Crossposted from Town Called Dobson

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I have finally concluded the reason Bush wants to continue the long slog in Iraq is because he is truly the War President. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to think beyond killing, maiming and utter destruction. The reason Bush has a war plan is because he is incapable of developing a peace plan. His version of a peace plan involves tanks, guns, planes, bombs and dead American soldiers burned beyond belief.

Last night’s State Of The Union speech was more or less the same tripe we have been spoon fed for the last six years. Bush calls for a reduction in energy consumption – applaudable, but six years too late.

Bush calls for debt reduction – six years too late.

Bush calls for better CAFE standards, again six years off the mark.

All of the “new” Bush proposals, if enacted, does one thing, they try to unwind the damage he has already done to the country. He took America at it’s most prosperous (as measured by the middle class, not the upper class) and destroyed it along with the foreign relationships and good will we have built since the end of the Second World War.

I am sorry Mr. Bush, but it will take more than your last two years in office to fix what you have broken. But now is a good time to start and we should start with impeachment followed by a war crimes tribunal – that is just for starters.