Veterans of Al Gore’s past are quietly assembling a campaign to draft the former vice president into the 2008 presidential race — despite his repeated statements that he’s not running.
His top policy adviser from his 2000 presidential campaign and other key supporters met Thursday in Boston to mull a potential Gore campaign. The participants and Gore’s Nashville office both said Gore, who is in London, is not involved.
Elaine Kamarck, a veteran of the Clinton White House and Gore’s policy guru in 2000, said the meeting was informal and shouldn’t be taken as a sign there will be a Gore 2008 campaign.
The Breast Cancer Society of Canada has rejected the offer of thousands of dollars from a fundraising group of exotic dancers in Vancouver.
Exotic Dancers for Cancer holds an annual charity event in memory of a former dancer who lost her life to the disease.
Last year, the event raised $6,000.
However, former dancer Trina Ricketts said the society sent her an e-mail declining the money this year, because its major donors did not support a connection to exotic dancers.
Because, you know, exotic dancers don’t have breasts or something.
A modified marquee in Atlantic Beach has been drawing some attention. “Hoohaa” replaced a word in the title of a play after a driver complained about finding the previous wording offensive.
The marquis for Atlantic Theaters advertises a number of plays including, the Masquerade Ball, Band Jam, and now The Hoohaa Monologues…
…”We got a complaint about this play The Vagina Monologues,” said Bryce Pfanenstiel, of the Atlantic Theater.
The Hoohah Monologues is a replacement title for The Vagina Monologues — a well-known play about that part of the female body.
“We decided we would just use child slang for it. That’s how we decided on Hoohah Monologues,” Pfanenstiel said.
They did this after a driver who saw it complained to the theater, saying she was upset that her niece saw it.
“I’m on the phone and asked ‘What did you tell her?’ She’s like, ‘I’m offended I had to answer the question,'” Pfanenstiel said.
Some parents said they applaud the title change.
I agree with jessica…What on earth is wrong with telling children proper anatomical names?
Well you know if those little girls learn the anatomical name for all their body parts they may not learn the slang derogatory names. If THAT happens, they may not learn that they are born to be subservient sex toys and second class citizens. If THAT happened, they just may grow up thinking that they are (gasp) equals to men and before you know it, they would be demanding equal pay for equal work. We all know how tragic THAT would be.
This is as stupidly ignorant as when the Red Cross refused the million dollar check from the Dixie Chicks.
Maybe this group should then have to tell every 10th person or so with cancer that they can’t be helped because you see morally we feel that not accepting money from the likes of women who are exotic dancers is more important than treating you. You know just touching a check from those women might give us cooties or worse. So really I’m sure you can understand that if you die at least you will die knowing that we will continue to hold our heads high and only accept money from people without sin. I’m sure also this will be a great comfort to your grieving family who will be left behind when you die.
[Interviewees] “examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, and the Jewish newspaper The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002.”
yes, I heard that story on the radio whilst driving.
I love amy goodman. She’s not afraid of any topic, and she is a real reporter. I am not quite in her political camp but so what.
It is certainly very curious. Israeli “art students” living close to Mohammed Atta, and all well trained in surveillance and espionoge. owning cell phones issued by the israeli govt. As well as israeli “moving men” celebrating in NJ as the towers went down. – also with links to massad.
It certainly looks like (at least some group from) Israel was doing their own tracking of Al-Quaeda in the US prior to 9/11. – and with no (official anyway) cooperation with or knowlege by the US. curiouser and curiouser.
The stuff was very well presented. questions asked. no conclusions drawn.
Looked at counterpunch, but the article is only available to subscribers.
I read dailykos, and did not see a story on this. sigh.
would love to read more. kind of reminds me when I read the story in the nation on the OSP long long ago (2003?) it seemed wacky, but there it was in print. Amy was one of the few sources reporting on that then.
Chris Adams/McClatchy: VA system ill-equipped to treat mental anguish of war. “FORRESTON, Ill. — A year ago on Thanksgiving morning, in the corrugated metal pole barn that housed his family’s electrical business, Timothy Bowman put a handgun to his head and pulled the trigger. The bullet only grazed his forehead. So he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger again.”
They came from different circles of friends, but they were all Mountain View High School students from the class of 2004, all served in the military, and none will see a 21st birthday.
They graduated in a class that seemed eager to serve its country and were from a school with liberal recruiting policies.
In all, five former Mountain View students have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan – Army Sgt. Kenneth G. Ross, 24, class of 1999, was killed in 2005 and Marine Lance Cpl. Budd M. Cote, 21, was killed in December. No other local school has lost more than two. About 25 service members with ties to Tucson have died in the two wars since 2001.
No other local school has lost more than two. About 25 service members with ties to Tucson have died in the two wars since 2001. – linkage
One of President Bush’s uncles, William H.T. Bush, was among directors of a defense contractor who reaped $6 million from what federal regulators say was an illegal scheme by two executives to manipulate the timing of stock option grants, documents show.
The uncle, known as “Bucky,” is the youngest brother of former President George H.W. Bush. William H.T. Bush was an outside, nonexecutive director of Engineered Support Systems Inc., a defense contractor whose profits were bolstered because of the Iraq war. – linkage
His name seems to crop up periodically in context of shady dealings. Then again the whole family’s names crop up like clockwork concerning crooked business dealings…ask me if I’m surprised.
meeting held in Boston; Yahoo
What do y’all make of that?
sign me up.
‘Doomsday’ vault design unveiled
Only $5 million? Why aren’t they spreading the wealth to deserving contractors?
It’s quite the project.
It really is with the tunnel and airlocks to the vaults.
won’t accept donations from exotic dancers: CBC
Because, you know, exotic dancers don’t have breasts or something.
The Hoohah Monologues? News 4 Jax via feministing
I agree with jessica…What on earth is wrong with telling children proper anatomical names?
Well you know if those little girls learn the anatomical name for all their body parts they may not learn the slang derogatory names. If THAT happens, they may not learn that they are born to be subservient sex toys and second class citizens. If THAT happened, they just may grow up thinking that they are (gasp) equals to men and before you know it, they would be demanding equal pay for equal work. We all know how tragic THAT would be.
Throw in the HPV vaccine, and it’s definitely a recipe for disaster.
I suppose that mound of venus was too cumbersome.
Stupid beyond words.
This is as stupidly ignorant as when the Red Cross refused the million dollar check from the Dixie Chicks.
Maybe this group should then have to tell every 10th person or so with cancer that they can’t be helped because you see morally we feel that not accepting money from the likes of women who are exotic dancers is more important than treating you. You know just touching a check from those women might give us cooties or worse. So really I’m sure you can understand that if you die at least you will die knowing that we will continue to hold our heads high and only accept money from people without sin. I’m sure also this will be a great comfort to your grieving family who will be left behind when you die.
Women With Moral Breasts Unite in Sisterhood.
Sad, just sad.
Imagine if they had called it ‘The P-word Monologues.’ No, not ‘pussy’ – ‘property.’
What’s going on? Democracy Now has an interview on a 9/11 tale that at first blush would be considered Tin Foil hat.
“Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?”
[Interviewees] “examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, and the Jewish newspaper The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002.”
Time to wake up and notice what country you are living in.
A LOT of things going on that are not as advertised.
yes, I heard that story on the radio whilst driving.
I love amy goodman. She’s not afraid of any topic, and she is a real reporter. I am not quite in her political camp but so what.
It is certainly very curious. Israeli “art students” living close to Mohammed Atta, and all well trained in surveillance and espionoge. owning cell phones issued by the israeli govt. As well as israeli “moving men” celebrating in NJ as the towers went down. – also with links to massad.
It certainly looks like (at least some group from) Israel was doing their own tracking of Al-Quaeda in the US prior to 9/11. – and with no (official anyway) cooperation with or knowlege by the US. curiouser and curiouser.
The stuff was very well presented. questions asked. no conclusions drawn.
Looked at counterpunch, but the article is only available to subscribers.
I read dailykos, and did not see a story on this. sigh.
would love to read more. kind of reminds me when I read the story in the nation on the OSP long long ago (2003?) it seemed wacky, but there it was in print. Amy was one of the few sources reporting on that then.
Chris Adams/McClatchy: VA system ill-equipped to treat mental anguish of war. “FORRESTON, Ill. — A year ago on Thanksgiving morning, in the corrugated metal pole barn that housed his family’s electrical business, Timothy Bowman put a handgun to his head and pulled the trigger. The bullet only grazed his forehead. So he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger again.”
For more in-depth, ongoing coverage see: Illona Meagher’s PTSD Combat blog
His name seems to crop up periodically in context of shady dealings. Then again the whole family’s names crop up like clockwork concerning crooked business dealings…ask me if I’m surprised.
We call it “All In The Family”
Uncle Bucky and then there’s Cheney’s son-in-law
Via Andrew Sullivan, The we find
there are dreamers: A Rumsfeld-Bolton ticket in ’08, Redstate thinks will cure their malaise
And another Torture Victim, this time, it’s the torturer
The arrogant, entitled, touchy, rageaholic old white guy ticket. Oh, goody.