To Everyone out there.
This is a Liberal site right? And Im not Liberal, so its not my site, no problem. The idea for me is to get both sides of a point. You can further debate said point with yourself, until you can no longer counter yourself, you then have your own true opinion. But you all seem very happy with just being completely Liberal, you have no opposing view, no one to judge against. Actually the only reason I joined here, is because I typed in “Cofederate Flag” on Google and found someone all out bashing it. And alright no problem there, you are all entitled to your opinion, this is America after all. But allow the posibility of yourself to be wrong, or not to really know all sides and points of an issue. The title of the article was “Burn This Flag” its old, back around the 7th of July 06. But to the author of the article does not even give a chance or a hint of himself being wrong. Your liberal right? You want all things to be truly equal, fair, black people, white people, asians so on. But you are really just soley against Conservatives, White Pride, The south, and so on, or rather some are that way. To the same people, why do you not form your own opinion, rather then just hating someone else’s? The Confederate Flag was really just and organized rebllion against the Government of The United States, what could possibly be more Liberal than that? If you ignore your history, you are doomed to repeat it. We had some dark points in History, but if we ignore them, dont take them for all possible views then we will go down the same path again. So Please keep a truly open mind and take in the conservative side too
-Adam your conservative Inspiration
I’m hardly the person to represent this site in any way, but a lot of the blogosphere exists because of perceived slants in the very powerful mainstream media, on both sides.
It is going to be the case that liberal blogs will pick up on news and views that that they feel are ill-represented in that media, as will conservative blogs.
But that is as nice as I will be.
In the context of this country, no, I do not have an easy time understanding “white pride”–because it is predicated on some position that white people were made to feel deeply ashamed of themselves. That is simply not the experience of most of the caucasian people in this country. It may be a perception that grew out of a defeated South in the context of the Civil War. These people, in a general sense, believed in the institution of slavery, and hence the inferiority of black people. The defeat of anyone who maintains that point of view is fine with this white girl.
If you are talking about nuances, like economic factors behind the Civil War, and the reality that it wasn’t a matter of noble white northerners not being racist themselves, fine.
What is “white culture” that one can have white pride over? European culture? Somehow, when I hear “white pride”, I don’t get the impression people who utilize that term are talking about Mozart. The experience of most black people in this country’s history is almost entirely antithetical. Most Europeans immigrated here seeking greater freedom and opportunity than was available in their respective countries. Black Americans mostly descend from people brought here through no choice of their own, to be utilized for the ends of white people. So a term like “Black Pride” refers to a long struggle to recover dignity, to even attain rights granted without question, for the most part, to white people.
I’ve debated not responding to your post, but your mention of finding this site by googling “confederate flag” and being surprised there was negative commentary towards it, suggests to me you are honestly naive.
If you faked it and pulled my leg, I guess I’m too tired to try to figure it out.
Honestly very well thought out. White Pride refers, etleast to me, very simply just being proud to be white. White People have accomplshed more then other in this world. Even if you talk about slavery, the blacks were enslaved by the whites, making them superior, etleast there. But dont get me wrong, slavery was not good, it was a bad answer to any problem. Look at other areas. Etleast in Academics white people are very intelligent as opposed to black people, or etleast the average man/woman is. Granted So are Asians as compared to whites, or etleast they also come of as smart to me. But white pride is just being proud to be white. It does not refer to struggles, its much simpler.
As for the site, I am not surprised to find it all liberal, its a liberal site. I just said, someone should plays devils advocate, which is what i was trying to do, and being an opposing view, and not just here the same side over and over. Thank you for responding, Im just looking for a thinking conversation, rather then watching tv.
I don’t know if you’re here to learn, to admonish, to teach, or just to elicit a response.
When you say things like this:
Well, people aren’t going to take very kindly to that. Because you’re attributing characteristics that are based on a variety of factors including heredity, social environment, educational opportunity, and many others, to one, natural, involuntary, and irrelevant trait. Skin color.
That doesn’t fly. People are people. I’ve met incredibly dumb white people, and incredibly smart black people. Incredibly atheletic white people, and incredibly klutzy black people.
What does it come down to?
Klutzy people are klutzy.
Athletic people are athletic.
People are people. None of us are perfect, but we can all accept each other, whatever flaws we have and all.
yeah, but how can I take pride in being white if I can’t be proud of other white people’s accomplishments? I mean, I’m just Adam, a conservative W.A.S.P. It’s not like I split the atom or wrote a concerto or something. But I’m white and so was Oppenheimer and so was Bach. And I want to take credit for their brilliance cuz, like, I’m a guy too…and white.
Have you been drinking again?
If not, it’s a damn shame.
I mean, Winston Churchill drank. Look what he accomplished.
sorry…invasion of the body snatchers.
Here is my point of view. From the Wiki.
To me, it is very important that the South seceded from the Union before Lincoln was even allowed to take office. They offered the man no opportunity to negotiate. The United States held an election and the South refused to accept the results. To see how unreasonable this was, let’s look as some more Wiki.
So, the way I see it, the southern rebellion was not legitimate even from the standpoint of state’s rights. It was a simple rejection of the outcome of an election.
But we cannot ignore the fundamentally odious character of what the south was rebelling against.
In other words, Lincoln was willing to amend the constitution of the United States to permit slavery in the Confederate states, just not in the territories. And yet the south still preferred war.
So, I ask you. What am I supposed to see in the confederate flag other than treason, support for slavery, and antipathy to the North?
Ah yes, but this ammendment was only for a certain number of years, and then slavery would have been abolished. They did not want to mess with their way of life ever, so they didnt agree to the ammendment. But as you said, the ammendment wasn’t for them anyway, it was for the border states, so why would they even pay attention to the ammendment. But the Confederate Flag wasnt just about slavery, it was their entire way of life. The flag now stands for just being southern, not to hopefully bring back slavery. I liked how thought out your reply was, thanks for paying attention
That is not correct.
The amendment would have made it impossible to ever abolish slavery through the amendment process.
As for your second point, I understand that many southerners identify with the Confederate Flag for simple reasons, like regional pride. Not every person with a confederate flag is a racist. But they are using a poor symbol for expressing their regional pride and they ought to educate themselves about the history and be more sensitive about how it makes people feel.
With this new information, I retract my earlier statement. Id also like to say, the Confederate flag wasnt the official flag of the Confederate States of America, it was the battle flag, so it was supporting the soldiers, not slavery. If they wanted their flag to support slavery, their would be a slave on the flag, not stars and bars. I think at one point it finally became the official flag, but it wasnt it the beginning. But the original point of my “diary” was to say how this site is really one sided, and someone should play devils advocate, and support the other possible views, not just surround themselves with more of the same, because what can be learned from that? Thanks for the intel.
I am frequently disappointed in this site for not giving equal weight to both sides of a story. Because even a pancake has two sides…right?
Why, I remember a diary on Hitler and how he gassed millions of men, women and children. And they didn’t even give Nazis a fair chance to respond.
I’m with you, Adam.
Thanks for the sarcasm. But if you want to talk about Hitler. He did a terrible thing with the holocaust. But as far as being a leader of Germany he was great. He brought them out of depression, invented the autobahn (which gave birth to the freeway), created Volkswagon, which means “Peoples Car” in german, and made them a world power. But he definately messed up when it came to killing millions of people.
It is my opinion that most liberals consider all sides of debate before forming an opinion on anything–including the conservative side. This is something most conservatives do not do at all. Most conservatives have tunnel vision and blindly believe whatever the FOX Noise Channel spews as “news.”
Regardless, I applaud this diarist for coming on this site and expressing his opinion. I hope you will be able to learn something here and maybe we will learn something from you as well.
As for this being a “Liberal” site–well, look up conservative in the dictionary and look up liberal. I’m with the only definition that makes sense–the left.
Here’s hoping to future diaries…