Obama is going to be on 60 Minutes. What would it take if I ran for President to get a gig on 60 Minutes. Yeah, how did this guy shoot out of nowhere to be a serious contender? Maybe it’s because, unlike Dennis Kucinich or Tom Vilsack, he can get booked on 60 Minutes whenver he wants to…including on the day of his official announcement. But the media doesn’t dictate who’s electable….nah.
Awaiting fluff piece…
Kucinich, who’s that? Obama already has more coverage than Kucinich probably has had in all his years in office and running for president before.
The media dictate whose running-imagine that. I’d say that they’ve decided on Clinton/Obama horserace with maybe Edwards thrown into the mix. I suspect Edwards is going to have an uphill battle to get coverage.
Obama raised over $21 million in a short time. Heard on NPR
Look for an Edwards-Obama ticket in ’08…unless there’s a successful draft for my man, Al Gore.
Hillary may also take the nomination but 20 months is a very long campaign… that she’ll not win.
Hillary (and I’ll most likely be flamed for this) has a little of George W. She will not admit to mistakes. This weekend in NH was not helpful to her attempting to take the wind for Obama’s launch.
Hillary: I didn’t vote for Pre-emptive war
hillary (and i’ll most likely be flamed for this) has a little of george w. she will not admit to mistakes.
what!! how can you say that!! that’s ridiculous! that’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard!!!!
hillary doesn’t have a little of george w!!
she’s got a ton of george w in that black little heart of hers!
I gotta say though, I’m no fan of Kucinich. I can’t put a finger on it without a lot of thought, but I don’t trust him, and just get a negative vibe. And this after having seen him speak in person and having shaken his hand.
So glad I’m not alone in that. There’s just something so…I don’t know! But I DO know I don’t trust him fully. Maybe he’s kind of whiny. Maybe it’s his anti-choice position (until Katha Pollit beat it out of him–at least publicly, anyway). Maybe it’s using the war as an issue to run another campaign instead of really doing the work, a la Reps. Waters and Woolsey.
He just annoys the hell out of me, and that bothers me, but I can’t help how I feel. I know he makes lots of progressives swoon. I just don’t trust him.
One thing you know about Dennis, though: if he becomes President, he won’t hold up Los Angeles International Airport for an hour while he gets an expensive haircut.
That’s the biggest thing I have against Obama. The embarrassing spectacle of the corporate media stumbling over themselves to embrace him.
I think they know Hillary is a non-starter with a lot of people, and are looking for someone equally opportunistic to fill her slot.
The Boston Globe “embraced” Obama’s announcement on page A18 yesterday, while a little visit by Clinton to NH got a front-page above-the-fold photo and headline.
Yeah, clearly they’re all irrational about Obama.
This message from our CEO was in our in-house newsletter Friday. I think it pretty neatly sums up what we’re about.
Ralph Nader
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
The Three Musketeers.
These are all names that sound very good to the corporate fascists who steal elections since every thief needs a pretext…
An effort or strategy intended to conceal something.
They can steal another election because…
dot dot dot…
America is not ready for a woman in the role of president.
Mid-dull America is not ready for ethnic-categories-other with odd-sounding names in the role of president.
All they need is something to rationalize their theft (of yet another election) which will be broadcast by their obsequious minions The Corporate Media.
It’s a different fight and I resent, totally resent, those who reduce it to the person and their fitness to be president.
Get a clue.
Right ON!
How does Ralph Nader’s name sound very good to corporate fascists who steal elections?
AS a vote splitter, ala 2000.
That’s a relatively small reason for corporations to love Nader. Gore won the 2000 election, and he won Florida, so you can’t blame Bush’s being president on Nader. Gore didn’t stand up for legality when the US Supreme Court robbed him of his victory. Why didn’t he make a speech saying that Bush had stolen the election, instead of conceding? That did much more harm than anything Nader has ever done.
Nader was on the Daily Show last week, and he said that Gore won the popular vote and he won Florida. How often do you hear Democrats drawing attention to those facts?
speaking in a book store on C-SPAN’s “Road to the White House” tonight. They were extremely impressive.
Of course, to the big media, Kucinich is a joke.
What did it take?
Oh, and saying to the nuclear power industry that they have a place at the table.
I think you have to concede that Obama has the talent of being able to communicate effectively with many people. I don’t think you can blame the media for that.
Yes, that’s correct, but that doesn’t stop Obama from being a shill for the Democratic Leadership Counsel. A good speaker, and Obama is, does not mean a good president who will uphold the values of equality, good will, and peace.
Anyway, Obama is just raising his profile with the public in this round. He’ll come around again in 2012 to sweep the presidency.
America IS ready for a non-WASP, non-male non-blue-eyed president, I don’t care what anyone says. Look at the demographics of this country. It’s browner and browner with more and more feminine leaders. Hurrah! We ARE ready for an Obama-like president, or a woman.
Let’s just not make it fucking backstabbing flipflop Hillary or Barack, who, like RealHistoryLisa’s distrust of Kucinich, I don’t trust for one second. He’s a lawyer! 🙂 snark.
He is extremely effective at saying an awful lot without communicating anything of substance. That is the chief feature of his rhetoric.
It is very hard for me to decide who I find more irritating, Hillary or Obama.
All I can say is a repeat of what one blogger said last week somewhere, I don’t remember.
“If Cheney dies, just think, Bush would become president!”
Draft Gore!
Seriously, this is the most pathetic field we’ve had in years.
I want Al Gore, dammit!
i think this is the strongest field we’ve ever had. And I can quite forget that Al Gore wanted Joe Lieberman to be his vice-president. If it were not for a buttterfly ballot (and perhaps a blue gap dress) we would all be pulling together to get Joe Lieberman elected president right now….thanks to Al Gore. I was a Bradley man, and I’ll never be a Gore man.
Really! Bradley is a really smart guy – I can totally see the appeal.
I’d like to think the Al Gore of today would never go for Lieberman again under any circumstances. I feel he’s finally found his own skin again, after losing it to politics for years.
But would he shed it again and jump into whatever bunny suit advisors handed him were he to run again? I guess that remains to be seen.
He had 200 million to choose from and he chose Lieberman. Why should I ever trust him again. Why do you think I worked so hard to defeat him in the primary? Because he was the kind of swine that would nominate a Lieberman. I am supposed to forgive him because he discovered Bush is an a-hole that the earth is getting hot?
Above and beyond everything else, Gore has run for President repeatedly. Could we take that into consideration? He was awful in ’88 – remember Ed Koch dragging him around Manhattan by his collar? – then, ineffectual in ’92 (until Bubba rescued him), erratic in 2000 with his freaking ‘lockbox’.. None of what he’s done lately, including his environmental advocacy, has involved demonstrating that his retail political skills have improved one whit, and yet legions seem ready to follow him over the cliff just one more time. If Al fixed global warming, single-handedly, it still wouldn’t atone for the Lieberman nomination.
I’m not convinced he would make a good candidate. But I’m very convinced he would make a good president!
Just curious:
How many folks have read any of Obama’s books, or studied his policy statements, or checked out his voting record? This guy is NOT smoke and mirrors. He’s got substance, and he’s authentic. My first impression of his speech yesterday was, “You can’t fake that!”
Peace Meme
I got his latest book as a Christmas present and I have read a good deal of it. It is very uneven. Overall, I find it boring, but I also find it very impressive. It’s hard to explain how both things can be true, but that is my impression of his book.
As a pol, I do not find him boring. I think he has real potential. Kind of like Clinton, you need to witness him in action, live, and it doesn’t translate all that well to the written word.
Comments on Obama here are pretty shallow and embarrassing.
You write:
How? What would it take?
Get real.
He’s a PRO, BooMan.
With talent.
He plays the game well.
He has hired the right spinners and kissed the right asses for four years and more. He has instant image. And he can talk on his feet.
Of course the talk is all spin, but…he’s a pro.
He sees an opening, and he’s taking his shot.
“I saw my opportunities, and I took ’em.” George Washingon Plunkitt, Tammany Hall ward heeler on the late 1800s.
Politics ALWAYS has the same rules.
It’s just the stakes that change.