Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
If you’re rude, crude and lewd come on in. You might can teach us some stuff.
Hooooooooooooooo Laaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwd gimme one of everything ; )
(twice if’n I likes it ; )
peace people
We’ve got enough till the still don’t flow.
How’s it going IP?
absolutely wonderful FM, I could’nt be happier these days.
I start my day on the water, and finish the day on the water. The past two weeks have been working at a city park on the intercoastal waterway, watch’n the palm trees, boats, people, hell, the company gave me a raise. Think I’ll call the labor board and complain….LMAO
Hope all is well with you
sounds great!!!!
All is well with me IP. Just need a job like yours is all. 🙂
Just as I put this up George decides he wants to go out.
Back in a minute.
Heh. The quote in the news bucket today is for you and George…
Hi CG. I just read it an it couldn’t be more right. If I wasn’t sure George would run off, I would have a doggie door.
Big headache. 🙁
Guess I should have eaten lunch so I wouldn’t scarf down 6 dove chocolate hearts at 3:00pm. I know dove chocolate gives me a headache.
What’s up Family Man?
LOL Maybe packing a lunch would be a good idea. Sorry about the headache.
I’m finally getting over one and now you’re getting one. We need to learn to get our headaches in sync here.
I hope it does’t last to long.
Howdy Folks!!!! Been working on getting some designs moved from one site to another most of the day. Once That is done I will have 5 designh sites open at two different places. LOL
Once day we can say we knew him before he was rich. But if you do get rich, don’t forget your Uncle FM. 🙂
LOL I could never forget you FamilyMan!!! Sorry about your headache!!!
Thanks RF, it’s all better now. Although for me sleeping, I haven’t slept that long in a while.
I’ve got it figured out RF. I’ll be you lazy butler. I can teach you the finer points of being lazy.
Which will it be toight sire, the tux or the Hawaiian T shirt. Which is easier to get into? The T-shirt it is sir.
LOL I think I would hire a cabana boy before I hired a butler.
OK I guess I am to big for a speedo, but you could pass me off as an old eccentric uncle who sits on the front porch drinking all day. At least that’s got some truth in it. 🙂
LOL Okay.
OK so now we have that settled, now start making that money so I can live in a life I want to be accustomed to. 🙂
There you go, bragging again. Not everything is bigger in Alabama. 😉
ROTFLMAO!!!!! and it ain’t in Texas either no matter what they say.
No, they just think it’s bigger because it wears a big hat.
LOL No comment.
No bragging Mam, just fact. 😛
Who are you now, Joe Friday? Just the facts, Ma’am.
Did Joe Friday ever wear a speedo? EDEEEEWWWWWWW!
I can’t even picture that.
Have you ever worn one? C’mon, fess up.
No I never have. I’ve always gone for the boxer type swimming trunks. You know the kind you can pull up to the top of you belly, just below your chest. 😛
EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW what a horrible picture that brings to mind. I guess you wear sandles with black socks to go with that suit also.
Of course the outfit wouldn’t be complete with out them.
There are certain rules to being on the best dressed list and I follow them to the T. 🙂
THere was a look for old guys, white belt and shoes, that some comedian called the “full Cleveland.” I always got a kick out that.
It should have been funny with just the word “Cleveland” in it. 😛
Ok, but I’ll bet that you wore those bikini underpants that were in in the 80s. You know you did.
Nope sure didn’t. I was in the military and it was tidy whitey boxers.
I guess I’ll have to be the crazy aunt up in the attic…though if that attic’s in Texas I insist on air conditioning — I’m not that crazy… 😉
Everybody pull over to the left and lets get out of the ads.
I think your browser hates you FamilyMan. LOL
I’m beginning to get that feeling. I don’t know what make it keep breadking the margin and going into the ads section.
I wasn’t in the ads – it was you.
I have 10 more minutes and then I’m outta here – it’s the only good night of tv.
So what are you going to watch first “earl”?
Yep, Earl, The Office, Grey’s Anatomy and then ER. And then The DAily Show and Colbert.
Thanks for reminding me. I missed Gray’s anatomy last week.
so vague saying you were “in the military.” Would you have to kill us if we knew what you were doing there?
He was getting ready for his slacker days. LOL
RF I’ve been ready for those days every since I found out what work was. I just haven’t found a way to slack in a way befitting me. 🙂
I know the secret because I did it. Marry a guy who makes enough money so you can stay home and blog all day.
LOL I hate “work” but love all the other stuff I do that you consider work.
this has been a lovely threesome but I’m afraid Earl is calling my name. Have a good evening. And RF – GET SOME DAMN SLEEP!
LOL Yes’em. LOL
What SN said. You need your sleep.
Not at all. My job was a cross between OSHA and EPA. We checked for everything on base from lead paint, to radiation, to drinking water…… If it could be tested we tested it.
Sounds interesting. At least you got to travel the world at a time when it was relatively peaceful.
I never was in a war zone, but my first time there they blew up NATO HQ at Ramstien, and on my second time there a car bomb was exploded on Rhiem Main. The terrorist then was the Baader Meinhof gang and the Red Brigade. Not sure if I got the spelling right.
Is everybody off getting some Mexican-Thai for dinner?
I’m here. was just visiting some other blogs. LOL
Mexican-Thai I’ve never really heard of. It’s always be one or the other.
well it was a joke — I thought. However, I have been to Brazilian-Vietnamese restaurant in NYC.
Told you I was slow. 🙂
I think tonights dinner will be fudge bars.
Aren’t you worried that all that chocolate will give you zits?
Nah I’m passed that age. But I am afraid the weight I’ve lost will be put right back on. It’s been so nice lately to get back into old clothes.
you’re never too old for zits.
OK maybe one or two, but nothing like when I was young. My sister told me onetime all she had to was to squeeze both sides of my head and they would pop out of the top. Not the biggest ego booster in the world. 🙂
How about Cuban? I made ropa vieja. Ben, after one year of Spanish, thinks it means old clothes. (?)
I’m going to have a peanut butter sandwich for dinner
cuban-mexican-thai? I think that is taking fusion cuisine too far.
I’m new here, got here from dailyKos. What goes on here? How’s it different from over there?
Do people cross post a lot?
Does this place have the copyright restrictions that they have over there, or can I post images ?
The difference I’ve seen here are people are nicer. They’re more willing to debate and refrain from usually from pie wars. We’re also more selective with our ratings. Just because you disagree with someone you don’t downrate them. The biggest things here is “Don’t act like a prick.”
On the copyright restrictions I’m not sure. I know we post pictures all the time, but I’m not sure how the copyright thing come into it.
Yes there is a lot of cross posting here also.
There are other people better able to answer your questions, but you need to catch them during the daytime most of the times.
Welcome to BT and I hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to the pond. It is a great group of people. Lots of different writers and styles. As FamilyMan said, we seldom downrate someone just because we disagree. That is the fun part of being on a liberal blog is that you get a melting pot of ideas.
The cafe is a great place to relax and get away from politics and just chat and make friends.
HI Mythmother!!!!
Hey RF69! Just breezing through on my way to watching the three Musketeers… John, Stephen, and Keith. (8:00, 8:30, and 9:00 PST.)
How’re ya doing?
Okie Dokie, FM. The CTS seems to be on the mend, slowly but surely! 🙂
That’s good to hear MM. I’m looking forward to some new pictures.
I’m here but I don’t know if this site is ready for figure skating live-blogging.
that’s why I started my own blog.
well, if I could do live blogging about curling of all things during the olympics, I think it can handle figure skating live-blogging. LOL
Instead of a coke, you can pour me a shot of tehkillya
come on, Miss D, we even mastered the art of curly live-blogging here. 🙂
Welcome: I’m new here, too. I think you’ll find there’s a higher signal-to-noise ratio here.
I like your signature.
Howdy Alexander!!!!
plf515, Hey glad you made it over here from the other thread. A copyright violation is a legal problem. There is no restriction on posting images here that are yours. Beside that you must follow your responsilility to follow the only rule here, om your own. You can post pix from an image hosting site but it`s preferable that you post thumbnails here with a “click for larger image” option which is helpful to those users here on dial-up. We`re waiting for your images. If you have a problem posting images, say so, we`ll help you out. I think you`re going to like it here.
Here`s a welcome pic.
For the newbies here we have something called the robo-rater. Everybody in the cafe get 4s. Just hit the robo-rater and it takes care of it.
You’ll need to ask someone in the day cafe where to find it. Once you find it, it’s pretty easy to install.
the Storyteller — he’s the one who developed it. (I tried to submit his name for a Nobel, but got laughed at in Norwegian.)
Glad to have both of you on board…
until the original-style Native American lacrosse is played.
see the wiki entry on the history of lacrosse.
“too lazy to link”
Well I’m getting ready to go to bed, so I’ll open a 24/7 cafe.
Back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here