I have not been actively posting on the internets for a while, but I have been lurking. Last night, on Booman’s “Blogroll” diary on kos, I saw a comment of his stating that he has money troubles and may not be able to sustain this blog anymore. I’d like to put an idea out there that might help the site with traffic.
Some regular posters on this site are latinos, and this community, as a whole, is quite international-minded. If some of us starting posting diaries in spanish, directed to latinos/latinamericans, perhaps it would attract a new wave of readers/posters to BT. If this was tried in a huge place like Dkos, it would only clutter up the site, but here I think there is enough space for a second language. It wouldn’t be necessary to change the layout of the site or anything; only that spanish speakers feel comfortable posting in spanish.
Of course, blogs are the shared property of the blog owner and the community that makes the site come alive. So I hereby ask the proprietors of this site wether you think it’s a good idea, and if you know spanish.
on an unrelated matter, I do plan to continue my series “Why we hate you” but I don’t know when that will be, because I’m very short on time
(1) How could Booman monitor the postings if he doesn’t know Spanish?
(2) Could replies be in English?
(3) How would diaries differ if they are “directed at” Latinos, as opposed to all readers?
(4) Are there are any other Dollaronia blogs similar to BT which are in Spanish? If this is a first, would that translate into ads?
Speaking of ads: ManEgee has a book on the recommended list which I just ordered from Powell’s: Translation Nation. Does anyone know if this book has been published in Spanish?
1) He would have to trust spanish speaking users to tell him when something inappropriate was posted
2)Sure. The idea would not be to, so to speak, share this virtual real estate with a separate community but rather to enlarge this one. I’m thinking that all spanish diaries should have a summary in english.
3)Certain issues are more relevant for latinos than for other readers: Latinamerican news (incl. Cuba, Venezuela etc), the drug war, immigration, latino candidates in the US etc.
4)If BT attracts latino readers, it could translate into ads. There are US political blogs in spanish, but I don’t know any big, commercially importnat, ones.
Over at European Tribune, various members started using table html that’s < table > < td></ td> </ table>
to set up simultaneous diaries in English and the other language. This I think is better than a seperate Spanish Boo. Of course I spend very little time here these days, so that’s just my two cents.
I’d love to see some more latino flavour added to the site. I find Central/South American history very interesting and many parts of the region are experiencing a left wing resurgence. I love learning about other parts of the world and sharing knowledge and opinions, which is why I like this site and Euro Trib, they’ve very cosmopolitan.