheelers. as you can guess I am not leaving home.
I know I should not laugh as the powers that be will get me. When I went to feed the Diva Dogs this am as usual, Bette went running out the doggie door to bark and let the neighbors know she was being fed. She hit black ice after 2 barks and I heard a small yelp and then she came runiing back in. She is not hurt at all excpet her pride.
Morning FamilyMan. Nothing stops that nut. She has already been out again and fell again but she does not know how to walk. Everything is done at a dead run. I love her dearly but she is one dense puppy sometimes.
Reba the younger but bigger dog is the one who hates to get wet. She has only gone out when her bowels or bladder were about to bust in the last few days. I will give it to her that she always goes out, but it is funny watching her wait. LOL
When I know George is about to bust, I’ll pick him up and take him to the middle of the lawn. He’ll act like he’s going back in, but I won’t let him. I guess you could say he has a relieved and pissed look on his face afterwards. 🙂
Morning Miss Andi!!!! Well, I haven’t heard from work but I refuse to drive in this stuff. LOL Bette is fine. She is one tough little dog and constantly keeps me entertained. LOL How are things your way?
And here I was trying not to focus on the weather in Texas. Although I bet CBtE will come back swaggering about cool it was, camping in the snow. That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway.
Glad you don’t have to go anywhere today…poor Bette! Wounded pride can be so painful. 🙂
Yet another wave of sleet and snow are puching through right now. I will say snow is pretty falling but considering the sleet I am not impressed.
The only good thing about the bad weather is it screwed up Gov. Goodhair’s crowning today. The parade got cancelled and the swearing in had to be moved in side, the barbque had to be done in tents clsoe to the capital and I think the grand ball tonight will most likely be cancelled as well. Also a lot of the butt kissing, bible thumping asshole republicans could not get to austin cause of the weather!!!!!
This should chill everyone to the bone. I heard a Texas news commentator mention that if Perry serves his full term he will have been in office for 10 years but there is talk of him being chosen as VP on the Repugnant Ticket.
I am going totally stir crazy!!!! I have lots of work I am doing but the idea of nut being able to go anywhere is driving me totally nuts!!!!!
I have all the states done for the first design except 13. I started doing both designs on each state as I went along do only have 23 that I will have to go back and do the secon design for. Luckily I saved the photoshop version of each so it is just a matter of changing the wording and the overlay. I have actually started uploading many of the designs to the site and will try and get that finished asap so I can get the word out about the site. I also need to upload all the designs I had already done for edwards to that site also. Sometimes I really do think I am totally nuts. LOL
There is a rosery tonight and a funeral in the am I need to be at but becuase of weather and distance I will have to miss it. I feel like I am letting my friends down by not being there for them in their time of need.
Not being able to go when you want to will drive you crazy, but I think your friends will understand. I’m sure they would rather you be safe and sound then try and chance it.
and I am the type who hates not being ijn control of everything. LOL I know I have no control of the weatherbut dang it!!!!
I hope the sleet passes you by. We had a little snow today and as much as I hate it, I do love watching it fall. LOL I remember as a kid I loved the snow and being in it and all that but now I just think of what it is stopping me from doing. LOL
Even if we have sleet it will melt. The ground isn’t cold enough.
In control of everything huh? I guess that what’s called type A personility. Knowing you have control of nothing is the path to slackdom Refinsih. You’re iced in, still got power and everything. My god man, this is the classic for slack time.
Morning Andi. We’re staying up late to watch a bit the Australian open.
Also, it got into the mid-90’s today and it’s still stinking hot.
Ugh on the 90s. I hate hot weather.
I’m working on non-grazing critters for your menagerie. We need some imagination if you’re going to get back up to 50. Of course, an ant farm would really boost the numbers but is sort of unappealing. And a little lacking in charisma.
We had a brief thunderstorm at three in the morning. Unfortunately it was more thunder than storm. I had to go outside and sit with Luna a bit in order to reassure her that the big booms were nothing to worry about.
Today promises to be hot and muggy – my least favorite combination.
As for the critter count, we haven’t had fish in awhile. I suppose I could set the tanks back up. Do carnivorous plants count as pets?
Sorry about the storm — hope you got some rain out of it.
Fish are fun to watch. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is one of my favorite places to go to just let my mind wander. And probably a good way to get your numbers up without pissing off Imogen.
Still hoping for critters that graze, though — maybe you could handle a couple of goats? We’ve got a bunch of them around here and they are just jammed with personality.
If you’re going for carnivorous though, I’d pick lizards over plants any day.
I love goats, especially angora goats. That’s how the previous numbers got so high. At any one time I’d have at least four of them, and usually more like ten (including the kids).
One of the main reasons we got alpacas is that they have padded feet, not hooves. Australia never had hoofstock until the Europeans arrived. The grasses here did not co-evolve with hard hoofed grazers, therefore they are not adapted to being heavily trod upon. Also, the topsoil is very thin and hooves tend to scrape it loose which lets it get blown away.
Oh, and on the lizard front, I’ve had the following:
California Desert Iguana
Tegu (a type of monitor lizzard)
Giant Green Iguana
Gold Dust Day Geckos
Peacock Day Geckos
I’ll have to dig out my photos of just hatched Day Geckos. They uncoil out of a shell about the size of a pea.
I’m not sure we have room for a vivarium.
Surely luna would be willing to share the couch.
Poor Luna outside in the thunder. My Mom’s sheep dog Belle was the same way.
Fortunately Luna is not scared of thunder. But we get it so infrequently here that she’s not really comfortable with it yet.
She barks at the thunder, but in that way that says “I’m not sure if I should bark or not, so I’ll bark just in case.” By sitting outside with her I’m hoping that my calm disregard of thunder will convince her to do likewise.
Belle was terrified of thunderstorms. She would usually hear it before us and start bumping the carport door. As soon as we let her in she went straight to the guest bathroom and stayed there. Of course after the storm passed it was hell to get her out again.
Somewhere there is a very blurry Brownie Camera photo I took of my Ca. Desert Iguana “Mr. Wizard” warming himself on the family cat “Snowball.”
Luna, alas, cannot be similarly trusted. We call her “skinkbane” for her tendancy to chase the skinks. The skinks ususally get away, but one poor torpid Mountain Dragon got squished by a very large paw in the back. I’m still hoping a big (over a foot long and stocky) Blue-tongue Skink will bite her one of these days and teach her a bit of respect.
Which reminds me, we’ve got another Copperhead snake living next to the house. I should make a snake trap so that I can catch it and relocate it. “Bloody poisonous buggers,” as the Aussies would say.
Well as is well known in the cafe, I’m a famous snake fighter and if I was there I would catch it for you and take it away. Yeah for sure. 🙂
I see you more as a snake wisperer.
You should see me as a snake runner. Whenever I see one, I run as fast as these old legs can carry me. 🙂
So no goats, no lizards, no carnivorous plants. I guess fish are starting to look more promising. (Hmm, how much could a minature horse eat?)
We have friends nearby with miniture horses, so I can visit them whenever I like.
We have considered a miniture donkey. There are a couple of people who raise Irish and/or Sicilian donkeys in Tasmania, and we might just be tempted by the right jenet foal.
My last donkey was a BLM adoptee, and had lots of sass.
I love today’s picture.
Thanks. I loved the hint of light and slight shadow on the water.
And I’m sure CBtE is doing great. One of my hikes down the Grand Canyon was done in the snow, on an ice-covered trail (frozen burro piss!), and I still loved every second of it. A great place can pretty much overwhelm any weather.
Good morning to you all.
Have a nice day!
The rain has finally stopped so for the moment at least, it is a nice day.
G’morn’n Glories…hope all goes well in your world today…
Good morning. A little shy on glory here but not bad on plodding normality.
one step at a time… ; )
up with me this early and now I don’t have to imagine anymore. It’s still pitch black outside.
I think that it’s almost always safe to imagine that your fellow Alabamian, FM, is up with you in the morning.
Hey, the earlier you get up, the sooner you can nap.
Good point but if I don’t time it right, I miss the early morning crew.
yeppers Tracy, it’s just lil’ ol’ me…LOL
good to hear from you again lady..
peace be with you and yours..
here too and peace be with you also. Have to send the kids back to school today but I had so much fun with them this weekend I don’t want to, now that’s different if not much else is today that I wish was.
Glad you guys had such a nice weekend. And I loved Josh’s birthday cake – Will you make me one? 🙂
CBtY still has today off. Woo-hoo!
Mr. MT said that he wants a helicopter bday cake. I told him that he married the wrong the girl and Martha is really a total bitch to live with so maybe he should cake choose again 😉 I know him and he was thinking 3D with rotor blades on top, if ya can’t make em out of marshmallows fergettit.
more coffee please.
Good morning all.
It’s a wonderful night/morning isn’t it.
Did you sleep in and make what I said to Tracy (above) wrong?
Yep I slept later than usual. Haven’t gotten the sleep out of my eyes yet.
Dawn is finally sneaking around the edges now. I live in a very treed neighborhood so probably don’t notice dawn when it makes it’s first show.
Morning Tracy.
It still looks pretty dark here and a little bit colder than yesterday morning. Did ya’ll get much rain?
early hours, no downpour though. It’s cold with you guys huh? I haven’t checked the temp outside yet. My neighbor across the street said that we were due some of the freeze from Florida, is that what you have this morning?
It sprinkled all day yesterday and last night, but just wet now. It only down to 38 right now and I think it’s predicted to be 28 tonight. I think we’re going to miss all the freeze. I’m still wanting snow though.
Arugula really loves it some Southern winter, I have an Arugula jungle right now.
It’s a big want, but it has happened. The biggest thing I like about plants down here during winter is the grass doesn’t grown. I’m just now seeing daylight.
We’ve finally got winter temps here (down in teens and twenties) but no snow. 🙁
I think Colorado and New Mexico kept all the snow for themselves.
Yeah it’s pretty greedy of them to keep all the snow. I just let George out for his first time today and he didn’t take long. Even with a fur coat on he thinks it cold.
Well it has been sleeting and raining since around midnight. The Tv talks non stop about jack knifed 18 wheelers. as you can guess I am not leaving home.
I know I should not laugh as the powers that be will get me. When I went to feed the Diva Dogs this am as usual, Bette went running out the doggie door to bark and let the neighbors know she was being fed. She hit black ice after 2 barks and I heard a small yelp and then she came runiing back in. She is not hurt at all excpet her pride.
Morning Refinish.
Smart idea not to leave home. Poor Bette, I wonder if you’ll get her to go out again with the black ice.
Morning FamilyMan. Nothing stops that nut. She has already been out again and fell again but she does not know how to walk. Everything is done at a dead run. I love her dearly but she is one dense puppy sometimes.
I’m sure that’s what makes her so loveable.
Yes it is. And what other dog could go out in sleet and rain and only come in with a wet belly and paws? LOL
I know George couldn’t. Even if it’s a slight sprinkle he won’t go out.
Reba the younger but bigger dog is the one who hates to get wet. She has only gone out when her bowels or bladder were about to bust in the last few days. I will give it to her that she always goes out, but it is funny watching her wait. LOL
When I know George is about to bust, I’ll pick him up and take him to the middle of the lawn. He’ll act like he’s going back in, but I won’t let him. I guess you could say he has a relieved and pissed look on his face afterwards. 🙂
Glad you don’t have to go out and sorry that poor Bette did. 😉
Morning Miss Andi!!!! Well, I haven’t heard from work but I refuse to drive in this stuff. LOL Bette is fine. She is one tough little dog and constantly keeps me entertained. LOL How are things your way?
Not too bad. But unlike you, I’ve got to get to work.
See ya later.
And here I was trying not to focus on the weather in Texas. Although I bet CBtE will come back swaggering about cool it was, camping in the snow. That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway.
Glad you don’t have to go anywhere today…poor Bette! Wounded pride can be so painful. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! Sorry. I guess I should have stayed quiet this am. You know they are huddled in tents and drinking black coffee.
Hehehe. Like I wouldn’t have been worrying anyway? 🙂
I guess he’s learning that “what doesn’t kill you makes you a stronger person”. And we’ve all had more than a few of those lessons, haven’t we?
He’ll be fine. I hope you didn’t pack for beach weather though.
They sent a list of stuff that (when layered) should be adequate, but I don’t think it really takes into account a week of sleet/freezing rain/snow.
He’s probably cursing me about now.
He’s used to weather and all that hiking every day keeps you at a nice toasty light sweat. He’s too busy or too tired right now to curse you.
Gotta go and get the day started. Maybe I can get an early morning nap today.
See ya’ll.
Yet another wave of sleet and snow are puching through right now. I will say snow is pretty falling but considering the sleet I am not impressed.
The only good thing about the bad weather is it screwed up Gov. Goodhair’s crowning today. The parade got cancelled and the swearing in had to be moved in side, the barbque had to be done in tents clsoe to the capital and I think the grand ball tonight will most likely be cancelled as well. Also a lot of the butt kissing, bible thumping asshole republicans could not get to austin cause of the weather!!!!!
This should chill everyone to the bone. I heard a Texas news commentator mention that if Perry serves his full term he will have been in office for 10 years but there is talk of him being chosen as VP on the Repugnant Ticket.
for now, anyway. Enjoy:
Thanks Manny. I’ll lay under that tap for awhile.
I am going totally stir crazy!!!! I have lots of work I am doing but the idea of nut being able to go anywhere is driving me totally nuts!!!!!
I have all the states done for the first design except 13. I started doing both designs on each state as I went along do only have 23 that I will have to go back and do the secon design for. Luckily I saved the photoshop version of each so it is just a matter of changing the wording and the overlay. I have actually started uploading many of the designs to the site and will try and get that finished asap so I can get the word out about the site. I also need to upload all the designs I had already done for edwards to that site also. Sometimes I really do think I am totally nuts. LOL
There is a rosery tonight and a funeral in the am I need to be at but becuase of weather and distance I will have to miss it. I feel like I am letting my friends down by not being there for them in their time of need.
damn my typing sucks!!!! LOL
Not being able to go when you want to will drive you crazy, but I think your friends will understand. I’m sure they would rather you be safe and sound then try and chance it.
Thanks FamilyMan. I know they will understand but it doesn’t make this any easier.
No it doesn’t, but sometimes things can’t be helped.
Actually they’re predicting we’re supposed to get a little bit of sleet tonight. It ain’t snow, but it’s not completely wet either.
and I am the type who hates not being ijn control of everything. LOL I know I have no control of the weatherbut dang it!!!!
I hope the sleet passes you by. We had a little snow today and as much as I hate it, I do love watching it fall. LOL I remember as a kid I loved the snow and being in it and all that but now I just think of what it is stopping me from doing. LOL
Even if we have sleet it will melt. The ground isn’t cold enough.
In control of everything huh? I guess that what’s called type A personility. Knowing you have control of nothing is the path to slackdom Refinsih. You’re iced in, still got power and everything. My god man, this is the classic for slack time.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I have actually take a couple of short naps but have been busy designing as you know.
here is the link to the new store. Still lots of work to be done but I will get it done.
The new store looks great Refinish. You’ve been working your back end off.
Thank you!!!!