This isn’t me and my personal opinion talking, it’s a former Bush administration official who worked at the National Security Council (via NEWSWEEK Magazine):
At least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran. “They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something [America] would be forced to retaliate for,” says Hillary Mann, the administration’s former National Security Council director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs.
When Bush’s own people start ratting he and Cheney out, it’s time for Congress to stand up and take action before it is too late. This wasn’t some low level functionary, but the NSC director for Iran and the Persian Gulf for chrissakes! And the news only gets worse:
A second Navy carrier group is steaming toward the Persian Gulf, and NEWSWEEK has learned that a third carrier will likely follow. Iran shot off a few missiles in those same tense waters last week, in a highly publicized test. With Americans and Iranians jousting on the chaotic battleground of Iraq, the chances of a small incident’s spiraling into a crisis are higher than they’ve been in years.
Three US carriers. Mounting tensions in Iraq. Criss-crossing accusations of alleged kidnapping of Iranian officials in Iraq (alleged by Iran) and the killing of US troops by “terrorists” supplied with Iranian armaments (alleged by the US). This is spiraling out of control, while the Senate can’t even muster a vote on a non-binding resolution against Bush’s Iraq escalation. And then there’s this chilling sentence near the end of the Newsweek article:
Sunni insurgents in Iraq need only kill some Americans and plant Iranian IDs nearby to start a full-scale war.
What’s left unsaid is that if Sunni insurgents could do that, what’s to stop elements of the CIA or US Special Forces from doing the same thing, under the direct orders of our government (i.e., the Office of the Vice President)? Absolutely nothing.
he USS Ronald Reagan is the third carrier in question:
They may want to rename it the USS Sitting Duck. I’m not sure these carriers are well shielded from Iranian missiles. Our poor service people are going to be in a world of sh*t if this goes down. Not to mention the ones in Iraq.
Steven D, table is set. Evidence roll out is crap.
Prof. Juan Cole warns NYT Falls for Bogus Iran Weapons Charges…Repeat of Judy Miller Scandal.
And the “*evidence grows That White House Planned to Relase Cooked Intel on Iran,” notes Thinkprogress
btw, you a typo in first graph…cited as TIME but link is Newsweek via MSNBC.
Thanks — I’m such an idiot sometimes.
happens even with Princes.
But seriously your post is spot on.
Monday Edition of The Independent, UKreads:
Target: Tehran
US dossier on bomb attacks builds case for war with Iran
Khamenei accused of supplying arms to Iraq rebels
Defiant Iran to press ahead with nuclear programme
Article not yet posted online.
From the article. US is scoffed at.
Target Tehran: Washington sets stage for a new confrontation
Unlikely to stop Cheney.
This should not be surprising. Patrick Cockburn is a leftie, the brother of Alexander Cockburn, the co-editor of Counterpunch. Patrick is one of the best journalists covering the Iraq war.
The Independent has an explicitly advocatory editorial policy, that is, they do not require their reporters to maintain “balance”.
Degrading labels. Counterpunch fills the void in allowing a forum to air, in depth, the other side of issues. Glad you read the journal.
The Cockburns manage to expose the lies, get things right. That’s not just balance that’s truth telling. Perhaps righties should become lefties.
Point me to a newspaper that does not have an advocatory editorial policy
Umm, Iran IS being set up.
You might want Read this!
It looks like another “Bubba will believe anything” sales job going on here.
That’s almost funny-the supposed Iranian explosives using the English language instead of Persian.
Well, as a minor correction is necessary.
Iranians use their own solar calendar, not the “Islamic” lunar calendar. It is known as the Jalali Calendar, and the year is 1385.
You can convert the dates using the page at
“”>Iran Chamber
Link correction
Over at ET, a geezer in paris caught this little gem.
So would that make four carrier groups in the area?
Set for Spring. April is being named the month as we connect more of the dots.
there will be an accident, a thump in the night.
around here, we’ve serviced our bikes.
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it. – The Hunt for Red October
I thought I had read somewhere in the last week that bushco got Blair on board and he also is sending several british naval carriers to the area……..maybe I was dreaming because so far my googling hasn’t pulled up anything like that.
I can’t believe we are watching this happen…again. A step by step propaganda and military buildup to war. I think they are going to let Israel go to town on the reactor sites and dare Iran to strike back. It will not be a subtle provocation. This is going to be a nightmare. Bush and Cheney are so incredibly stupid.
Chris Mathews got nearly apoplectic with Congressman Eric Cantor(R-VA) on Hardball Thursday – and no wonder:
Video here. So much for Article I.
This entire topic is mind-boggling. Yet it seems as if something is about to happen: the same sense of inevitability as in early 2003 is emerging.
Nice wrap-up in the current Newsweek.
Oh for Chrissake. The designation of two countries as mortal enemies of the U.S. was done simply to camouflage the intended target of an upcoming invasion – and so that our narcissistic pinhead of a ‘Decider’ could feel heroic and impress his Daddy. Makes you nostalgic for the old Nixon/Kissinger realpolitik, or the hardheaded cronyism of Consigliere Jimmy Baker.
The most interesting thing about the article is how it’s the Iranians who come across as reasonable and pragmatic and American decision makers whose sophistication in these matters seems barely above the level of drunken fraternity brothers (apologies to any d.f.b. out there).
A long time ago (a year, at least) you were the first to break the news here that the Administration was preparing for war in Iran. I can’t find it in the archives. Would like to see again how prescient you were.
The guys who are running this government continue to amaze with their stupidity.
If you remember retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner he has recently chimed in on the plans for Iran.
To get a glimpse of where he comes from, be sure to read the PDF file on the above page entitled “Truth From These Podia” by Gardiner on the misinformation campaign prior to and during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
To see what he has to say about Iran check out this page.
He recently appeared on Ian Masters’ Sunday radio program (see the January 20,2007 program notes) in which he discussed this situation. An mp3 file is available at the site.
This is a quote from the show. I transcribed this myself, and may have gotten a few words wrong, but it is close to exact, and certainly the sense is right.
Speaking about Iran, Col. Gardiner said, in response to the question by Masters “When would the trigger be pulled?
Unbelievable. Watching the same train wreck getting ready to happen again. Listen to the whole interview if you are interested.
How sad for OUR nation. Sorry for shouting.