Here’s the ad the neoconservative think tank American Foreign Policy Council began running in the Washington DC area recently:
Just thought you should know what everyone inside the Beltway is seeing on their televisions that you aren’t.
Here’s the ad the neoconservative think tank American Foreign Policy Council began running in the Washington DC area recently:
Just thought you should know what everyone inside the Beltway is seeing on their televisions that you aren’t.
and I thought irony was lost on these people…
Iraq was so 2003. On to Teheran!
But where after that I wonder?
You can’t get more creepy/insane then to start making ads for war …blessed are the peacemakers, oh wait, isn’t ‘peacemaker’ one of George Carlin’s 7 dirty words you can’t say on tv? (am I dating myself or what)