But first a question: “Why does everyone still use the Labels ‘GOP’, ‘Republican’ and even ‘Conservative’ “?

I’ve been around a Long Time, but as to the three labels above anyone who still claims them, and follows what Ideology they once stood for, have been completely Silent and Cowering these last years, especially the last 6plus yrs..

I haven’t seen any that fit the description, and those that I’ve talked to are no longer affiliated with that once political party, they all switched to Independant, especially in the runup to the last election.

But I degress, now to the report:

From Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, sign up for their Newsletter

Senator Craig’s COS Yells, Wags Finger at Iraq War Vets – Veterans Who Fought for Their Country End Meeting Abruptly as Craig’s Top Aide Assails them in Meeting
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq Demands Apology from Senator, COS Mike Ware on Behalf of Anti-Escalation Partner VoteVets.org

Washington – As reported in today’s Idaho Press Tribune (see below), a group of Iraq war veterans with VoteVets.org, a member of the anti-escalation campaign Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI), was berated by Senator Larry Craig’s (R-ID) Chief of Staff Mike Ware in a meeting yesterday in which the veterans were making their case against Bush’s plan to escalate the war in Iraq and in which they called on the Senator to stop obstructing a debate on the plan by supporting a Republican backed filibuster of an anti-escalation resolution. Ware yelled at the veterans and waged his finger at them – berating them in front of at least one other member of Craig’s staff.
The veterans, offended by the outburst, ended the meeting abruptly and left the office. AAEI is demanding an apology from Senator Craig and Ware on behalf the veterans present and VoteVets.org.
“It is deplorable and unpatriotic that Senator Craig would tolerate his top aide treating these brave men who fought for their country in Iraq with hostility and disrespect,” said AAEI’s Moira Mack. “The actions tolerated by Senator Craig and perpetrated by his staff are an affront to all veterans and our troops all around the world. What message does it send to our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan when a U.S. Senator and his staff show such disdain and disrespect for the sacrifices of their fellow solders and veterans? The veterans who are part of VoteVets.org are committed to winning the war on terror but strongly disagree with President Bush’s failed strategy in Iraq. That Senator Craig would allow his top aide to treat our brave fighting men this way is a reflection on him and his lack of support for our troops.
“If Senator Craig wants to demonstrate his support for our troops, he will issue an immediate apology for the way his office treated these brave veterans and he will stop obstructing a debate and vote on Iraq policy in the Senate through his support of a filibuster.”

The above came in an ‘Immediate Release’ from AAEI, link above for Newsletter sign up.

Anti-war vets say Craig’s staff rude

Idaho senator’s office counters that discussion got heated, but no more

Heated??? A ‘Heated’ Discussion With Iraq Vets??? In A Senators Office???

Two veterans who belong to an anti-Iraq-war group claim Idaho Sen. Larry Craig’s chief of staff treated them inappropriately Tuesday in a meeting to discuss President Bush’s move to expand the number of troops in Iraq.

Wonder how old this Chief of Staff is? Anybody from Idaho that might know?

“It’s probably the most unprofessional thing I’ve ever heard from a chief of staff of a U.S. senator,” Soltz said. “I told him it was rather unprofessional to yell at a soldier who fought for our country.”

They not only don’t want to Debate the War, they treat the Vets they sent like Shit!
Actually that’s not new, they didn’t want to do Oversight, Investigations,Question where the Money was going, etc. etc. etc., but everyone already knows how the past six years have been, and the six previous!

Senator Larry Craig site with contact information!

Push For An Apology, And PUSH HARD!!!