Maybe it is time to turn off the lights. Maybe John Howard and Pat Robertson and Dick Cheney and Douglas Feith are right. The terrorists really are winning.
That’s because the terrorists have been winning in the United States for a long time.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1765 when they refused to pay the Stamp Act tax, which financed the very soldiers that protected our freedom and our borders with the French and “Indians”. Many terrorists resisted paying this tax up to and including the “Boston Tea Party” terrorist incident in 1773.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1787 when a group of terrorists led by Daniel Shays resisted a law that said even incredibly impoverished people must pay taxes (resulting from the Revolutionary War) or go to jail. The government of Massachussetts raised an army because at the time the federal government was prohibited from doing so. The state hired 4,400 mercenaries and crushed the rebellious terrorist citizens.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1789 back when they were writing up Article 1 of the American Constitution. Back then all “free persons” had to make sure only they could vote so that “other persons” (slaves) could not destroy the freedoms and liberties that make America great.
The founding fathers knew that only “free” (white) males of wealth were able to properly spread freedom. They made sure that Senators could not be directly elected until 1913. They made sure women could not vote until 1920. “Other persons” were technically granted the right to vote in 1868 but this did not become reality until 1964. A poll tax was installed to prevent poor people from voting and this was not removed entirely until 1964 as well.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1791 back when they resisted paying taxes on alcohol they were making themselves from their own grain. Luckily the federal government assembled an army (the same size as the one that fought Britain in the Revolutionary War) and arrested 20 men and hung one other.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1798 by criticizing the government as it tried to protect us from those who hated our freedom. The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed in order to properly arrest these freedom haters. Unfortunately by 1801 three of the four articles expired and are no longer in effect. Luckily one (the Alien Enemies Act) is still in force today to protect us from these evildoers.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1803 when they tried to prevent the American President from buying the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon, which he had acquired under a secret treaty. Many terrorist sympathizers in Congress felt that this unduly increased the unitary executive’s power but our wise President prevailed, although millions of terrorists living in these territories who had no say in the change of “ownership” would later have to be crushed.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1810 in western Florida by refusing to accept American domination over former Spanish-controlled territory. Luckily a number of brilliant maneuvers by American generals provoked the local garrisons until Spain was forced into ceding this territory. This was later repeated in East Florida in 1819.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1812 when some of the terrorists living in the “Old Northwest” collaborated with Great Britain and so the government was required to declare war pre-emptively against Britain. A series of brilliant military maneuvers led to the destruction of the terrorists supply bases especially in the Great Lakes region. During the war however a lot of New England terrorist sympathizers complained and refused to send troops and even threatened to secede and sometimes even openly collaborated with the terrorists. Andrew Jackson led an army and crushed the Creek nation of terrorists in the American southeast and utterly destroyed their training camps and operating bases.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1816 in parts of Spanish-controlled Florida by giving refuge to “other persons”, many of them escaped “other persons” from Georgia. American military forces crushed the Negro Fort to spread freedom to these “other persons” and their terrorist sympathizing native allies. Similar actions continued from 1816-1818 in what was known as the “First Seminole War” against the terrorists in northern Florida.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1823 when they criticized the President’s “Monroe Doctrine” which continues in various forms today. This doctrine gave the United States the sole right to spread freedom to the entire Western Hemisphere and invaded or occupy any country which needed democratic and freedom tendencies brought to their peoples.
The terrorists threatened our freedom from 1822-1825 by permitting naval pirate terrorists to operate from Cuban territory. American forces were required to briefly invade Cuba several times in this period to spread freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1827 in Greece by giving harbor and refuge to naval terrorist pirates. American forces were required to invade three islands to spread freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in the southeastern United States in the 1830’s by refusing to relocate to properly secured reservations so that freedom lovers could farm and make good use of their land. Vast numbers of terrorists had to be relocated and they resisted this action done for their own good by giving it highly inflammatory names like the “Trail of Tears”.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1832 in the island of Sumatra (now Indonesia) by opposing the operation of American naval vessels in their territory. American troops were required to invade and crush the natives in the town of Quallah Battoo so that freedom could be spread. This later had to be repeated in 1838 and 1838 and American forces were required to occupy two cities for some months to secure freedom there.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1833 in Argentina in Buenos Aires as locals demanding independence and self-government threatened United States business interests and property. American forces were forced to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1835 and 1836 in two different cities in Peru when locals attempted to obtain independence. American forces were forced to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1836 by not wanting Texas to be annexed by the United States. The terrorists and their allies in the Mexican government tried to prevent this but by 1845 the territory became part of the United States and freedom was bestowed to all of its citizens.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1840 in Fiji for interfering with Americans in the region who were exploring for commercial resources. American forces were forced to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1843 in China after local people attempted to interfere with American companies doing business in the city known as Canton. American forces were forced to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1844 by resisting calls for the United States to bring freedom and democracy to more people in the northwest, known then as the Oregon territory. Terrorist sympathizers in Congress pressured the President to back down from the 54th parallel and eventually a treaty was signed with Britain to create the northern limit at the 49th parallel, where it still is today.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1847 by provoking the American government into a war with Mexico when Mexico and its freedom-hating sympathizers refused to accept the annexation of Texas to bring freedom to its citizens. Most significantly, the Mexican government refused to accept the new Texan border that the United States had pre-emptively established further south than had been originally established. After the “Thornton Affair” the federal government of the United States invaded Mexico. At the end of the war the Mexican government was forced to cede the states of California, Nevada, Utah (all of them) and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming to the United States so that freedom could be expanded. Mexico’s territory was reduced to roughly half its former size.
The terrorists threatened our freedom during this war by refusing to pay taxes to support it. This included a writer named Henry David Thoreau who wrote an essay called “Civil Disobedience” which has inspired terrorists and their sympathizers until this day.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Turkey in 1849 in the city now known as Izmir when the local authorities seized a single American citizen. American forces were forced to invade to secure his freedom.
The terrorists kept terrorizing Americans in Turkey and so in 1851 so once again an American force was required to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom between 1789 and 1849 by refusing to cede their lands to freedom to American settlers and a number of wars had to be fought to crush these rebellions of people who claimed they were “natives” of the region. The terrorists and their sympathizers opposed what was quite clearly the United States’ divinely mandated “Manifest Destiny” to bring freedom to all.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1853 by criticizing the dispatching of the American Navy to Japan to spread freedom and capitalism at gunpoint under the leadership of Commodore Matthew Perry.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1854 until 1858 in Nicaragua when local people attempted to resist the coupster government of American citizen William Walker who came to power in 1856. Terrorist sympathizers criticized leading American capitalists such as Vanderbilt and Charles Morgan for supporting Walker’s presidency so that Nicaraguan territory could be used to ship goods from the American east to the American west more rapidly. Other terrorist sympathizers criticized Walker’s regime for legalizing slavery which had been outlawed in 1824. Unfortunately the terrorists ended up winning and the U.S. Navy was forced to escort Walker to safety and a hero’s welcome in the United States in 1857.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1855 in Uruguay when locals attempting to gain independence threatened American business interests in the capital of Montevideo. American forces were required to invade to protect freedom. Regrettably this action had to be repeated in 1858.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1859 in China after local people attempted to interfere with American companies doing business in the city known as Shanghai. American forces were forced to invade to protect the freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1860 in Colombia after local people agitated for independence and threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom between 1861 and 1865 by trying to secede from the federal government. Hundreds of thousands of citizens paid the ultimate price to secure liberty in the land and to defend the primacy of the federal government to spread freedom and liberty to all. The terrorist sympathizers heavily criticized such wise acts by the President as suspending habeas corpus. Eventually a terrorist named John Wilkes Booth committed a heinous act of terrorism by killing the President.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Panama when locals agitated for independence and threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1867 for criticizing the President when he purchased the territory of Alaska from Russia so that freedom could continue to march ever onward.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in the Black Hills region of South Dakota when they tried to prevent gold miners from entering the territory of the Sioux tribe. The military had to crush these terrorists so that capitalism and freedom loving values could be allowed to operate freely.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1882 in Egypt when locals who were seeking independence threatened American business interests in Alexandria. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1888 when locals who were potentially going to organize to demand independence (from Japan) threatened American business interests in Seoul. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1894 in Brazil when locals who were fighting a civil war threatened American business interests in Rio de Janeiro. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom between 1894-1896 in Korea during the Chinese-Japanese War when they threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1898 when the people of Hawaii refused to accept a government of businessmen after they executed a coup against the ruling royal family for the good of the people of Hawaii. Many terrorist sympathizers up to this day have criticized the fact that the United States officially recognized this coup government and then annexed the territory as a state.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1898 for questioning the validity of a terrorist strike against the U.S.S. Maine in Manila Harbor in Cuba. War had to be declared with Spain and Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines had to under military occupation for many years. After the Filipinos had been liberated, a number of dead enders continued to resist the spread of democracy and freedom by American troops until 1913.
Unfortunately terrorist sympathizers in the Congress pressured the United States to relinquish control over Cuba to the Cuban people in 1902 but thankfully the Cuban government created a constitution which granted the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and supervise its finances. Later the Platt Amendment was signed which gave the United States the naval base at Guantanamo Bay which is still being used today to protect our freedoms.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in China in 1900 during the “Boxer Rebellion” in which the locals attempted to resist western colonization. American troops were forced to invade and a permanent military base was established in Peking (now Beijing).
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1903 by criticizing the partitioning of what is now the nation of Panama from the nation of Colombia. The terrorist sympathizers said that this was done solely to gain control over the narrowest portion of Central America so that a canal could be built to facilitate the spread of freedom and capitalism. The American government was forced to militarily occupy Panama from 1903-1914 to spread freedom.
Other terrorist sympathizers criticized the Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty which gave the United States the right to control the Panama Canal. It’s worth noting that these same sympathizers promoted the “Torrijos-Carter” Treaty in 1977 which stated that Panama would gain control over the Canal in 2000 although thankfully the United States retained the right to militarily intervene to protect freedom. Some terrorist sympathizers criticized the 1989 invasion of Panama and the forcible kidnap of the country’s leader when he refused to appoint the correct individual to administer the Canal.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1903 in the Dominican Republic when locals demanding independence threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in in Beirut (now Lebanon) in 1903 when locals demanding independence threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to intervene to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom between 1899 and 1904 in the west Pacific (collectively known as American Samoa) by opposing the onward march of freedom. By 1904 these islands had luckily become American occupied territories under full control of the United States but without all of the rights and benefits of being full citizens. The people of American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico continue today to need the guidance of freedom loving people in the United States to instill the ideas of democracy and freedom in their hearts since they’re not quite ready to vote in American elections.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1909 in Nicaragua when locals agitating for independence threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to intervene and protect democracy with a military occupation until 1933.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1911 in Honduras when locals fighting a civil war threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom. This action had to be repeated again in 1912.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Mexico between 1914-1917 when the Mexican government refused to control its borders. American troops were forced to invade Mexico and capture the city of Vera Cruz in order to punish these wrongdoers.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Haiti as locals were unable to create a free and democratic government. American forces were forced to militarily occupy Haiti from 1915-1934.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1918 when they resisted the President’s signing into law a new Sedition Act which outlawed all dissent. Hundreds of people, including Eugene Debs, were imprisoned. Unfortunately the law was repealed in 1921 by terrorist sympathizers in the Congress.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1918 in Russia when locals fighting a civil war threatened American business and geopolitical interests. Thousands of American troops were forced to invade and spread freedom but unfortunately these efforts ultimately failed and American troops were forced to withdraw in 1919.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Croatia in 1919 when local Serb inhabitants resisted their Italian colonizers. American forces were forced to intervene to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Honduras when locals agitating for independence threatened American business interests. American forces were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1925 in Panama when locals were agitating for labor rights that threatened American business interests. American troops were forced to invade to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Nicaragua beginning in 1926. An anti-American general came to power and American forces were forced to invade and had to remain until 1933 to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1927 in China as China underwent a civil war and a war against Japan. Thousands of American troops were required to invade to protect freedom and they were not withdrawn until 1941.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1940 when they opposed the “Smith Act” which made it obligatory to register all non-citizens in the United States. This act was later used to prosecute hundreds of people solely for being Communist until it was repealed in 1957.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1942 when 120,000 American citizens of Japanese heritage created the potential for collaborating with the enemy and so had to be forcibly detained in concentration camps.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1941 in Greenland and Iceland when they opposed the United States’ need for these territories to fight World War 2. American troops were required to be stationed there and continue to operate out of Iceland until this day as Iceland is incapable of maintaining its own military.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in the Philippines between 1945 and 1946 as part of the fighting in World War 2 and the American military was forced to occupy the country to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Korea between 1950-1953 in what is commonly called the “Korean War” but was actually a police action (undeclared war by Congress). Over 36,000 American troops gave their lives to protect American business and geopolitical interests in the southern half of the peninsula.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Taiwan between 1950-1955 when the mainland Chinese government (operated by freedom hating Communists) threatened the exiled dictatorship of the Kuomintang. American forces were required to be deployed to protect the American allied government of Taiwan.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Guatemala in 1954 when the democratically elected president threatened American business interests. American forces were required to orchestrate a coup and install a military dictatorship to protect freedom.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in Vietnam starting in 1955 when American troops were forced to start giving “technical assistance” to the southern government.
The terrorists threatened our freedom in 1958 in Lebanon when the locals attempted to overthrow their government. The president asked for an American military intervention and a revolt by the oppressed Muslin (then) minority was crushed.
After this time you probably know all about these actions so I’ll just list them briefly.
1962 – US troops landed in Thailand because of the Communist “pressure”
1963 – CIA orchestrated coup against democratic government of Iraq
1962-1975 – US troops operating in Laos
1964 – DR Congo (Zaire) US troops support one side of civil war fighters
1964 – US troops give show of support to military coup
1959-1975 – Vietnam War, never declared by Congress
1965 – US troops (20,000 of them) invade Dominican Republic to crush revolt
1967 – DR Congo (Zaire) once more US troops aid in crushing revolutionaries
1968 – US orchestrated another coup in Iraq
1970 – US troops fight in Cambodia, various operations continue until 1975
1971 – US intervenes to force India from supporting Bangladesh but this backfires and as a result Pakistan loses but becomes a firm US ally
1972 – US orchestrates coup in Chile
1978 – DR Congo (Zaire) US troops once again provide support
1980 – US attempts to invade Iran to free hostages but fails
1981 – US sends military “advisers” to El Salvador and later funds dictatorship during the civil war
1981 – US shoots down two Libyan planes over Libyan territory
1982 – US troops land in Beirut and remain until 1983
1983 – US troops invades and occupies nation of Grenada
1983-1989 – US troops operate in Honduras to train and protect “Contras”
1985 – US Navy pilots force an Egyptian airliner to land in Italy in order to detain terrorists who were traveling on board
1986 – US forces bomb the capital of Libya in retaliation for an attack on a nightclub in Germany
1987-1988 – US naval forces actively support Iraq during Iraq-Iran war and fight several battles against Iran
1989 – US forces once again shoot down Libyan planes for “demonstrating hostile intentions”
1989 – US forces invade Panama and kidnap the Panamanian leader in defiance of UN resolutions and despite a lack of Congressional approval
1991 – US forces fight war against Iraq and re-install dictatorship in Kuwait
1991 – DR Congo (Zaire) US troops once again assist during revolts
1992-2003 – In Iraq US military enforces “no fly zones” which were never once authorized or created by the United Nations but were simply decided upon by the US and British goverments
1992-1993 – US troops invade Somalia per a UN resolution
1993 – US troops invade and occupy Bosnia. Troops remain to this day.
1993-1994 – US troops enter Macedonia to “protect stability”
1993-1995 Approximately 20,000 US troops sent to Haiti to protect stability
1998 – Several missiles were launched against Afghanistan and Sudan
1999-2001 – Small contingent of US troops sent to East Timor as part of a UN mission
1999 – US troops and NATO forces bomb Serbia and occupy Kosovo to this day.
2000 – US troops permanently stationed in Yemen
2001 – US attacked on 9/11 because terrorists “hate our freedom”
2001 – Passage of the USPATRIOT Act.
2001 – Invasion and occupation of Afghanistan begins
2002 – US troops begin limited bombing in Yemen against Al-Qaeda suspects
2002 – US troops and “technical advisers” assist government against rebellions. Continues to this day.
2003 – US invades and occupies Iraq
2003 – US troops set up permanent military base in Djibouti
2003 – US troops and “technical advisers” assist government in Georgia
2004 – US overthrows government of Haiti
2004 – US troops stationed in Kenya and Ethiopia
2006 – US forces conduct airstrike in northwestern Pakistan
2007 – US forces bomb Somalia at least twice and possibly conduct ground combat operations in or near Ras Kamboni.
Now I realize you probably skimmed through most of this and that’s fine. My point here is obviously that at one time or another all of these things occurred and were (or still are) supported by people using the rhetoric that anyone who opposes it is aiding the enemy or being unpatriotic.
I used the word “terrorist” because that’s the current name for the “bad guys”. At various other times in history the “bad guys” were known as “Communists”, “Socialists”, “labor agitators”, “Japanese Americans”, “German Americans”, “British”, “Indians”, “traitors” and a variety of other terms.
My point is not that all of the military operations and restrictions civil liberties listed above are de facto wrong or not. These can all be debated. My point is only that extremist rhetoric was and has always been used by supporters against those who opposed these policies.
I also just wanted to maybe spread a little American history as well π
Please forgive me for not responding as I am absolutely slammed with work today.
I also apologize for condensing and skipping over two other significant modern events.
One is the “War on Drugs” which is actually the war on drug users. Besides imprisoning and ruining the lives of millions of Americans it has also wreaked havoc in the stability of several countries from Afghanistan to Mexico to Colombia. American troops have also been actively deployed in Peru, Bolivia and Colombia at various times during this “war” and billions of dollars spent.
Second is the largely underreported “War on Terror” that involves American troops in parts of Africa including Chad, Algeria and now Western Africa. Sorry for not going into this further but like I said I’m super busy today.
Fan-freakin’-tastic, Soj.
Please crosspost to as well – it’s great to see this laid out like this.
I really am swamped with (offline) work. Feel free to steal it or post it anywhere you like though especially if you fix all the mistakes and add all kinds of other super awesome information I forgot π
there sure are a lot of terrorists around!
That’s the whole point. There’s always SOMEONE to hate, someone’s land to invade and someone to threaten us with so that we have to compromise our values in the name of security.
It’s been that way since before even the Declaration of Independence and continues to right this moment.
I am terrified!!
Thanks, Pax. Great Diary.
about why we really like invading and killing? The largely fictitious bad guy meme keeps our cosseted people believing that our bads are done for “the good”, and the meme has worked for a long long time.
The unfortunate real truth that those that control our regime dont want anyone knowing is that we have no freedom. Thye go on about this threat to our freedom and that threat to freedom and democracy etc etc, but they have to hide that they are the biggest threat to fredom.
Well here’s the deal. Like a lot of people I’m sure, I have reading material in the bathroom and one of those things I have is the complete works of Mark Twain.
I always find it useful to read his “current affairs” satire stuff such as “To a Person Sitting in Darkness” which deals with the imperial domination of the Philippines. He also writes about what I briefly mentioned in this Diary, how America responded to the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 (which as bad as the US actions were, the Europeans were absolutely brutal).
The United States and Europe had a twin history that unfortunately (for the US) diverged at World War 2.
In 1776, both Americans and Europeans believed white males were inherently superior to everyone else. Europeans believed that amongst white males those who were of “noble” blood were superior while Americans defined the superior white males simply as those who had property/wealth.
The whole “all men are created equal” meme which is part of the quasi-religious worship of the “founding fathers” is predicated upon a rejection of one being born to “nobility” or a certain station in life. The FF believed if a white male acquired wealth that was sort of divine proof they were fit people to be running the government, sort of a social Darwinism, therefore people were BORN equally able to pursue wealth and status but they sure as h-l didn’t remain equal.
All of the actions up until about 1900 by both USA and Europe were predicated upon this. Either non-white males were outright animals or non-humans (such as black people) or else were “soft minded” creatures (like women) who needed “guidance”. Overthrowing the kingdom of Hawaii and annexing it was always thought to have been for the Hawaiians “own good”, same for Cuba, Haiti, etc. The Monroe Doctrine was for those little brown people’s “own good”.
It took two World Wars where most of the people killing each other were white males before Europeans decided they were about done with that stuff forever, including the death penalty. Even Britain which “won” WW2 let go of 99% of its colonies within 20 years, partly because people at home were sick of using force.
Meanwhile the US (and Russia) got a thirst for it and starting using that wartime-era cranked up industrial complex to project power and colonize the rest of the world in earnest. Russians did it partly out of a sense of superiority but mostly because they were obsessed with territorial security.
But the American government took the Orwellian approach that constant warfare was the tool to political power and it worked. Since WW2 there has been a steady drumbeat that there are enemies “everywhere”. The whole Whitewater/Monica Lewinsky thing was just the right’s identifying that “enemy” as Clinton. Lefties generally identified the “enemy” as Serbs. Others identified the “enemy” as Somali clansmen or “drug dealers” or Panamanian puppets or whoever else.
PNAC put forth a hideous document which we all know but they WERE right. 9/11 was a godsend precisely because it got Americans to all get on the “same page” and start hating the SAME group. It could be Muslims, Russians, Communists, Tutsis, North Koreans, Iranians, Zimbabweans, Venezuelans or hell even Jamaicans. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that hate drives fear and fear drives people to give ever more political power to government and government always, always, always gains power at the expense of the people. Always.
Either I have the right to privacy or the government has the right to strip search me at the airport. We can’t both have that right. So whenever the terrorists are “winning” then by default so is the government. Period. End. Finis.
That’s what I was trying to show by this brief snapshot of American history. A tiny government without even the power to assemble a militia now has bases in 100 countries and is involved in two “hot” wars and about 10 “warm” wars and spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined. And it has always been done because “they”, whoever “they” are, is threatening our freedom/way of life.
when will we like the Europeans have had enough of all the killing etc? Or will we prove to finally be exceptional in never tiring of it?
Damn. Impressive. As usual for soj. Sorry to be slow to read this.
It’s just for your own pleasure I guess, I mean reading this is just if you want to. I realize there are several errors in there now in looking at it. I was just mad so I cranked it out when I heard that utter fool John Howard open his mouth.
Hi soj, well this list could be used to answer that question again of ‘why do they hate us’..
Any American who grows up and does any amount of reading into the history of this country has to realize the divergence of what we are taught as kids about our government and country and some of the actual truths and it sure isn’t pretty(is any country’s history?).
I did read the whole list which had the unfortunate effect of making me just a bit sick thinking of all the mayhem and killing of innocent people or even the not so innocent behind this list.
I don’t have a whole lot of hope that this list will end anytime soon. Hate, fear and prejudice seem destined to never go away.
Your comment reminds me of a documentary I just saw called “American Blackout”. If you’ve seen it I’m curious what your thoughts are.
Near the end, the narrator asks the question about whether Americans are more interested in the “idea” that the USA is a “shining light” of democracy/freedom/etc rather than whether or not its real.
I really think my own answer to that is the idea is much better than the reality for just about everyone. Everyone likes thinking of themselves as free and living in a democracy but not many want to do anything to even make it reality (even to bother to vote) etc. I know I fall in that category myself sadly.
I had to go look up what ‘American Blackout’ was about exactly. Now I’m really looking forward to it coming out on dvd. I know that even before the 2000 election debacle I thought our voting system here was extremely screwed up. I’ve never been able to understand why we don’t have a uniform voting system-one system for the whole country period and that we had a two day voting period to make sure everyone got to vote and that we didn’t have these ridiculously long lines that we continue to see. Then again I’d get rid of the electoral college and make it popular vote wins.
Most Americans want to believe that our country is somehow better than all others in how we do things, no questions asked. If they start asking questions and don’t like the answers than they might have to try and do something about it…and sadly it seems most of the general public here no longer wants to try to make a difference.
kids get (all around the world) is a form of propoganda. What we learn of our own history etc is not meant to be reality.