Crossposted from Town Called Dobson

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First off, Bill Donahue is a prick. Secondly, John Edwards is an idiot for giving in to him. This just smacks of the same weak-kneed Democratary we saw during the first six years of the Bush Administration and frankly, I don’t want to see any more.

If you are considered a bigot because you criticize the Vatican’s stance on abortion, gay marriage, birth control or the pedophile cover-up, count me in. I read the blogger’s posts and their comments and thought none of it belittled Jesus Christ, it did however nail the Vatican and their apologists for their inhumane stance on human rights and the rights of children.

Bush clearly didn’t hear the voice of the people during the last election and I guess John Edwards didn’t either. We are all shit-sick of George W. Bush, the war in Iraq AND wimpy Democrats.

I want them all gone.