After reading the criticism in the comments about the length, and worse, the bloated lack of focus in this piece, I’ve decided to take it down from the front page for now. It needs editing, as Arminius said in the comments below, and it also needs more structure.

I wrote it in a rush yesterday and posted as soon as I was finished with it. I should have been less eager to see what I’d been working on for most yesterday flash up on my (and your) computer screen. It’s almost always a bad idea to post your first draft of anything this lengthy, and though I’ve gotten away with it on occasion, it’s a bad habit to get into. Hopefully this weekend I’ll have more time to give this subject the attention it deserves.

To be clear, I greatly appreciated the constructive criticism in the comments. That’s what any writer should desire: careful readers, and well considered critiques of their work. Thank you.

For anyone who didn’t read this post before I removed it from the front page, and who is interested in seeing that to which the comments in this thread refer, I’ve posted it as a diary HERE, so you can see for yourself what all the fuss was about.

Steven D