Paul Thompson’s The Terror Timeline is the indispensable research tool for anyone interested in the events leading up to, during, and after the events of September 11th, 2001.
I’m introducing a weekly installment that will showcase an item found on the Timeline. Some of you might find this a pointless exercise. Others will find some if not all of the items fascinating. I will present these items–all newsclippings that can be cross-referenced in mainstream news in some capacity or another–in their raw form, meaning with little or no commentary–rarely will I break this rule. “Why not comment?” you might be asking.
Paul Thompson says it best: “…[my] purpose…is not to theorize, or speculate, but to compile the facts as they are known to date, based on what has been reported on this issue.”
Investigate for yourself. See where the rabbit hole takes you, if you’re up for it.
I hope you find at least some of them worth the short read.
Mossad Director Ephraim Halevy
February 6th, 2000: Apparent Mossad Attempt to Infiltrate al-Qaeda Thwarted
India’s largest newsweekly reports that it appears a recent Mossad attempt to infiltrate al-Qaeda failed when undercover agents were stopped on their way to Bangladesh by Indian customs officials. These 11 men appeared to be from Afghanistan, but had Israeli passports. One expert states, “It is not unlikely for Mossad to recruit 11 Afghans in Iran and grant them Israeli citizenship to penetrate a network such as bin Laden’s. They would begin by infiltrating them into an Islamic radical group in an unlikely place like Bangladesh.”
[The Week, 2.6.00]
To enter the rabbit hole, click here.
This is my first diary. I say: Let the flaming begin!
Thanks for the link. I was not familiar with the site – thanks for assigning more reading 😉