Originally written as comments on BooMan’s wonderfully concise post regarding Biden’s obvious inability to run for President with one foot in his mouth and his head simultaneously thrust WAY up his ass.
Which I reprint in its entirety.
by BooMan
Thu Feb 1st, 2007 at 12:36:14 AM EST
Biden campaign…over.
Shortest ever.
Joe Biden makes John “Small K” kerry look like FDR in the talent department.
My thoughts on Biden and most of the rest of his fellow Demrat clowns follow below.
Real political talent is ALWAYS in short supply.
Biden doesn’t have it.
Neither do Edwards, Gore, Clark, Kerry or any of the other people running/”not” running for the Dem nomination.
Except Clinton and Obama.
Real talent?
It just stands there as the less talented bounce off of it like birds off of a well washed window.
Poor birdies!!!
They don’t even SEE the window.
And then, in full ego flight…
“WHUT HIT ME!!!???
And y’all wonder why I predict Clinton and Obama will be the only ones left standing after all the foofaraw is over.
It’s just an intelligence test.
And those two have the best native political intelligence.
It’s a gift.
Short of either running a front man/game show host like Butchie Boy/Ronnie “Bedtime For Bonzo” Reagan or ARRRGHING someone with talent OUT of a race because he threatens the status quo (And REAL talent will NOT be arrrghed. Too subtle.), that’s the way it works.
“Class tells”, say the racetrack guys.
P.S. Biden is just another white supremacist in PC clothing. Bet on it. Without the talent to even hide it. He is from Delaware. He is the Senator from MBNA. Delaware is a credit card state. Its only real industry is usury. Ever been in black Wilmington? A NASTY feel. A pre-civil rights feel. What was the quote, again?
“…articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
You could feel the breeze as long-suffering black people all over America read THAT one and shook their heads. “Oh Lord. ANOTHER one!!! Peckerwood motherfuckers been saying THAT shit since Frederick DOUGLASS!!!”
Sharpton pinned him.
Good on Sharpton.
P.P.S. I offer for your delectation and amusement an imagined sampling of Biden’s subconscious on other black talent. (If only we could hear the subvocalizations of ALL of these fools!!!)
Frederick Douglass
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Al Sharpton
No other words will do quite so well.
“Whadda buncha maroons!!!” (Bugs Bunny, circa 1941)
Low comedy in high places.
Until the ship of fools collides with a reality iceberg and all hands are drowned.
Then it becomes tragedy.
Keep laughin’, folks.
Keep laughin’ until it’s too fucking late.
Joe Biden runs his clown game while the U.S. Nuclear Navy prepares to pulverize Iran.
Bored and circuses until the big boom.
Send in the Atomic Clowns.
Wake the fuck up.
Whadda buncha maroons.
“It is better to weep with wise men than to laugh with fools.” – Spanish proverb
He’s got real political talent. I think he will be the next president.