Spitzer is getting a little bit of a big head, but he means business:
NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was unabashed on Wednesday about declaring himself a “steamroller” and the most accomplished governor in the history of the state after three weeks on the job.
“I am a fucking steamroller and I’ll roll over you or anybody else,” the Democratic governor told Republican Assemblyman James Tedisco in a private conversation last week, the New York Post reported on Wednesday.
“I’ve done more in three weeks than any governor has done in the history of the state,” Spitzer also said, the Post reported.
Asked at a news conference if the comments were inappropriately boastful, Spitzer replied tersely, “No. Next question.”
That actually kind of cracks me up. But he ought to check his hubris.
We need a steamroller in NY politics, frankly.
Spitzer is what he is — a hardass, but he’s our hardass, lol.
We need a steamroller in NY politics, frankly.
No kidding. I sent Spitzer money even though I live on the other side of the country because he is a fucking steamroller and a very, very smart one to boot.
The folks who need to check their hubris are the ‘faith-based’ assholes like Casey and the ‘most negros are ugly and funky’ fools like Biden. I had best stop or I’ll end up describing most of the Senators…
Oh damn–but did I ever almost spit my wine out all over the screen. Damn, that’s funny!
Spitzer’s ego is steamroller-sized, no doubt. That’s pretty standard for politicians. He leaves out the false modesty. He may be cruising for a fall, I hope not, he’s done some great stuff. I hope he ends up in the US Senate. That would be fun.
Or we may eventually see a Spitzer/Corzine smackdown in a presidential primary someday.
Hope Spitzer steamrolls Corzine.
I don’t know what kind of corruption you have in Trenton, but Albany is in mud so thick you need dynamite to move it.
Fuck the propriety. I’d put up with almost any kind of quirkiness to have the Augean Stables of Albany cleared out, even one stall. Nothing happens in that city but to carve up the tax dollars and spend them with the friends of the legislature and governor. We get shit for services here. There might be 2 or 3 functional programs sponsored by the state, ADAP is one of them. Have you ever tried the state’s website to find information? What a joke!
Go Eliot!
Go Kucinich!
Oh?? So he’s supposed to pretend that he’s really “aw shucks”, just someone who fell into high office?
Get real. He needs an ego the size of Manhattan to deal with the corruption and OWM who have so much entrenched power in NY. What’s good is he has that strong ego and genuine competence and a good sense of caring about what’s right and wrong, at about the same size.
What’s more typical is a huge ego, a conscience the size of angels dancing on the head of a pin, and willingness to manipulate like crazy to make people think you are something other than what you actually are.
I’ll take the visible ego, thank you.