I was doing a little research this morning and decided to use Wikipedia as a jumping off point. For reasons that should not need explaining, I would never use Wikipedia as a definitive source of information on anything, but it’s pretty good for leads to other information.
Imagine my surprise when, while reading the article about Persia, I found this:
This area was the core of the original Persian Empire. Most foreigners referred to the state as Persia until March 21, 1935, when Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asked the international community to call the country Iran; which was often used by the Aryan tribes who formed the country in the Achaemenid era united the plateau in that region.[citation needed]
My name is zach craker im in 8th grade i love alexandra
Wikipedia has now become the equivalent of the bathroom door, the place where people scrawl a personal message, knowing that eventually someone else will come along and find it.
How long before the ease of editability — the very thing that makes it so valuable — renders it entirely useless?
I mean, Iran is Persia. Persia is Iran. You’d think there’d be a lot of eyes on this article given the prominence of Iran in the news these days.
Look quick. I’m sure it will be removed after I post this.
In fact, even before I hit preview – this entry has changed from graffiti to a conversation! Now the entry says this:
And upon refresh, there’s nothing there now at all. I took a screen grab though – maybe I’ll upload later. I’ll bet this article is locked down now….
Stephen Colbert had something on about wiki the other day and I think he has been making entries of the above nature and perhaps instigated others to do so.
Maybe its the 21st century equivalent of cave painting?