It’s often said that history is “written by the victors” but the distance of time can reveal a very different story. Another theme is that history repeats itself and perhaps this should be read as a warning of what would happen if Bush’s “War on Terrorism” was lost.
The Romans kept the Barbarians at bay for as long as they could, but finally they were engulfed and the savage hordes overran the empire, destroying the cultural achievements of centuries. The light of reason and civilisation was almost snuffed out by the Barbarians, who annihilated everything that the Romans had put in place, sacking Rome itself and consigning Europe to the Dark Ages. The Barbarians brought only chaos and ignorance, until the renaissance rekindled the fires of Roman learning and art.
All the more reason your would think to make sure that they are “fought over there”. But dear reader, read on, for as the piece continues.
It is a familiar story, and it’s codswallop.
But there are other lessons from the Roman experience that are based in fact and throw light on the situation in places like Iraq. Now, as they say, for something completely different.
The article I quoted from is based on an interview with Terry Jones. Although best know as a member of the Monty Python team, Jones is a populist historian who has an extensive knowledge of the Middle Ages and earlier. He has made a number of TV series. One investigates ordinary life in his specialist period but this was in connection with his short series for the BBC on Barbarians. In it he showed how much of our current “history” is seen through some very colored Roman filters. It’s looking at how the “official” history is being changed by new research that can throw light on the present day USA.
The unique feature of Rome was not its arts or its science or its philosophical culture, not its attachment to law. The unique feature of Rome was that it had the world’s first professional army. Normal societies consisted of farmers, hunters, craftsmen and traders. When they needed to fight they relied not on training or on standardised weapons, but on psyching themselves up to acts of individual heroism.
Seen through the eyes of people who possessed trained soldiers to fight for them, they (the Barbarians) were easily portrayed as simple savages. But that was far from the truth.
Change “Rome” to “the USA” and “first” to “most costly” and you get very close to what is happening today. The story of Julius Caesar in Gaul is even more eerily reflected in the events of 2003.
Some of you may know of the book that bored generations of schoolboys learning Latin, “Caesar’s Gallic Wars”. This rather excitable commentary gives his version of events as gleaned from his own book.
Caesar’s first battles would be with the Helvetii tribe, who lived in what is now Switzerland; and a Germanic tribe, the Suevi, who had conquered part of Gaul shortly before Caesar assumed the proconsulship. One of his original reasons for pursuing a military campaign in Gaul was the threat of an invasion of territories belonging to other tribes by of the Helvetii and Celtic agitation over the conquering of some of their lands. In the year 58 BC Caesar conquered the Helvetii as well as the Suevi and their Germanic allied tribes.
Going in to rescue the poor Celts from the threat of invasion, very George H Bush. We now know though that this is all propaganda, just like the fake threats of WMD. The real reason was that the Gauls had minerals that were of some interest to Caesar in his political ambitions. Not the “black gold” of oil but the yellow stuff. Similarly his abortive attempt to invade Britain was more about getting at minerals, the considerable metalworking skills and the agricultural wealth than any ideas of simple expansionism. It’s that defeat that shows us the next lesson.
The Roman army had honed several very sophisticated techniques. In moving into new territory, its engineers very quickly threw up defensive works to protect the forces. Then they used this base to move on to the next position and so on. These same engineers were also used to throw up cordons to lay siege to cities to starve and soften up the inhabitants – a technique that was used to great effect in the Gallic Wars. In open fighting however it relied on the foot soldier. They had developed very complex (and successful) defensive and offensive techniques. The highly disciplined formations were the “shock and awe” of their day. Then they met the Celts and the British.
In Roman eyes the Celts may have lacked battle strategy, but their arms and equipment were in no way inferior to the Roman army’s. In fact the Celts had better helmets and better shields.
When the Romans got to Britain they found another technological advance: chariots. It may seem odd to those of us brought up on Ben Hur that the Romans should have been surprised by chariots on the battlefield, but that was the case.
The Romans had chariots, but the Britons made significant design improvements and, as Julius Caesar noted, had thoroughly mastered the art of using them.
So the Romans underestimated their enemy because of the unfamiliar techniques and their opponents proved able to use more flexible and adaptive tactics to harass them until, in the case of the first attempt to conquer Britain, they were forced to withdraw. Sound familiar? But it was perhaps the Roman self-assurance of the superiority of their forces that was their downfall in this case.
The lack of understanding of the other’s culture and even willful dismissal of it as valid runs through much of Roman writing. The automatic assumption of the superiority of their own values is perhaps the most telling for it still colors our view of pre-Roman life. To take a simple example, the article shows how the assumption that the Romans brought road building is false. Indeed the British were building roads a hundred years before the Romans started the Appian Way.
Jones’s series also helped show how the Romans to some extent suppressed but did not extinguish traditions and concepts that have survived through a series of different manifestations and institutions to today. The Celts had a very sophisticated social structure which placed a duty on the society to look after the elderly, sick and disabled as well as the young. This contrasts with the Romans. Claudius had a club foot and a speech impediment but was still made Caesar. That in a large part because he was treated as un-imperial. He was declared that almost as a joke by revolting soldiers who saw him as an “easy touch”. Despite four hundred years of occupation, that caring tradition continued in Britain. Now it was channeled through church and feudal structures but the idea of social justice informed many of the big events in British history like the Peasants’ Revolt and social conventions like “noblesse oblige”. Today the successor of this Celtic tradition is the social support systems like the National Health Service.
I agree these are all very different institutions but it shows the persistence of the idea that a society should look after its most vulnerable members and one that could not be wiped out by a very different but alien tradition. Here is the lesson that Gandhi taught in his response to a question “What do you think of Western Civilization”. His answer “I think it would be a good idea” is a reminder of the far longer history of the country he was representing. So let’s finish by drawing the lesson from the closing paragraph of the Sunday Times piece.
Western society’s enthusiasm since the renaissance for all things Roman has persuaded us to see much of the past through Roman eyes, even when contrary evidence stares us in the face. Once we turn the picture upside-down and look at history from a non-Roman point of view, things start to look very, very different.
If perhaps we start to view other cultures as equally valid and the “other ” as a brother, maybe we would remove our Roman blinkers.
An interesting topic this morning–when there’s nothing but rehash of the tragic life of Smith on the television.
But there are two parts of the history of the Roman collapse which seem missing:
Romans were known for relatively (for that time) fair treatment of the armies they conquered. They took conscripts as “tax” (or penalties), moved them to different parts of the world, and allowed them to earn citizenship through service. So there were Magyars from (the general area of Hungary) defending Hadrian’s wall. While they only had their “professionalism” in common with the regulars, this created a sort of egalitarianism in the army, especially at the end. There was also a general acceptance of various religions within the army.
This is an area where our country has probably gone in the opposite direction. Rome’s army actually outlasted the empire (at least in England, where the “mythological” King Arthur’s court was actually probably a remnant of a resident army, cut off from its head, trying to re-establish some order.)
Another diary on this site today talks about the “Bad week” for the Republicans, but in fact documents the disintegration in the Pentagon. And even more importantly, the “ultra Christian” Air Force Academy (Dobson’s kindergarten) has crumbled into a porn-and-cheating scandal. We are losing the army before the fall of “Rome.”
The second area where we are quite different is with respect to immigration. Rome gradually accepted and incorporated minorities from all over the world. We are trying to circle the wagons and shoot inward.
Yet Rome lasted over 400 years. Our nation isn’t even there yet.
It was however significant that Britain took up an enormous proportion of the army relative to its size. It’s also significant that there was great openness to new ideas in Britain and most of the chieftains became a Romano-British elite. The way the Romans used their recruits is also quite interesting in that they usually, as you note, garrisoned foreign troops to avoid revolts. Something that has again not been fully learned in Iran.
The religion thing is also significant as the most popular cult in the legions was that of Mithras. That shares many themes with Christianity. The Romans themselves tended to adopt local deities as either manifestations of their own Gods or as a personal or domestic deity.
It’s also significant that when the Empire fell, and the “Emperor” called the British troops home, some of them (generations of professional soldiers who had lived in Britain) just didn’t come home. They were so disappointed in the lack of government, they just stayed in Britain.
I’m reminded (perhaps inappropriately) of Jim Webb, a soldier’s soldier, father and son serving this country…who is so disappointed with civilian leadership. What a bright and professional man.
On a lighter note, the late, great sci-fi author Philip K. Dick genuinely believed that the Roman Empire never really died, but that we’re still living in it. See especially his amazing novel Valis.
All countries that existed prior to Rome had armies supported by the state, peopled by professional (trained and paid) soldiers and officers. Just because the history of those countries does not describe them as “standing” does not mean that, in fact, they were not professional. Egytptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks all had such armies. And the Greeks even had a Navy whose officers were paid, even though many of the “common rowers” were slaves.
What they didn’t have were standing armies of occupation, such as we have had in Germany and Japan following WWII and how have in various countries throughout the Mid-East. Alexander tried to leave a standing army of ocupation behind him in India, but it was culturally absorbed.
What was truly unique to Rome up to that point in time was the application of law universally throughout its empire administered via bureaucracy, contrary to the author’s contention. One might argue that the exportation of the Roman lifestyle throughout its empire was also uniquely Roman. Certainly, historical accounts are full of homesick Roman administrators, generals, and administrators who longed to return to the Eternal City in spite of their efforts to Romanzie their surroundings.
I’ve always found it interesting that “going native” was apparently not as customary to Roman occupation forces as other armies. That may be attributable to another specific quality of the Roman civilization, which was to keep its occupation forces busy with engineering projects beyond fort-building. Hadrian’s Wall between England and Scotland, the aquaduct system that circulated water across France, and the innumerable paved highways are but three examples.
Very interesting diary. Terry Jones is a great man. He came out with some of the most critical pieces of Bush in The Guardian, I believe, once the madness started.
I think you are confusing two issues here. One is whether all cultures are equally “valid”, and the other is whether different societies should be nice to each other, that is, treat each other as if they were equally valid.
Let me give some examples. I would say that the political culture in Washington is so corrupt that it is equally valid with the political culture of Iran. Furthermore, having met a devout Iranian who used to be in the post-Shah Iranian government, I would say that Iranian political culture is more valid than the culture of the Bush White House. But I would also say that there is no question that the cultures of countries like France and Germany are more valid than the culture of Iran. French and German culture is based on the idea that man is free; Iranian culture is based on an arbitrary superstition. The idea that man is free is the highest value. Islamic cultures explicitly reject this value, as can be seen when one notes that “Islam” means submission.
More generally, although it is well known that during the Middle Ages, the Islamic world was more advanced than Europe, today there can be no question that European culture is more valid than Islamic culture. Europe’s cultural achievements are much greater: just consider classical music, art, philosophy, science, technology, and democracy. There is no Arab Beethoven, Kant, or Newton.
Still that does not mean that America and Europe should not treat the Islamic world as an equal and a brother, reject imperialism, and allow Islamic societies to develop in their own way, without imposing Western models on them.
Putin spoke some blunt words in criticizing the Bush administration at the Munich Security Conference attended by delegates from 40 countries, including leading U.S. senators.
See my new diary –
Putin’s Denunciation of US policy at Munich Conference
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Would recommend this twice if I could.
Terry Jones, the Romans… Sorry, I can’t help:
REG: Yeah. All right, Stan. Don’t labour the point. And what have [the Romans] ever given us in return?!
XERXES: The aqueduct?
REG: What?
XERXES: The aqueduct.
REG: Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that’s true. Yeah.
COMMANDO #3: And the sanitation.
LORETTA: Oh, yeah, the sanitation, Reg. Remember what the city used to be like?
REG: Yeah. All right. I’ll grant you the aqueduct and the sanitation are two things that the Romans have done.
MATTHIAS: And the roads.
REG: Well, yeah. Obviously the roads. I mean, the roads go without saying, don’t they? But apart from the sanitation, the aqueduct, and the roads–
COMMANDO: Irrigation.
XERXES: Medicine.
COMMANDOS: Huh? Heh? Huh…
COMMANDO #2: Education, Health…
REG: Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.
COMMANDO #1: And the wine.
COMMANDOS: Oh, yes. Yeah…
FRANCIS: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something we’d really miss, Reg, if the Romans left. Huh.
COMMANDO: Public baths.
LORETTA: And it’s safe to walk in the streets at night now, Reg.
FRANCIS: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let’s face it. They’re the only ones who could in a place like this.
COMMANDOS: Hehh, heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
REG: All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
XERXES: Brought peace.
REG: Oh. Peace? Shut up!