Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Beer is here, but it’s kind of cold for that. Hot beer maybe?
hot beer….ewwwwwwwww.
now, let’s light up a shot of 151, and chase it down with a couple of shots of TE..KILL..YA…
Hoooooooooooo Nooooowwwwwww
Hey Ipig. I think that would warm everybody up.
Good to see ya.
SHOTS for everyone….LOL
You name all the shots and I’ll supply, viturally of course. 🙂
just start pour’n man,,,let’m choose their own poison..; )
Can do. After I pour myself enough of my own poison, they’ll have to pour their own though.
LOL..nutt’n like a good work out huh… ; )
Hey I want to be just as happy as all the patrons. It wouldn’t do for me to run a real bar. 🙂
I think my biggest problem would be that during the times I have been inebriated everyboyd around me is the best friend I ever had. So I would be buying rounds for everybody. Now if I owned a bar, hell I would be giving it away. 🙂
you’ll be cured the first time you have to replace the booze outta your pocket….beleive me…
I tried it once…LOL
Warm – minus the beer – sounds good.
Good to see you back round the pond IP … 🙂
Hi Olivia. Glad to see you got to work and back OK in all the snow. We still have rain down here.
than snow … 🙂
How are you doing — holding down the fort w/ all the rels?
Well just think. This summer when it gets hot, you’ve got AC. 🙂
They gone to visit friends, so it’s kind of quiet now.
for you and George.
I think George is just resting his vocal cord to start barking again. Me, I cleaned and cooked today and as of now I’m done. Except for eating fudge bars. 🙂
And how many boxes did you buy? lol
I bought just one box and I’ve already had four. I think once she get out of this I’ll never want to see a fudge bar again.
She’s had two. That means I’ve got at least 4 or 5 more to go. I wish I could get her onto healthy food, but at 80 years old what can you do. If I could get my rels here to eat a couple I would be all right, but they don’t like them. Olivia I need you down here to eat some of the fudge. I’ve got faith in you and I know you could do it. 🙂
I think you could twist my arm … 😉
Don’t make yourself sick tho … Does FMom have a favourite dish — maybe you could make that to try and tempt her off the fudge bars. 🙂
Hey Olivia…good to hear from you as well….Have a shot… ; )
of warmth that is..(bottling up some Florida air and emailing it to ya)
Thank you kind sir … 🙂
my pleasure…(tip of the hat)
‘Evening, pondlings! So pleased to see you. Hope everyone’s enjoyed a satisfactory Hump Day.
Hellloooooo WW.
How’re you doing up in the cold north?
Hello there, FM! The rumor is that it’s cold here, but I don’t believe it. Still balmy compared to what’s normal in the Catskills.
How’s by you? Seen much weather down your way?
I’m not in the Catskills yet.
Nope just rain. They keep saying we might get some sleet, but haven’t seen any yet. I just want something that’s not liquid to fall. 😉
When are you getting back to your mountains?
I should be there tomorrow afternoon. I’ve had enough of the city for now — my home town, no less!
I guess you’ve been getting lots of rain lately? I’ve been out of the weather loop lately.
You know I must have forgotten or didn’t know the NYC is your hometown. An old story. A friend of mine visited me while I lived in New Hampshire. He wanted me to drive him to Grand Central or the big train station there. I refused and dropped him off in Boston. I had drived there twice before. When I left NH, I went completely around NYC so I didn’t have to drive through threre.
Lets say I’ve always gotten lost in every big city I’ve been in. For some reason I didn’t want to get lost in NYC. I figured if I did I would never get out.
Now that silly isn’t it?
Not really — this place is something of a vortex.
Actually, though, Manhattan is probably one of the easiest cities in the world to navigate, because of the grid pattern. Having driven in & out many, many times, though, I’d say you were smart to avoid it anyway, because of the congestion. Mass transit is the way to go, if at all possible. I’m still amazed at what a terrific mass transit system exists here. No reason to drive within the city limits at all.
There have been two cities that I got lost and felt blessed that I got out of the place alive. I guess with NYC growing up with TV you saw all the cop shows and it just made me want to avoid going there. Don’t get me wrong, down here as you should know, there are places that can be just as bad. Just living in the country is so much more peaceful. Down here we lock our doors, but years ago we didn’t. I used to love living in he big cities I did live in, but now I like the quiet.
Seconded! & so I return to the wilderness.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to report from there before long.
It is more than satisfactory for timing my visit to coincide w/ yours … 🙂
What’s new and exciting in ww-land?
I’m very pleased to see you, too, Miss O! Hope you’re staying warm & comfy. Rumor says winter’s arrived.
‘Course, I’m headed into the mountains right on time.
Make sure you have your layers in order and your woolies on … 🙂
I definitely will! Thankfully, I’ve been given various layers by kind friends since my return from The World’s Largest Sweatbath — a coat here, a sweater there. I have more waiting for me in storage up north, too.
I hope you’ve seen in your rough weather without undue hardship & in good health!
I see you’re still nyc — do you have a departure date for the catskills yet?
Andi! Happy to have seen you before I ungraciously depart. Drat this City Busyness!
I’m headed to the Catskills tomorrow morning, FSM willing.
Can’t stand to head out of the cafe’ now — alas, I must. Do hope to be back before long (said The Queen of Protracted Urgent Adieu).
Alors …
We’ll be thinking of you … {{{ww}}}
And hope you find some way onto the internet so we won’t have to miss you too much.
Thank you both!
How are you all fairing there tonight?
How did the pictures of the river come out?
As for my cold weather, I can’t complain — but still do 😉
been missing for quite a while. Hell, I’ve even, until recently, been neglecting my actual local pub — my semester was very busy — and discovered that they have an entire new staff now. So I get to break in a bunch of new bartenders. But I promise I won’t leave any lasting scars.
Everybody doing well, I hope?
Good to see you tonight … been a bit slow around the pond these days.
Maybe everybody’s just hibernating. I know I’ve been feeling that way lately — all I want to do is eat fatty things and sleep. And except for this last week, I can’t even blame it on the cold.
Really, I think there’s likely just a sort of ebb-and-flow thing going on. Seems like everywhere’s been quieter than usual, but that’s just my perception.
I think your right. There is an ebb and flow sometimes to it all.
I’ve been on a 20 year or so ebb, I’m still waiting for the flow.
I flow once a month, like clockwork. I’d prefer longer ebbs in that regard, frankly. 😛
that I am well beyond that ebb and flow.
You on an ebb, forget it. Andi you are the flow that make this cafe run. Does that buy me any points? 🙂
Good to see you again, Spit. Hope you’ve been doing well yourself.
Been doing alright. I have seldom felt so happy to be done with a class as I was with my entomology last semester — it was fun, but holy crap it was a lot of work.
I still have pinned, dead insects lying around in my “study” (which has really just become the Crap Storage Facility), that couldn’t be used in the collection, waiting to be cleaned up. I’m surprised the cat hasn’t eaten them.
No doubt the pins present something of a conundrum for kitty. At least, let’s hope so.
I’m always gratified to hear about welcome change in the lives of my pond-mates. Hope you have plenty of opportunity to recharge (by way of local pub or not).
Spit what are you majoring in again?
Chemistry, technically.
But I’m going for at least a minor in bio, and I might wind up with a double major (mostly because, the way they have all my chemistry requirements scheduled, it might well take me two and a half more years to get that piddly 30 or so units done. So I might as well do something else while I’m waiting for them to offer what I need.).
Basically, I’m the famed perpetual student — counting all my community college, this is my 9th Junior year — but it looks like I might actually get a degree someday soon, not that I know what I’m going to do with it. Whee!
Beliveve it or not, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a research chemist. My parents ordered this little chemistry set through Sears and I mixed all sort of stuff. I guess the biggest thing I remember is I corked a test tube and put it under a burner. My Mom open the door to my room and the cork popped. Hit her square in the forehead. Even today she doesn’t let me forget that.
I don’t blame her. LOL Mom’s always remember the craziest stories from our youth and share them with everyone at the drop of a hat.
Well, that’s what parents are supposed to do. We’ll occasionally take pictures of our granddaughter (age 10) doing something laughable and tell her that one is going into the scrapbook for when she starts bringing boyfriends over.
Of course in real life I doubt we’d do any such thing, but it’s sure fun to watch her react.
Oh but you will or at least you will show her fiance. LOL
Seems like this is yet another of my habitual dive-bombs. Must check out for now — be back later (or later).
‘Bye for now! Eek!
Get back here soon, ya’ll here! 🙂
Hi and later. LOL
I am going to work tomorrow no matter what!!!! I am going damn it crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on the new store all day. I have all the images uploaded for 1st design except for 6 states that I will do tonight. I went through and corrected some errors in spelling and did a new desription to use for all the states. I just have to change the state name in each one. LOL Then I just have to finish the other design and move all the ones I already have done over to the new shop.
I hope everyone else has been having a great day.
if the ice hasn’t melted, do you have skates you put so you glide into work?
The raods cleared a lot today and I will becareful in the am on the bridges.
Okay but be sure and call us to let us know that you got there safely.
Yes Mom!!! LOL
Getting a bit of cabin fever?
Hi Olivia!!! I am going totally bonkers!!!! I was so bored I took the broom and knocked off the icecles over the stoop at the back door so when it ever warms up they wouldn’t hit the dogs.
Wouldn’t want that happening …
Geeze Refinish can’t you think of something better to do. Naps that’s an idea, yeah naps.
Then again if you’re really going bonkers, I’ll tell you what to do. When I was in the military I had a boss that really didn’t like one of the guy that worked for me. He inspected his room one time and told him he needed to get a toothbrush an scrape the edgeds of the wall meetng the floor. Of course I told the guy working for me that was insane. I told him not to worry about it. They inspected the next day and the said he did a good job getting that done. Of course he didn’t do a thing.
My point is you can find something to do if you want to, but if you have to find something to do……
LOL I have plenty of work I am doing. I am just tired of being home. LOL
Thank the FSm you don’t have my life. Home is where it is. 🙂
If I had to do it I could but not being able to leave at all cause of bad weather……
So you should sit back and relax. You’re the hardest worker I’ve seen here so far, but there are so many here that work so hard and don’t know how to relax. Before I retired I woked my butt off, but to be finally able to say i’ve finally done enough and it’s my time now is a good thing.
Sorry I just got back. Had to get FMom to bed and the rels came in little while ago. Who’s arond now?
Night all.
Just saying hi, (signals time to start new lounge and make this last comment…) still struggling with health problems, etc, but trying to stay positive, getting a new camera tomorrow thanks to son and hubby.